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San Francisco Bicycle Advisory Committee

Minutes of the Meeting on September 25th, 2008

Members Present:

  • Andy Bindman, District 1
  • Richard Tilles, District 2
  • Marc Brandt, District 3
  • Jake Wegmann, District 6
  • Bert Hill, District 7 (Chairman)
  • Mark Hotsenpiller, District 9
  • Rufus Davis, District 10
  • Casey Allen, District 11


  • Meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM by Chairman Hill
  • Minutes from the August meeting were approved.

Public Comment

  • Peter Smith asked about construction on 7th Street that appears to be compromising the bike lane.  Rufus Davis said that the bike lane seems to be disappearing at that location.  Oliver Gajda of SFMTA said that he was not aware of it but would have his staff look into it and report back.
  • Andy Thornley of the SFBC mentioned that the SFPD investigation of the fatality at Fulton and Steiner is now closed and fault has been assigned to the bicyclist for entering the intersection too early.  Two other fatality investigations are still open.  In addition, a bicyclist was shot and killed on Cabrillo Street and there will be a memorial service for him on September 30th at 7PM on the Panhandle.
  • Mariana Parreiras, newly appointed representative to the BART Task Force, asked if the Committee had any concerns she should bring up at her first meeting.  Jake Wegmann said that they should look into hanging bikes rack.  Chairman Hill asked if bikes should be put into first car on train to make it easier for bicyclists to locate their position on the platform.  Marc Brandt said that this could cause a problem with the motorman getting out into the car during emergencies.

Chairman and Committee Reports

  • Hill spoke about greatly increased attendance at bike safety classes and how a goal should be to create a Center for Bike Safety so that there would be a central location for students to access.
  • Hill also said that there is a new bike light that puts out far more power than prior ones.
  • Casey Allen said that drainage grates are misaligned at Bayshore Boulevard and 3rd Street.
  • Hill discussed the success of the “Sunday Streets” demonstrations on August 31 and September 14.  On the first Sunday, however, a number of bicyclists fell down because of the exposed tracks on Illinois Street.  The police were more vigilant on the second trial and some of the tracks were covered – apparently there were no accidents on September 14.  Thornley said that the tracks should be covered completely with the provision that they could be uncovered if needed by the railroads.
  • Andy Bindman reported that there were hundreds of bikes stolen from at UCSF Parnassus when thieves got into the bike cages.  Arrests have now been made.
  • Davis said that Sunday Streets were a great event for kids in District 10.  He also reported on a new bike tunnel in Marin and said that we should be looking into opening the Fort Mason Tunnel.  Richard Tilles said that the Fort Mason tunnel is problematic because it is intended for an extension of Muni’s Historic Streetcar line.  There are other options to the tunnel.  Hill said that he would put this on the agenda at the next BAC meeting.

SFMTA Report

  • Oliver Gajda delivered the report and handed out written information.
  • Regarding the Illinois St. Bridge and roadway, the UP RR needs to keep the rail eligible for reuse.
  • BART has asked MTA for help in funding bike-related improvements such as stair channels.  Hill asked if they are worthwhile and Gajda said that the one at 16th Street has been surveyed to make sure that it was ADA (impaired vision) compliant.
  • He also said that Aquatic Park is undergoing a major renovation and that the popular bike route would be detoured through the park.
  • MTA will reinstitute the bike light program in mid-November.
  • San Francisco has been reconfirmed as a Gold Level City by the League of American Bicyclists.  The City will be trying for a platinum designation.
  • Brandt asked if money was available for restriping Sharrows.  Gajda said that it was and that staff has been surveying streets but that other eyes are very welcome to report in on deficiencies.
  • Hotsenpiller reported that parts of the Valencia Street bike lane have been taken out during construction.  Gajda said that the contractor is obligated to restore them.
  • Bindman asked if a platinum designation would help bike tourism in the City.  Gajda replied that he thought it would.  Bindman asked why we didn’t have Gateway signs for the gold designation and this issue was to be put on next meeting’s agenda.
  • Gajda also handed out bike count information and Task II of the “State of Cycling” Report.  Bindman said that this was a good report and that its surveys highlighted a lack of awareness by the public of the bicycling resources of the City.  Thornley said that SFBC’s take on the subject can be accessed on their website under “report card”
  • John Kelly said that the report’s recommendations of outreach to minority groups should not take away from outreach to all in the city.
  • Discussing the counts, Mariana Parreiras said that automatic bike detection works and that UC Berkeley is doing further research on it.

Fell-Masonic Intersection Traffic Signal

  • Gajda said that the new bike signal was turned on September 16th.  A left turn pocket for cars was created and a separate phase for bikes and peds installed.  Currently this phase comes after the left turn phase and DPT may change it so that it comes before the left turn phase.
  • Kelly said that there should be a warning sign put up.
  • Thornley said that the phase should be shifted ASAP so that people can get used to it.
  • Peter Smith said that the Panhandle multi-use path is crowded during rush hours and should be widened.

Bike Plan Lawsuit

  • Allen said that it’s not clear with Representative Sandoval would introduce an item to bypass the lawsuit onto Committee since he’s now running for judge.  Mirkarimi might do it.  Bindman said that CEQA should be changed.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Issues

  • Hill introduced a draft resolution concerning bike and ped issues.  Davis said that we need to educate bicyclists about riding on sidewalks – more important than prosecuting them.  Hill said that education will be put into a new draft.
  • Bindman said that sidewalk riding will be reduced when streets are made safer for bicyclists.  Kelly agreed and said that traffic calming, especially on the Embarcadero was important.
  • Pi Roth of the Pedestrian Safety Task Force said that over 10% of seniors surveyed in the Civic Center said they had been hit by a bicycle in the sidewalk.
  • Peter Smith said that bikes and peds need to work together.  Hill said that’s what the resolution was all about.


  • A number of members could not make the next scheduled meeting on October 23 which would include MTA’s response to the Committee’s comments on the Draft Plan.  The meeting date was then changed to October 30th.
  • The meeting adjourned at 9:25.