City Non-Profit Contracting Task Force

Citywide Nonprofit Contract Taskforce- Monitoring Subcommittee

Purpose: A Citywide Nonprofit Contracting Taskforce has been established by the Board of Supervisor. The basic goal of the Taskforce is to standardize, simplify and streamline the contracting process both between City Departments and within divisions. Monitoring is an integral part of the contractual relationship between city government and non-profit agencies. The fundamental purpose of monitoring is to ensure fiscal and programmatic accountability and compliance with the goal of achieving the highest level of quality of care through partnership between both parties.

The goal of the committee was to review monitoring practices and identify methods for refining and improving processes. The subcommittee defines "monitoring" as the whole process by which a city agency evaluates a community-based organization: both quantitatively, qualitatively, programmatically and fiscally.

In the course of our review, we found the following to be true:

Based on our review, the Monitoring Subcommittee has the following recommendations: