Food & Medical Assistance
Access public benefits provided by the State of California. Learn about and apply for medical, food, and cash assistance programs. The MyBenefits CalWIN portal also provides ongoing access to benefit information.
Access public benefits provided by the State of California. Learn about and apply for medical, food, and cash assistance programs. The MyBenefits CalWIN portal also provides ongoing access to benefit information.
Access Health Alerts, Advisories, and Updates regarding communicable disease outbreaks, immunization updates, and emerging infectious diseases affecting our community.
Access a variety of financial assistance programs if you are an unemployed, underemployed or disabled San Franciscan. Learn about which programs you may be able to qualify.
Access services dedicated to helping children. Report suspected child abuse or neglect. Learn how to adopt a child or become a foster parent.
The City's Environmental Health services aim to ensure safe and nutritious food; protection from excessive noise; prevention of exposure to chemicals, polluted soil, air and water; habitable housing; and quality neighborhoods.
Access employment services through the City's Career Link Centers. The City's HSA collaborates with many local community agencies to provide specific vocational services
Access a variety of projects designed to support of children, youth, and families and to participate in a broad range of programs in the areas of early child care, academic support, health and wellness, youth workforce development, and cultural enrichment.
The City offers a variety of Children's Health Services including immunizations, adolescent health and is committed to assist clients obtain pediatric specialty care.
Access Child Support services to ensure children and families receive court-ordered financial and medical support. Services include: establishing paternity; locating absent parents; requesting and enforcing child support orders from the court, etc.
Access State-funded resource and referral agencies help parents, providers, and local communities find, plan for, and provide affordable, quality child care.