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April 24, 2008



April 24, 2008, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton Goodlett Place, Rm. 278

The meeting of the Marijuana Offenses Oversight Committee was called to order at 10:05 a.m. Camilla Norman Field, Committee Co-Chair
Camilla Norman Field, Committee Co-Chair
Michael Goldstein, Committee Co-Chair
Mira Ingram
Catherine Smith
Richard Rendon
Aleem Raja
Patt Denning

2. Discuss and Approve Minutes from November 1 and March 27 Meetings
Michael Goldstein expressed concern about emails being sent to the Committee from Community members and replies from individual Committee members to the entire thread that included all Committee members. These actions could possibly be considered a violation of the Brown Act and all Committee members should be reticent of the possible implications.

Minutes from the November 1, 2007 meeting were presented. Mr. Rendon moved to approve, Ms. Smith seconded, and these minutes were approved.
a. Public Comment: There were no comments from the public on this item.

3. Committee Updates
SFPD/Commission: Mr. Goldstein reported he had sent a list of questions-similar to the questions requested to the D.A.'s Office via Sharon Woo-to Police Commissioner David Campos who passed them on to Police Chief Fong via the Police Commission secretary. There has been no reply as yet. Mr. Goldstein suggested that we wait till next meeting and if we have not received a reply by then, the Committee prepare to go directly to the Police Commission.
Ms. Ingram reported that the "Medical Marijuana Task Force" met with Deputy Chief David Chinn and asked him for statistics relating to arrests of Medical Marijuana patients. He agreed to get the info to the group. Ms. Field suggested if we did not hear back either from SFPD staff or the Commission by the next meeting that the Committee prepare to request a joint meeting with the Police Commission. Mr. Goldstein suggested that next steps may include a FOIA/Records Release/Sunshine Act Request.
District Attorney: There has been no response from ADA Sharon Woo to the questions directed to the DA's Office due to her being on vacation however she believes that there is a definite willingness to comply. Ms. Field asked if Mr. Rendon and Mr Raja would be willing to take on the additional role of interacting with the D.A's office. Mr Rendon agreed.
Public Defender: No Report
Community Report: Ms. Smith reported that the Medical Marijuana Task Force met with Deputy Chief David Chinn and will meet again in July.
BOS Update: Ms. Field reported that her replacement on the Committee will be acted on at the Rules Committee either on May 1, 2008 or May 15, 2008. The open position is slotted for a Drug Policy Reform Organization representative. Ms. Field also reminded the Committee that every committee member's term ends on January 1, 2009. Her replacement will sit for a two-year term that will provide a staggering of terms for individual seats.
a. Public Comment: Mikki Norris asked if the Committee was prepared to write a semi-annual report. Mr. Goldstein explained that due to time constraints of individual members, resistance from involved City Departments, and building a working committee infrastructure, the committee has been unable to formulate a working document. We will aim towards an annual report.
Mr. Rendon suggested forming a report subcommittee. Mr. Goldstein was in agreement, but expressed concerns as to the challenges to putting together a report without funding for a facilitator to help tabulate the data, should we ever receive it. Ms. Field suggested speaking with Zach Tuller, Ammiano's legislative aide about the facilitator question surrounding the budget process. Mr. Rendon and Ms. Ingram volunteered to form the subcommittee. It was agreed that the subcommittee be kept to two members only in order to comply with the Brown Act.

4. Review and Approve Community Incident Report Form
Ms. Field reported that Deputy City Attorney Mariam Morley recommended that all personal identification materials be removed from form. The addition of an interviewer confirmation will allow for greater integrity and quality of the form and information while addressing the privacy issues. The officer badge and name info was removed to comply with State regulations. Upon suggestion by Morley, contact info for the Office of Citizens Complaints was added to the form.
Ms. Smith expressed concerns about how an individual would be able to access an interviewer.
Mr. Goldstein had questions about the importance of having an interviewer participate if we have no indication that the information is falsified or a trend of such activity.
Ms. Field suggested that all the information garnered needs to be defensible and we may still be able to capture trends, including violence towards marijuana users and/or confiscation of their property.
Ms. Ingram expressed frustration that the committee will be unable to pinpoint individual officer's inappropriate behavior if we remove the badge number and name info.
Ms. Field suggested that such complaints are under the purview of the OCC and individuals can be encouraged to exercise their rights by contacting the OCC. The MOOC's charge is to gather raw data.
Mr. Rendon suggested posting announcements for a day, time and location when interviewers would be available for intake.
a. Public Comment: Form may not take in consideration the non-patients. Mira suggested a box indicating "neither". Shona Goschenauer, Russell Kyle and Junebug oppose not including officer's badge and name on the form. Ms. Smith agreed to check back with the City Attorney for a second opinion. Mr. Rendon suggested that the interviewee could add these specifics in the "additional comments" section. Ms. Ingram wondered if the committee could request and garner info from the OCC about specific officers. A strategy of carefully guiding interviewees to the OCC was suggested.
Ms. Field suggested adding language on the form as item 3: "Did you note the officer's badge number or name?" Junebug suggested adding information on the form about Police Commission meetings and the OCC contact info. Mikki Norris brought up the issue of the viability of the info garnered without the personal info. To pursue a complaint, please contact OCC. Mr. Goldstein was tasked with requesting through Supervisor Ammiano's office for translation of the form.
Motion to approve Community Incident Form including suggested amendments made by Ms. Field and seconded by Ms. Smith. Approved unanimously.

5. Distribution of Community Incident Report Form
Ms. Field proposed two options that could be combined into one program. 1) Hold monthly interview sessions and 2). Make forms available at various distribution locations for intake and arrange for pick up by committee members. Mr. Rendon expressed concern over the viability of those incident reports that do not include interviewers having more weight over those that do. And will this dissuade reporters from utilizing the in person interview sessions? Agreed consensus to try both approaches on trial basis.
a. Public Comment: Abdullah interested in being involved in the distribution and interview process. Russell Kyle wants the form made available on the committee's website. David Cohen suggested distribution locations including soup kitchens and shelters. Ms. Ingram suggested Homeless Connect.
Ms. Ingram volunteered to do informational "one-pager" for distribution with form and agreed to include her name and contact info on the form a committee contact person. John Martinelli suggested adding Swords to Plowshares to the distribution list. Shona suggested the committee take field trips to the most impacted areas which she believes are the Tenderloin and BV/HP and that the intake sessions begin there also. Gilbert volunteered to look into how the mental health association (?) does complaint intake, including distribution and pickup. Mikki Norris suggested outreach utilizing informational "ads" in various community publications.

7. General Public Comment
Shona Goschenauer suggested that civil advocates look at an affirmative action candidate for next open seat.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:35 AM.

Last updated: 12/2/2009 1:15:47 PM