Mayor Announces New Bay Area Partnership to Modernize City Services

San Francisco, CA—San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee joins Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, San Leandro
Mayor Pauline Cutter, and West Sacramento Mayor Christopher Cabaldon to announce the results of the 2016 Startup in Residence (STIR) program and to highlight new technology products developed from the sixteen week program to address regional civic challenges.
Fourteen startups from across North America join thirteen government departments in San Francisco, Oakland, San Leandro, and West Sacramento to share technology products co-developed to address civic challenges and improve the quality of life for Bay Area residents.
“The Startup in Residence program is a model for civic innovation and regional collaboration,” said Mayor Lee. “This program is a unique opportunity for government agencies and startups to think creatively about how we can all work together to modernize government to benefit residents.”