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July 31, 2008




July 31, 2008, 10:00 am – 11:30 am
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton Goodlett Place, Rm. 278

The meeting of the Marijuana Offenses Oversight Committee was called to order at 10:15 AM. Michael Goldstein, Committee Co-Chair
Michael Goldstein, Committee Co-Chair
Mira Ingram
Aleem Raja
Richard Rendon
Cathy Smith

2. Discuss and Approve Minutes from June27, 2008.
No copies of June 27, 2008 were available. Discussion around bringing committee minutes more into uniformity with other City committees by keeping the back and forth discussion to a minimum and primarily inserting action items with accompanying vote tallies.
a. Public Comment: There were no comments from the public on this item.

3. Where We Are/ Next Steps/ Timeline
Michael Goldstein brought up concerns surrounding the anti smoking legislation coming before the BOS City Operations and Neighborhood Services committee on August 7, 2008. After discussion Aleem moved that the MOOC take a position opposing the legislation on the grounds that it may recriminalize individuals who currently are provided protections under the  Marijuana Offenses Lowest Priority Law while in the process of obtaining their doctor's recommendation. Cathy Smith 2nd's Aleem's motion and it passes unanimously.
Michael moved to rescind the vote because we had forgotten to take public comment prior to the vote. After public comment, Aleem moved the previous motion again and Cathy seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
a. Public Comment: John Martinelli, Erik Levy and Rose ____.

4. Committee Reports.
Discussion pertaining to creating a SFPD Marijuana Arrest Incident Report Form. Suggestion the MOOC keep it to four questions in an effort to get buy-in and participation by SFPD rank and file.
Discussion about preparation of MOOC report back to BOS.
Tasked each committee member to come back to the next meeting with a one page synopsis as to what the committee has accomplished so far.

5. Distribution of the Incident Report Form.
Further discussion about how to proceed with the form distribution. Prioritize MCD's first. Finished discussion about the final form format. Put form on MOOC web site.
a. Public Comment: John Martinelli, Mesha, Greg, Eric

6. General Public Comment:
Mesha, Greg, Rose

Cathy moved to adjourn, Mira seconded, it passed and the meeting adjourned at 11:40 AM.


Last updated: 1/10/2014 9:58:40 AM