City and County of San FranciscoJuvenile Probation Department

July 14, 2010

Full Commission - July 14, 2010








Regular Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

5:30 p.m.

City Hall, Hearing Room 408

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA 94102



Rebecca Woodson, President

Julian Chang, Vice President

Katharine Albright

Joseph Arellano

Dirk Beijen

Sarah Ching Ting Wan


Meeting Minutes


1.     Roll Call
The Commission President called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.  Commissioners Albright, Beijen, Wan and Woodson were present.  Commissioners Arellano and Chang were excused.



2.     No public comments.



3.     Review and Approval of the Full Commission Meeting Minutes of March 10, 2010 and June 9, 2010 (ACTION ITEM)


·         Motion to extend the approval of the March 10, 2010 Full Commission Meeting Minutes until the next Full Commission meeting by COMM Albright, second by COMM Wan, and approved by the rest of the Commission.


·         Motion to approve the June 9, 2010 Full Commission Meeting Minutes by COMM Albright, second by COMM Wan, and approved by the rest of the Commission. 



4.     Election of Commission Vice President (DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEM)


·         COMM Woodson nominated COMM Chang to be reelected to Vice President.  COMM Beijen motioned to reelect COMM Chang for Vice President, second by COMM Albright.  No public comments.  The Commissioners voted and there were four “Ayes.”  Motion approved. 



5.     Report to the Commission (Item 6 was heard first because Mr. Nance was running late due to traffic from LCR)
a.  Chief’s Report by Allen Nance, Assistant Chief Probation Officer:

Reassignment of Bench Officers:
Three judges will now be hearing cases at Juvenile Court: Judge Kathleen Kelly; Judge Donna Hitchens; and Judge Julie Tang.  The Court is establishing the Wellness Calendar, which focuses on behavioral health, and is still a work in progress.  COMM Woodson asked to keep the Commission apprised on upcoming dates or hearings to support this issue. 
Transition of Probation Services Director:
Therese Wagner, Probation Services Director, is returning to Arizona due to family concerns effective 7/30.  The position has been posted.  The department is looking within probation staff for “acting” director.  Will keep Commission apprised on a replacement candidate. 
Family Day at LCR:
Family Day will be held on 7/25 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at LCR.  The purpose is to have all family members visit the ranch, instead of just the parents, guardians or siblings.  Families will be shuttled in for a bar-b-q, youths will be presenting on their progress, as well as activities on their commitment to change.  The Commission is invited.  Sallie Gibson recommended avoiding a quorum at this event because the public cannot attend.  It would be okay for one or two Commissioners to attend.  There are some special rules when the Commission wants to get together socially and a notice period is required. 
No public comments. 

b.  Committee Reports:
Programs Committee report on its recommendation regarding supporting the PROMISE Act (DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEM)
COMM Beijen stated that the Programs Committee met on March 8th to consider a request by the Youth Commission that had been made to the Full Commission on February 17th by Executive Director Julia Sabory and Commissioner Cory Carlson.  Ms. Sabory and Mr. Carlson asked if this Commission would consider supporting the Youth PROMISE Act, also known as House Bill 1064, Senate Bill 435.  It is designed specifically toward violent crime.  The BOS prepared a resolution, which supports the Youth PROMISE Act, and it has been signed by the Mayor.  In addition, the City of SF has passed resolutions in support of this act.  Commissioners Beijen and Chang independently investigated the bill, approved a resolution, and is seeking approval from the Full Commission to send this resolution to our congressional delegation.  COMM Beijen motioned for the Commission to approve the Youth PROMISE Act Resolution, second by COMM Wan.  No public comments.  Commissioners voted and there were four “Ayes.”  Motion approved.  The secretary will finalize resolution and send copies to our congressional representatives. 
No public comments. 


6.     Future Agenda Items (ACTION ITEM)


·         COMM Woodson appointed COMM Beijen (chair), COMM Chang and COMM Woodson to the Programs Committee.   COMM Woodson appointed COMM Wan (chair), COMM Arellano and COMM Woodson to the Finance Committee.  Other committees will remain on hiatus;


·         COMM Woodson discussed goal setting and Commission priorities: 
-COMM Woodson met with Chief Siffermann and Allison Magee regarding goals and actions through the end of the year.  In early fall, Allison Magee will give a presentation at the Full Commission meeting regarding LCR.  Two groups have completed the MYSI program and Ms. Magee would like to invite various stakeholders, public defender, the courts, a representative from the Mayor’s Office, and the BOS to hear the report, which is a way to get positive PR.  This can also be presented at the Programs Committee.  COMM Wan would like to see the cost analysis report.  City Attorney Sallie Gibson suggested putting this item on the agenda for departments to give their input regarding programming and costs.  In addition, there is a concern that nothing confidential is discussed.  Commissioners would like a report on the MYSI evaluation data and a cost effective report on the LCR program.  In addition, Ms. Magee would like an LCR student, who has graduated from MYSI, present at the Full Commission meeting.  To date, two groups have completed the MYSI program.   
-COMM Woodson said that the department wants more visibility from the Commission at budget and department meetings.  COMM Beijen expressed concerns regarding Sunshine issues.  City Attorney Gibson expressed if a quorum is present, it will constitute a meeting.  You can have one or two Commissioners present.  In addition, COMM Woodson stated that to foster more communication, Chief Siffermann felt that presentations by supervisory staff at the department would be beneficial to them to learn to present in a public setting before people who might be questioning them.  If they needed to go before the BOS or Mayor’s Office, they would have more of a presence and more professional experience. 
COMM Wan expressed that Supervisor David Chiu has been working very hard on the Cultural Competency issues within city departments and this should be discussed between the department and the Commission.  COMM Wan has a document on this issue and will forward it to the Commission.    
-COMM Woodson said that Ms. Magee suggested getting a paid probation intern to work with the Commission.  Ms. Magee will be working with the Commission Secretary on getting this position filled.  COMM Beijen said that there would be interest among high school students; COMM Wan would like to see the job description; and COMM Woodson said this would help get the Commission more involved in the community. 
-COMM Woodson discussed the upcoming retreat, which was referred by Steve Kawa, the Mayor’s Chief of Staff.  No dates have been set, but can revisit in October.  City Attorney Gibson stated that it must be in SF, 15 days advance notice must be given, and will check to see if it can be held at LCR.    



7.     Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.