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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 

Informal Meeting--No Quorem

Board of Supervisors Asthma Task Force

Minutes of Meeting held on July 23, 2007

City Hall Room 278, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA


Members In Attendance:    Neil Gendel, Marie Hoemke,   Nan Madden, Anjali Nath, Nadia Thind, Gloria Thornton, Peg Strub,

Absent Members:  Karen Cohn, Benjamin Heckman Mary Higgins, Rose Toney, Marlo Simmons, Kimberley Knox, Meyla Ruwin, Natasha Madaris Raymond Manion, Louise Kimbell.and Louise Hill.

Guests and Staff:   Tirtza Pearl, Kate Lorenzen and Stephanie Manfre.

 (* = pending appointment)      


1.  Introductions, Agenda Revisions, Approval of Minutes


The May and June minutes were not approved due to lack of a quorum.   There were no modifications to the agenda. 


2.  Updates


a.  ATF Membership

Anjali Nath is continuing to follow up with Supervisor Maxwell’s office regarding the resolution to continue all Task Force members membership until June, 2008.


3.  Addback Budget Status/Fiscal Report

Anjali Nath announced the money for the Asthma Task Force has been put back in the budget! Stephanie Manfre stated the city budget has passed.


4.  Committee Milestones

a.  Clinical

Peg Strub stated the committee just met with Meridith Milet who spoke about different ways of collecting data.  This is data collected by: the City; zip codes….  She also spoke about how surveys come into being and the possibility of the Task Force adding questions. 


The next Clinical Network Meeting will be October 12.


b.  Environmental Committee

Anjali Nath reported the Asthma Task Force has purchased a third camera for the Housing Authority.  The question was raised whether the Department of Public Health has a camera. 


Anjali Nath also reported work has begun on a resolution regarding dust control in private homes. 


The Department of Public Health is looking to form a “Healthy Housing” Division.  Children’s Environmental Health Promotion may transition into the new division.   


Breathe California put together a federal grant for the Office of Minorities Health.   Breathe California is looking for other grant opportunities.  The Task Force is still waiting to hear from Kaiser regarding the grant applied for last year.


c.  Schools/ChildCare Committee

Marie Hoemke reported the committee is working with the District Asthma Team on the Board Resolution regarding the implementation of “Tools for Schools”. Unfortunately, implementation has not yet begun.  There are still issues with having the information input in the computers and they have yet to hire the industrial hygienist. 


Gloria Thornton stated Vicky Wells reported to the Planning Committee the request to hire an industrial hygienist is now at the Mayor’s Office awaiting approval.


Anjali Nath reported there was a training, on May 16, of about 20 people from about 18 different school and child development sites who learned about “Tools for Schools”.


Gloria Thornton stated an ad will be put in the Examiner talking about Healthy Homes.


Stephanie Manfre stated she and Anjali Nath will be hosting a “Train the Trainer” event featuring Dr. Karen Smith on November 1 at Wu Yee.  People from City College will be invited along with other agencies.  At this time about 20 people are signed up. 


Anjali Nath had a conversation with Mark Fulmer, the former ­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________.  He worked with Mr. Garcia when he worked in Kern County.  He will help initiate a conversation with Mr. Garcia regarding “Tools for Schools”. 


5.  Sustainability

Anajli Nath talked about a meeting that was held between Breathe California, ARC Inc., the Task Force and the Health Department.  The discussion was centered on what would be feasible in terms of continuing to support the Task Force in the future. 


Anjali distributed a review of the original workplan, broken down into committees.  Listed were the original objectives of each committee; what has been accomplished and what the committees still hope to accomplish before sunsetting.  The exercise for today’s meeting was to revise the objectives, if needed. 


a.  Schools, Child Development, and home-based Childcare Committee

Marie Hoemke stated the issue of what percentage of children, who have asthma, have turned in their paper work, will be discussed at the next DAT meeting.  Marie stated the Child Development Centers are separate.  Their statistics are not included with the Unified School District.  A suggestion was made to make the Child Development Centers a separate objective. 

Neil Gendel pointed out that the medical information on a child does not stay with the child when they transfer from grade to grade. 


b.  Clinical Committee

The number of Certified Asthma Educators has been substantially increased. 


Gloria Thornton suggested adding how often the network will meet.

Anjali Nath will rewrite the overall goal for the Clinical Committee.


c.  Child Care Committee

Another accomplishment was that Beth Saiki worked with San Francisco City College to include four hours of asthma training into their Health and Safety Training Course.  This is now being used as the model for other courses. 


Kate Lorenzen suggested making a goal to institutionalize a system that will support child care providers.


Meeting Adjourned (4:00p.m.)

The next meeting will be August 23, 2007 at 2:00.  Members were asked to contact Anjali or Stephanie to determine a quorum.