Halt BLIP Meeting Conflicts

January 21, 2009

The Board of Supervisors Library Citizens Advisory Committee tonight passed the following resolution:

Whereas, the Branch Library Improvement Program (BLIP) held its December 17 meeting on North Beach library design the same night that the Board of Supervisors' Library Citizens Advisory Committee (LCAC) meets; and

Whereas, the BLIP has scheduled its January 21 meeting on design for the Presidio Library on January 21, the same night that the LCAC meets; and

Whereas, the LCAC meets monthly on the third Wednesday at 6:00 PM; and

Whereas, members of the Library CAC would like to have the opportunity to attend the Branch Library Improvement Program meetings;

Therefore be it resolved that:

The Library Citizens Advisory Committee asks the City Librarian and the Branch Library Improvement Program to schedule future BLIP meetings in our neighborhoods at times that do not conflict with the LCAC monthly meetings.