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Meeting Information


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held at City Hall rm 416 1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102

The minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Commission on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up

1. (ACTION) Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 5:15 pm. Comm. Hale was present at the gavel. Comm. Grossman arrived at 5:20 pm. The CPO and Ed Lopatin represented the Dept.
2. (ACTION) Review and approval of Finance Committee meeting minutes of Nov. 14, 2001.
The minutes were approved as written.
Public comments
There was none.
3. (ACTION) Review and possible action to recommend Capital Improvement Budget to full Commission.
Ed Lopatin reviewed the fact that this is an annual activity, which had already been presented to the Facilities Committee. Each year, the Dept has gotten about the same amounts to take care of its facilities needs. This amounted to about $250K for the YGC complex, $60K for LCR, $20K for HVR. He further explained that the Dept is asked to submit a budget of approx. $750K each yr for the next five. The Dept has always had more needs and has submitted additionally a document that shows the extent of these needs, above the amount provided by the City. This has served the purpose of showing the City how much has been unattended to, and puts the requested budget into perspective for the Mayor’s finance staff. Lopatin hopes that there will be funds above and beyond the $750K budget, that will come for continuing the JH replacement project, however the City’s overall fiscal health will affect the ultimate amount.
Comm. Hale commented that this is the first time the Capital Improvement budget has come before the finance committee and he supports that. He wondered how much use there was in advocacy, in the current setting of fiscal tightness. Lopatin said that it can help, an example being the support it has gotten for the new juvenile hall. Their attention to this needs to be kept fresh.
There was no public comment.
The Chair asked for a motion to recommend the budget to the full Commission. It was so moved and seconded, and upon voice vote, passed unanimously.
Public comments None.
4. (DISCUSSION) Review of Mayor’s/Controller’s operating budget instructions for Fiscal Year 02-03 and an overview of the City’s current fiscal position
E. Lopatin reviewed the document given to the Commissioners, highlighting the 5.5% average cost increase for all salary and fringe increases, which will fall on the shoulders of the Dept’ a total of about $1.2 million. Last year this amount was about 2%. In the current situation the Dept will be concentrating on preserving what they have with less. There are two tiers of cuts (Level 1 and Level 2). The first level cuts will definitely take place. The Second level cuts will be tentatively identified, in prioritized form, but those will be held as potential additional cuts, if it were determined necessary. Internally, the Dept will be having meetings to produce a reduction plan. The division managers will be working together to come up with a coordinated plan and not one which just reflects individual division needs.
There was a discussion regarding Commission meetings to deal with this. It was decided that Finance will meet Tuesday Feb. 12 at 2pm at YGC. The full Commission can meet on Feb. 19 at 5:30 pm for the vote.
Public comments None
The following items (#5 - #9) were presented in a total package and discussed as such.
5. (DISCUSSION) Summary of Fiscal Year 02-03 budget timetable, including setting a time for the Finance Committee to review the department’s proposed budget (in early February). The discussion will include entire budget approval timetable through July 02.
E. Lopatin reviewed the timeline for the submission of the budget. (document/timeline available from the Commission, or CPO).
Comm. Grossman asked if the Level 2 cut list might be accessed in a random/arbitrary manner, not following the priority set by the Dept. Answer: probably not.
Comm. Hale said it would be prudent to have a full discussion regarding policy direction. Eg. in the past the Commission has raised policy directives for the Dept regarding girls’ issues. There needs to be a clear understanding of the potential impact budget cuts may have on those programs. How can the reductions be met while maintaining the priorities of the Dept.
The CPO said he was aware of this issue.
E. Lopatin said that after March 1, the budget is out of the Dept’s hands and in the Mayor’s hands.
After the 1/16 meeting at the Dept. a Level 1 and Level 2 cut lists will be drawn up. This will be ready for the Commission’s review in the next Finance Committee meeting.
This new ’era’ of budgeting will demand the Dept look into all aspects of how it budgeted before, which is a good thing. More and wider understanding among the Directors will result as to the entire Dept.’s operations and this should lead to a greater accountability among all.
Staff reductions: probably will be eliminating some open unfilled positions. TANF funds will be looked at as a revenue alternative. The difficulty is that if staff is given up, if the census increases in the future, demanding more staff, there is no guarantee that positions can be gotten back.
Comm. Hale mentioned his concern for the staffing levels in relationship to impact on policy directions.
E. Lopatin mentioned three programs that may be casualties in the new period.
Comm. Grossman took issue and strongly stated that the library program is an important one she would like to see preserved. She asked who would be the advocate for the library. The Chief said he was. He went on to say that the program was a jointly funded program with the City library. If they say they cannot continue funding it, does the Dept continue the library program at reduced levels, or cut something else to keep it at 100%. He said that he is acutely aware of the issue. The Commissioner reiterated that this is a very, very important program and expects that he will advocate for it.
Comm. Hale said that there will be passionate arguments about programs all around. He asked the Dept if there is any idea regarding future state funding through TANF or other state sources? Ans: no information.
Comm. Grossman said that it would not be prudent to assume that a reduced census will always be the reality. The CPO acknowledged this and that the census is already higher than in the previous month, so will move cautiously.
Public comments
Ntanya Lee, Coleman Advocates, asked if non general fund sources are potential targets for these cuts. The CPO said that all revenue sources were going to be considered. She said that it was a difficult sell to maintain staffing levels in the face of declining numbers, and urged the Dept to continue support for the JDAI, alternatives to detention, and the CBO contracts.
Comm. Hale recounted his past experience in taking kids to San Bruno jail to see the conditions first hand. He said the most glaring problem was overcrowding. He said that the choice of getting additional funds was to make the facility as demanded, or to let the money go and stay where we are now. He said he is confident that the Dept will strive to keep the numbers down, while making the facility one which serves the youth better.
Comm. Ricci added that the public needs to know that Juvenile Probation serves very needy youth who have multiple problems. But in order to do that it needs to be upgraded, so that even if more beds seems a negative thing, as part of a new facility and services, it is needed.
6. Overview of Juvenile Probation Department process and timetable for assembling the budget
Public comments
7. Discussion of budget issues, particularly with respect to cutbacks or reallocations
Public comments
8. A review of current year (FY01-02) budget trends and issues.
E. Lopatin reviewed a chart showing the length of time consumed in this fiscal year, and the amount of the budget used in that time. He pointed out the column for salaries, which showed that the Dept was very much on the mark in spending for that period; with 44% of the fiscal year , and 44.6% of the budgeted salaries used ( a .6% overspending). This is compensated by a surplus in fringe benefits funds.
In the last quarter the Dept was overspending in materials and supplies, but after a half year, the amount has come in lower than budgeted.
Public comments
9. (DISCUSSION) Review of NCCD contract modification approval procedures.
The Chair tabled this item in order to give the Dept. adequate time to get documents together for the report.
The Chief got clarification of what it was the Committee wanted to see on this item. (information asked: retrospective on how the contract was processed and what the approval procedures were during the active contract period). This will be presented at the March meeting.
Public comments
10. (DISCUSSION) Public Comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission.
There was none.
11. (ACTION) Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:56 pm.