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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 


held at Youth Guidance Center conference room   375 Woodside Ave    San Francisco, CA  94127


                                          The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Committee on the matters 

                                                  stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up



(ACTION)  Roll Call

The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Comm Hale. Comm Beijen was present at the gavel. Comm Rojas was excused.  The Chief, Lonnie Holmes, Dennis Doyle, Nancy Yalon represented the Dept.



(ACTION) Review and possible approval of minutes of April 20, 2006

Action on the minutes was tabled until Comm Rojas could vote on them.

(public comments)

There were none.


Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Program Committee of the Juvenile Probation Commission

There were none.


(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Discussion of the status of girls’ services in the Dept and with CBO contracted services.

Julie Posadas Guzman gave a brief overview of what was happening in the Girls Justice Initiative. 

Highlights:  Ms Posadas Guzman is no longer a City employee (formerly of the DA and also JPD), and so now heads up the initiative as an “outside” individual (employed by the United Way) so cannot speak for the Dept. She did not know if anyone from within the Dept has been named to replace her as the “inside” coordinatior.  In her time as the coordinator they brought in many community resources to work with girls in detention, to do casework and more advocacy. 

30% of the girls they work with are out of county. They are currently working out a contract to open a satellite office in Alameda county.

L. Holmes didn’t know if the Dept has named a replacement coordinator.

Ms. Guzman said that despite the 8 years of development of the initiative, it has not been institutionalized so that the protocols and services are available all the times to every girl in the system.  She said that it is still now based on personal relationships, which do not ensure the equitable and consistent provision of services.

The girl detention rate is as high now as when they first started.  80% of their arrests for prostitution are not for girls from SF. And when adults are behind them, usually it’s the girls that “take the fall” while the adults get away. There needs to be further understanding of how they need to work inter county (protocols), inter departments (social services), and adult justice system. contracts for services need to be awarded on a performance basis rather than political basis.  G. Bieringer mentioned that it would be good to analyze how long girls stay in detention before being released.

Ms Guzman said that they had gone from 5 CYA referrals to 1,and they have worked with all those.  It costs $140K/yr for a girl placed there vs  $80K for boys. They have an 80% recidivism rate.

Comm Hale asked Comm Beijen to follow up on this topic and do some further investigation into how the Initiative is doing and what needs to be done.

(public comments)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Program performance evaluations, possible review of Dept recommendations for new fiscal year CBO contracts.

L. Holmes said that the evaluation is for the baseline projects and not of the respondents to the RFP.

He quickly identified the projects they were recommending for renewal of contracts.  (the list is attached).

L. Holmes reported that the RFP process has run its course, all respondents having been evaluated and scored (meeting today to finish up), and he will submit the final list to the Chief for review next week.

They commented that contract conditions would include periodic compliance meetings so that the Dept had an ongoing awareness of their performance.  Contractor would also be held accountable to serving youth from the Dept and not just any at risk youth.

There was a concern for how the Commission would respond to individual CBOs who might disagree with the decisions.  Comm Beijen said that they should only be able to defend the process as fair.

The Chief mentioned that there might be additional RFPs for services that did not receive strong response in the prior RFP round.

It was decided to hold a Program Comm meeting on June 22 to act on the Dept’s recommendations.

(public comments)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION) Review and clarification of programs mentioned in the list submitted for the Mayor’s supplemental budget.

The Chief mentioned the items that did get approved in the Mayor’s supplemental budget, and those that did not –but were put back into the Dept’s budget as enhancements. (list attached). Among the funded items were community specialists who would do violence prevention activities in the communities. The 3 positions will be funded through Prop J  (DCYF) funds. He mentioned the $1 mil to LCRS. 

Comm Hale wanted to take up a discussion about LCRS at a later meeting.

Dennis Doyle reported that they would be looking at Sonoma’s juvenile hall, which has been operating for about 6 mos to anticipate what problems might occur here.

(public comments)
There were none.


(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Program planning for new juvenile hall facility.

This was tabled.

(public comments)
There were none.


(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Resolution on commissioner recognition.

Comm Hale expressed that there have been 4 recent commissioners (Rev Harry Chuck, James Rodriguez, Rolando Bonilla, Shawn Richard) who have not yet received acknowledgement from the Commission for their services. He will introduce a resolution to the full commission for this purpose.

(public comments)
There were none.


(DISCUSSION) Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Program Committee of the Juvenile Probation Commission
There were none.


(ACTION) Announcements, future agenda items.  Adjournment

Comm Hale thanked Comm Beijen for taking up the chair at the last meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:17pm