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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 

Present:Gloria Thornton, Neil Gendel, Anjali Nath, Stephanie Manfre


  1. TFS Coordinator has been hired, will start 2/11 potentially (Jackie Chan)


  1. Schools Committee potential new meeting time/conference call


  1. RAMP CEED grant- may focus on green cleaning/indoor environment in childcare centers.  Wu Yee will be doing CC training in October, part of staff development calendar.  Stephanie following up with November 1st trainees


  1. DAT meeting- February 21st- focus on emergency care plans and data.


  1. TfS Workgroup meets February 14th
    Anjali suggests that ATF plus David, Meyla, Louanne, Vicki Wells meet to discuss what needs to happen in TfS.  Then meet afterwards to orient new person.
    • ATF needs to determine what the TfS coordinator needs to know, who she needs to know, what are the steps, etc.  ATF needs to outline the steps/roles of the TfS coordinator- role of Williams, EPP, etc. Anjali will speak with Vicki prior to the meeting to outline individual/department SFUSD roles, what TfS role should be (work plan for coordinator)


February 14, 2008/ Orientation for TfS Coordinator Agenda

1.      Introduction

2.      Draft Work plan

a.       What is TfS (description and components)

b.      What has been done

c.       Next steps

d.      Evaluation

e.       Williams emergency repair/EPP/Bond Program

3.      Orientation- meeting with ATF, individual meetings with stakeholders

4.      2nd meeting- Transition of TfS program from ATF, follow up needed, evaluation, review work plan, coordination for future

5.      Coordinate TfS training (with Shelley and ATF)

6.      Letter to school community/introduction/connect with UESF

7.      Plan for Summer work, Plan for Fall


Task Force meeting with new coordinator should include transition of work, work plan in depth, 3 year work plan – “Tools for Success”- Williams/EPP/Bond Program


  1. Hoover MS has turned in walkthrough materials to Anjali


  1. Neil announced that several years ago Supervisor Ammiano passed legislation to create a “rainy day fund” of 120M; SFUSD could potentially receive 25%. – Stephanie to research when fund was set up.