of the
Thursday, June 29, 2000 at 4:00 p.m.
City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 421
The meeting was called to order by Jill Lerner, staff to City Administrator Bill Lee.
Sarah Ames
Babette Drefke
Robert Boileau
James Firth
John Borg
Lawrence Klein
Joe Boss
Richard Lee
Angela Calvillo (Supv. Ammiano)
Richard Millet
Philip DeAndrade
Francesca Vietor (Mayor)
Claude Wilson
- Distribution of draft by-laws and explanation of its provisions by Deputy City Attorney Jackie Minor
- A quorum of this Task Force was defined as seven members.
Consequently, any vote of the Task Force must necessarily be carried by seven.
- Staff will work to set up Task Force WEB site to be linked to the City
Administrator WEB site.
- Selection of regular meeting day and time
Members expressed concern that should the Task Force continue to meet on Thursday afternoons, it would conflict with the Planning Commission meetings which often have items on the agenda significant to Potrero Hill.
Mr. Firth moved that the regular meeting of the Task Force be held on the fourth Thursday of every month with the understanding that should the Thursday Planning Commission meetings have Potrero/Dogpatch issues on the agenda, members may have to leave the Task Force meeting.
The motion was seconded and carried.
- Approval of Task Force by-laws.
Mr. Firth moved that approval of by-laws be tabled until the next meeting; the motion was seconded and carried.
- Overview of laws and rules for members of all City Boards, Commissions, Task Forces: presentation by Deputy City Attorney Jackie Minor of relevant provisions of the Sunshine Ordinance, the Brown Act and the City Charter.
- Selection of Officers
- Members chose to use the terms chair and vice chair in lieu of president and
vice president.
- Ms. Ames nominated Mr. DeAndrade to chair the Task Force with a
second by Mr. Firth; Ms. Vietor moved to elect Mr. DeAndrade as the Chair of the Task Force. Mr. Firth seconded the nomination and the motion was carried. Mr. DeAndrade then assumed the office of Task Force Chair and conducted the duration of the meeting.
- Mr. Boss nominated Mr. Boileau for the position of Vice Chair with a second
by Mr. Millet. Mr. Firth moved to elect Mr. Boileau with a second by Mr. Wilson and Mr. Millet motion was carried.
- Overview of issues Task Force may consider in future meetings
- Larry Klein, PUC: reason for PUC presence on Task Force is to ensure
that what committee comes up with is based on fact and what is achievable; need to learn why SF needs generation at all. According to Deputy City Attorney Gregg Wheatland, the City did a data adequacy reporton the Potrero Power Plant; comments were submitted on June 21 to California Energy Commission staff to be incorporated in their data adequacy findings. City is actively participating in the siting process. Once the application is formally accepted by the CEC, the City would be able to intervene. Mr. Klein will convey sentiments of Task Force to the City. Terry O’Sullivan of PUC provided an outline of the CEC Siting Process procedures (See Attachment A).
- Francesca Vietor, Dept. of the Environment: it is important for the Task Force to look at the big energy picture; reliability, transmission; there are two power plants in SF-the Bayview Power Plant and the Potrero Power Plant.
Bayview will not be shut down until a replacement can be found; replacement option will be expanding the capability of the Potrero Plant Environment Commission is interested in other options-distributed generation ((mini-power plants around town), energy efficiency programs, renewable programs, e.g., solar. Important to mention the state appropriation of $13 million for benefit of Baview-Hunters Point and Potrero communities; Environmental Health and Energy Committee of the Environmental Commission has met twice to put the parameters together to decide how this appropriation will be spent. Board of Supervisors will decide how the funds will be spent.
- Richard Lee, Health Dept: the Health Department is concerned withissues dealing with public health-air emissions associated with power plants and how they affect the health of Potrero Hill residents as well as citizens of the Bayview; other concerns are hazardous materials storage, construction effects, clean-up of toxic contaminants, transportation of toxics.
- Members expressed concerns regarding the role the Task Force will play, number of meetings Task Force will present, extending the life of the Task Force, involvement of other relevant City agencies, port development, the necessity for intervening with the CEC and the need to act quickly.
8. Public comment
Rob Hayes, VP for Development, Southern Energy, responsible for the permitting of the Potrero Power Plant introduced himself and his colleagues: Mark Harrer, Project Director responsible for the this project and Mike Lyons, plant manager of the existing facility. Mr. Harrer referred the Task Force to Chapter 2 and 3 of a document Southern Energy provided to the City Administrator which explains the project.
9. Selection of date for next meeting: a Special Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 13th at 4:00 p.m. at City Hall for the purposes of identifying future issues, setting a timeline and reviewing Task Force by-laws. The Task Force expressed a desire to invite the Public Advocate to the next regular meeting.
- Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.