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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 

San Francisco Board of Supervisors Asthma Task Force

Schools, Child Development & Home-based Childcare Committee

July 28th, 2008 12-1:30pm

Fox Plaza, 1390 Market St., Suite 230




Present:  Stephanie Manfre, Anjali Nath, Marie Hoemke, Neil Gendel, Gloria Thornton, Sue Watson (on phone), Stacey Herrera (on phone)


  1. Previous meeting minutes approved


  1. ReviewCAFAProposalSchoolObjectives
    • CAFA grant approved- funding for 20 months (through February 2010)- funding covers staffing only.
    • Schools workplan- toxics use reduction in schools/homes

                                                              i.      SFUSD recently hired green liaison- should be in charge of coordinating green initiatives within district.  This is a stakeholder the ATF should introduce ourselves to. 

                                                            ii.      SF General Fund add-back will fund continuation of EPP pilot for 40 schools.  Need clarification on whether or not this will include CDC’s.  Committee needs to determine criteria for including schools once General Fund has been finalized and allocated.

                                                          iii.      Neil suggested that Karen Cohn and Alicia Culver be involved in the planning of workplan, timeline, etc.  Anjali will convene meeting with key players in the coming weeks.

                                                           iv.      Sue Watson announced that RAMP will be hiring a consultant to work with CAFA coalitions on funding/sustainability.


  1. Child Care Workgroup

·        Anjali will be doing a presentation for SFSU HeadStart on August 18th


  1. SF Foundation Grant

·        Breathe California submitted a LOI to SF Foundation on behalf of the ATF to support and coordinate the child care toxics use reduction project. Invited to submit full proposal. Based upon CPMC grant that Karen submitted (ATF did not receive).  Concerns raised about why Alicia Culver was not funded or involved in application.  Anjali will convene meeting with Neil, Karen, Alicia before applying for grant.


  1. End of Year Report to BOE  

·        Jane Kim on vacation.  Will follow up with her when she returns regarding end of year report.  Marie is collecting examples of other school districts that have been successful in their healthy school initiatives.


6.      Tools for Schools (TfS)

·        Jackie did CDC training last week- has created new forms which are easier to use.  ATF needs to be notified of training dates/plan for Fall training

·        CDC sites that did training in 2007 have not yet received stipends.  Jackie and Stacey have not had success advocating for stipends.  Does ATF need to submit a letter to SHP/Meyla to advocate?  At last DAT meeting Kim Levine said she would be taking responsibility. Anjali will contact Jackie to clarify what steps she has taken thus far and how ATF can be of assistance.


7.   Williams ER Program/Other School Renovation Repair Programs

·        No update


8.   High Performance Design Guidelines

·        No update


9.   Environmentally Preferable Products (EPPs)

·        Updated in CAFA agenda item



10.    Announcements/Next meetings

·        Anjali announced that she may be having surgery either in mid-August or end of September.  Stephanie’s last day with the ATF will be August 8th.  Anjali, Stephanie, Krista Ward and Karen Licavoli will meet later this week re: ATF staffing


Next meeting Schools/Child Care Committee – August 25, 12-1:30pm