City and County of San FranciscoJuvenile Probation Department

May 9, 2012

Full Commission - May 9, 2012



Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
5:30 p.m.
City Hall, Hearing Room 408
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Julian Chang, President
Dirk Beijen, Vice President
Katharine Albright
Joseph Arellano
Susan Jones
Sarah Ching Ting Wan
Rebecca Woodson

Meeting Minutes

1. Roll Call
• The Commission President called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m. Commissioners Beijen, Chang, Jones, Wan and Woodson were present. Commission Albright arrived at 5:45 p.m. Commissioner Arellano was excused.

2. Public comments.
• Tom LaRue, YGCIC Board President, said that he spoke at the last Full Commission meeting about keeping their organization in the W Cottages. Mr. LaRue feels that the current location is a safe place; the kids feel safe; and the GED graduation rate is 80%. Mr. LaRue has looked at other space, and said that Chief Siffermann has helped them, but the space is not adequate. Their organization has been so successful because everything is in one location. Their organization has insurance and can indemnify the city and JPD so that they can take care of the facility themselves.
• Rory Taly, Administrative Assistant at YGCIC, reiterated to keep their organization at the W Cottages on the JPD campus. Their organization helps youths and keeps them in school. He said that it is very important and hopes to stay in their current location.
COMM Beijen asked Chief Siffermann what the deadline was for the extension. Chief Siffermann said that the date has not been established. Since the last Full Commission meeting, Chief Siffermann extended the offer to remain through the calendar year. Originally, they were to vacate at the end of the school year or summer program, or when they found suitable space. JPD has received an email request from YGCIC to remain in the facility until the calendar year or to provide an extension, if necessary. JPD’s concern is that the facility is not safe. JPD will respond to the request after discussions with the City Attorney.
• No further public comments.

3. Review and Approval of the Full Commission Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2012 (ACTION ITEM)
• Motion to approve the April 11, 2012 Full Commission Meeting Minutes by COMM Beijen, second by COMM Woodson, and approved by the rest of the Commission.
• No public comments.

4. Presentation on the Larkin Street Youth Services by Ginger Martin (DISCUSSION ONLY)
• Ms. Martin, Emergency Housing and Community Outreach Liaison, reviewed the referral guide (posted on the JPC website under supporting documents). Larkin Street has been around for 29 years and has 28 different programs and locations throughout the city. The organization works with youths ages 12 to 24. At the age of 25, youths are “aging out.” They have two shelters: one under the age of 18; the other for ages 18 to 24. Most services are provided for “aging out” youths, but they also have underage services.
• They have a licensed care facility; an emergency shelter; a drop-in center for youths under the age of 21; educational services; showers for homeless youths; food; counselors; case-management; and wrap-around services. All of the facilities cater to homeless youths. Larkin Street’s mission is to create a continuum of services that inspire youths to move beyond the streets. The organization collaborates with free clinics where youths can get medical care, see mental health specialists or a psychologist. Larkin Street also has transitional housing for youths where they can stay for up to two years after the age of 18, where they work on budgets, become employed and return to school. Youths are required to accumulate a savings and pay rent, 30% of their income goes into a savings account in their name and is given to them when they exit.
COMM Chang asked how youths that are released from YGC get in contact with their organization. Ms. Martin said that many youths contact them through their probation officers or hear about them through other youths or outreach workers. They have a multi-service center that collaborates with Huckleberry House, which has bilingual/trilingual speakers available.
COMM Chang asked how youths get permanent beds. Ms. Martin said that there is a wait list and a referral process. The wait list has gotten longer this year. There are open beds at their shelters. Underage youths are taken in immediately. There is a wait list at the shelters for young women and men ages 18-24: the wait list for young women is four weeks; the wait list for young men is eight weeks. These young people can call daily to be placed on a waitlist or can show up at night to see if an emergency bed is available. COMM Beijen asked if Larkin Street has a relationship with the police department. Ms. Martin said the police are aware of their organization, but do not come in unless it’s an emergency. The police only drop off youths to the facility.
• No public comments.

