City and County of San FranciscoJuvenile Probation Department

October 12, 2011

Full Commission - October 12, 2011







Regular Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

5:30 p.m.

City Hall, Hearing Room 408

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA 94102



Julian Chang, President

Dirk Beijen, Vice President

Katharine Albright

Joseph Arellano

Susan Jones

Sarah Ching Ting Wan
Rebecca Woodson


Meeting Minutes


1.     Roll Call
The Commission President called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m.  Commissioners Albright, Beijen, Chang, and Woodson were present.  Commissioner Arellano arrived at 5:46 p.m; Commissioner Wan was excused; and Commissioner Jones was not present.



2.     Public comments.
No public comments.



3.     Review and Approval of the Full Commission Meeting Minutes of September 14, 2011 (ACTION ITEM)


Motion to approve the September 14, 2011 Full Commission Meeting Minutes was moved to the November 12, 2011 Full Commission Meeting by COMM Beijen, second by COMM Woodson, and approved by the rest of the Commission. 
No public comments.


4.     Review the Draft Juvenile Probation Commission’s Annual Report 2010, Requested by the Mayor’s Office (DISCUSSION ONLY)  


COMM Chang presented the draft report which included information from COMM Beijen, Programs Committee Chair, and COMM Albright, Finance Committee Chair, for FY 2010/2011.   The report will be on next month’s agenda as an action item. 
COMM Woodson suggested including the efforts of Joanna Hernandez and the Parent Handbook; and the first-ever commendation voted on June 8, 2011.  COMM Albright suggested the Finance and Programs sections be formatted in the same manner. 
No public comments.

5.     Report to the Commission (DISCUSSION ONLY)


a.  Chief’s Report:


JPD Update

·         The population in the Juvenile Justice Center is 105.  It reached triple digits at the end of September/ beginning of October.  For the first time, the Juvenile Justice Center girls’ unit exceeded its capacity and a vacant unit was opened.  An analysis was conducted and 1/3 of the population were awaiting out-of-home placement.  Nine of the residents were committed long-term as part of a disposition.  A number of youths were committed beyond the 180 days; and one youth was committed until the age of 19.  Five of the nine youths were 18 years old.  The Unified Family Court Supervising Judge is open to a review, on a periodic basis, for those who are committed.  The center is not suitable for long-term detention.  It is a short-term facility and does not have the programming for long-term placement.  Another analysis was done on youths placed in maximum security.  The Chief met with staff to reallocate youths with less restriction, which reduced stress; reviewed if youths need to remain in detention; release plans; and ways to expedite processing to reduce the length of stay and the daily population.  Lastly, a mild riot broke out in the girls’ unit and a staff member was injured.  All eight units are now occupied. 


·         JPD will appear before the BOS’ Government and Oversight Committee tomorrow to report on JPD’s response to the Civil Grand Jury’s report on LCR. 


·         JPD will participate in a Halloween Night Detail in the Castro district.  The department has participated for the past six years to ensure that youths on probation do not participate in any delinquent activities. 


·         Chief Siffermann will provide a USF law class a tour and presentation tonight on JPD’s role in the juvenile justice system.  Another tour will be offered next Wednesday.


·         No public comments. 



b.  Committee Reports


6.     Future Agenda Items (ACTION ITEM)



·         COMM Chang discussed future off-site locations for Full Commission meetings and suggested District 11 in Visitation Valley.  Chief Siffermann suggested JPD.       


·         COMM Chang offered four tickets, benefiting Huckleberry, to Cirque du Soleil on November 4th to commission members, staff or youths.


·         No public comments.


7.     Adjournment (ACTION ITEM)
The meeting adjourned at 6:13 p.m.