Pavement Condition Index

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Public Works

The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) represents the overall road conditions in San Francisco. More than 12,000 San Francisco blocks are inspected to create a citywide score between 0 and 100.

PCI rating PCI score
excellent 85 to 100
good 70 to 84
at-risk 50 to 69
poor 25 to 49
very poor 0 to 24

The PCI metric is used by all Bay Area cities and counties, and is compiled by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. This metric provides the public and policymakers with a widely adopted standardized rating of the city’s streets, allowing for more targeted allocations of funding and strategic development.

Pavement Condition Index

How Performance is Measured

The PCI rating assessment is based on surveys performed by evaluators with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s StreetSaver Rater Program. Each segment of road is evaluated based on ride quality, cracking, and signs of pavement distress. Visit the Metropolitan Transportation Commission's "Vital Signs" website to learn more.

Additional Information


Please visit DataSF for the scorecard data.