5. Report to the Commission (DISCUSSION ONLY)

a. Chief’s Report:

• JPD's Long Term Capital Plan
Catherine McGuire, Director of Finance, discussed the recently completed work at JPD; addressed the capital budget and needs for the upcoming budget year; and additional capital needs for each of JPD’s facilities.
• The priority of the JPD is the security and safety of those in custody, as well as the staff in the buildings. Ms. McGuire stated that the engineers at JPD do an amazing job in keeping the buildings in working order with JPD’s small capital maintenance budget.
• At LCR, a fire pump and generator were replaced, a $250,000 project; the gym floors were refinished at Hidden Valley Ranch, which the youths use; and a water heater was replaced. The PUC energy efficiency project has begun at JPD and LCR. PUC funds projects that pay back in energy savings. PUC will also upgrade the JPD boiler to Bay Area Management District compliance.
• At JPD, lighting and exterior windows were replaced; and HVAC work was done (at JPD and LCR). A new superintendent came on board in January.
• At LCR, four projects were submitted for Capital Planning Committee to consider: water distribution tanks lining; master plan development; dorm plumbing and fixture replacements; and culvert and road repairs. The other capital needs are water and waste water system, which PUC will be taking over in the near future. Roof replacements will be needed, as well as repainting exterior buildings.
• At JPD, a video surveillance request was submitted to the Capital Planning Committee and JPD is also working with the Committee of Information and Technology (COIT) to determine the exact locations. COIT will provide the initial funding, however, their budget has not yet been approved. Improvements to the yard need to be addressed: such as the fence; drainage; soccer field, and surfaces. In the administrative building, requests for upgrades were submitted for fire notification; and building entrance and elevator controls need to be ADA compliant. The ongoing submissions are for repainting the exterior building; repair of the building; and resurfacing roadways and parking lots. The additional capital needs not yet addressed are: the second boiler needs maintenance; and windows in other portions of the building are failing and need to be replaced.
COMM Albright asked if Liz Jackson-Simpson’s program, as well as the other programs in the W Cottages, will be included in the capital plan. Ms. McGuire said they did not include additional funding for those buildings because JPD is only holding those buildings in trust. The buildings belong to the state and the Capital Planning Committee is not interested in funding something that is fairly expensive, which many of the repairs in that building would be, to then have the buildings bulldozed.
COMM Chang asked which state entity owns the buildings. Ms. McGuire said the Administrative Offices of the Courts. The property was transferred to them and is rented back to JPD, however, there is no lease agreement.
COMM Chang asked that the ultimate decision for the buildings to be bulldozed is made by the state and Ms. McGuire agreed.
COMM Chang asked if JPD has input over the decision for the buildings to stay and Ms. McGuire said that would be a question for the City Attorney.
COMM Chang said that they are aware of the unsafe building conditions and asked if there was any indication that the state would remediate the problems that have been identified. Ms. Maguire said no because the state has no use for the buildings. The function and maintenance of the buildings are the responsibility of JPD, which have been maintained, but JPD’s capital needs budget is only $330,000.
COMM Chang said that since PUC is taking over the water plant maintenance at LCR and some functions at JPD, will this relieve some pressure on JPD to have other agencies complete the work. Ms. McGuire clarified that PUC has volunteered and offered to put together the energy efficient project at JPD and LCR. The boilers need to be Air Quality District compliant. PUC’s work did not come out of the facilities management budget this fiscal year. It was carved out of a one-time source that Ms. McGuire found. They proposed to have additional funding in the next fiscal year to support PUC’s assistance, but this would go away since PUC will be taking over this function.
• No public comments.

• Hidden Valley Ranch Update
Chief Siffermann said that the only plan for Hidden Valley Ranch is the continued use of the gym for the LCR kids when they cannot be outside due to inclement weather. LCR youths participated in resurfacing the floor last year and repairs were made to the roof and fire alarm. He stated that there are lots of ideas, such as establishing a “Green Technology” campus or a hospitality center, but the work involved for the tear down would be costly, not to mention the cost of construction.
COMM Chang asked what the process would be if another city department wanted to use Hidden Valley Ranch. Sallie Gibson, City Attorney, deferred the question to the Real Estate Department. The Director of Property has jurisdiction over these properties.
• No public comments.

b. Committee Reports

6. Future Agenda Items (ACTION ITEM)


• The next Full Commission meeting will be held at City Hall, Hearing Room 408, on June 13, 2012 at 5:30 p.m.
• No public comments.

7. Adjournment (ACTION ITEM)
• The meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m.