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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 

San Francisco Asthma Task Force

Monthly Meeting MINUTES

February 25, 2008


Members Present:  Gail Herrick, Gloria Thornton, Vince Fabris, Mary Higgins, Amy Dietz, Denys Cruz, Marie Hoemke, Peg Strub, Karen Cohn, Neil Gendel, Raymond Manion


Guests and Staff: Lucille Baul, Stephanie Manfre


  1. Minutes could not be approved, no quorum


  1. Announcements: Amy will be a member next month, Kate announced that CAFA will make an announcement on Wednesday about the future of the initiative, Gail may be working in tobacco cessation in future


  1. ATF Fiscal Matters: ATF has been cut out of the DPH budget for 2008-2009.  Karen presented letter sent to health commission. We will add funding justification.  Future funding needed for environmental work- Long term funding needed for institutional fixes i.e. school cleaning products. Health Commission budget will be approved March 4th.


Do we want to fight for funding and go up against direct service program?  General Fund does not sustainably fund projects. Has funded camera, network events, school projects, media services, consultant to do research on green cleaning projects (with San Francisco Department of Environment).


      City requires EPP, School District does not- City has not found a way to support         

      the project (within SFUSD).


      Gloria raised the issue of disparities- what if we focus on disparities and take

      project and focus on areas of disparities. i.e. focusing on care plans within 94134-         reach out to those schools to participate in Tools for Schools. Amy asked health

      plans could pull internal data to look at who had asthma within what zip code. 

      We have data for which zip codes have higher hospitalizations.


      Mary pointed out that the Mayor is changing membership in all his commissions

(building, health, seniors/disabilities).  Mayor’s office is looking for task forces         and committees to look at alternative funding streams.


      The idea is that we would focus directly on the people that are affected by asthma

      in certain zip codes and alert them of our projects.


Karen presented CAFA report card to group- addresses disparity data.  We have yet to specifically target our efforts in areas of disparities. 


Marie wants to know why asthma rates have not decreased since ATF began.  Public health system is being dismantled. We have been building an infrastructure since we began; people are working together on asthma.  School faculty have been more prepared, physicians are doing a better job of preparing parents. Presenting data may backfire because it doesn’t show that we have been effective.


Gloria asked how group feels about focusing on disparities.  Kate asks if it is direct service or research based.  Karen clarified that it would looking at work that the ATF has done and looking at projects and see if they have been effective.  Are the strategies that we have chosen in the strategic plan effective? It would ensure that the community is bought into projects and will keep them moving forward. Community based not community placed (Amy).


Marie spent the morning at SFUSD- believes that without ATF work will not continue. She suggests focusing on Tenderloin, Chinatown as they have never been targeted.  Karen will try to get data on ages within zip codes to look at who is being affected in each zip code (young children, older children, etc.).


Potential exit strategy would be to go into certain neighborhoods and train communities on advocacy, etc.


Peg understands that we don’t want to take money away from direct services, but could we ask for a reduced amount of funding- can we justify? Can we shift our focus- if money is taken away completely will we ever get it back?


Gloria suggests that we should meet with Catherine Dodd in the Mayor’s Office about the cuts. Each committee should look at what they would need funding for.   We should look at how the funding matches our extension plan.


Gloria asks how the Unnatural Causes movement would fit in with our objective- looks at how social conditions affect health. Will be airing on PBS starting March 27 at 10:00. Project of environmental health- health equity and sustainability. Stephanie will send information to group.


Neil thinks that the inside environment needs to be focused on as well.


  1. Sustainability- how will we exist without funding….Should we adding notes on disparity focus on work plan grid? Marie asked in there is a possibility of having a physician labeled as an “asthma czar”


  1. World Asthma Day, May 6th- Gloria called EPA about a possible activity to introduce Tools for Schools activity- new coordinator.  Release of report card- could honor agencies we have been working with (SFUSD). Planning committee should discuss.  Kate suggests holding an event at a school that is using EPP.  Gail suggests SEHC’s asthma clinic.


  1. Karen won environmental award from Chrissy Field Center.  May 10 2-4 pm reception.  Karen wants to nominate Tom Rivard from DPH for Clean Air Champion (Breathe California ) Award.