Veterans' Affairs Commission - October 13, 2015 - Minutes
Meeting Date:
October 13, 2015 - 6:00pm
401 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Related Meeting Content:
Minutes for Veterans Affairs Commission Meeting of Oct. 13, 2015
Call to Order
Meeting was never called to order, rather officially CANCELED at 6:25pm due to failure to achieve QUORUM
Official Attendance Record as follows:
Roll Call
Commissioners in attendance for meeting (7):
D. Guy, A. Jenkins, M. Maffei, J. Marshall, S. Noetzel, B. Rogers, R. Wong
Commissioners with Excused Absence (6)
D. Dacumos, L.Dixon, D. Kennedy, K. Miller, B. Smith, A. Weeby
Commissioners Unexcused Absent - No Notification (3)
R. Baldonado, J. Gallagher, S. Pandey
Note: Current Commission Strength: Sixteen members (16), with 1 vacancy (Mayoral)
Record Certified by:
Stephen S. Noetzel, President
San Francisco Veterans Affairs Commission