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Meeting Information

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Regular Meeting


Thursday, January 24, 2008

6:30 p.m.

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place (Polk Street), Room 408


1.      Roll Call

2.      Announcements & Acknowledgments


3.      Approve Minutes  - August, September, October Meetings


4.      Public Comment: (Discussion Item)
The public may address the Committee on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee.
  This should not relate to any item on this agenda since the Committee will take public comment after it discusses and/or before voting on each agenda item.  The Committee requests that each person limit him/herself to three minutes.


5.      Chairman's Report (Information)


6.      Committee Member Reports (Information)


7.      MTA Bicycle Program Report – See MTA Bicycle Program Report to the BAC for January 2008 ( – bottom of page).  In addition, there will be presentation of the finalized Citywide Bicycle Count Report (, and the Bicycle Plan EIR Update Plan and Status (


8.      Task Force Reports

a.      Bike Theft & Security – Bert Hill, District 7

b.      Golden Gate Park Susan King, District 5
(Susan has asked to be excused from this meeting)

c.       Committee Member Business – Bert Hill, Chair
Continuing Vacancy in Districts 4, 6, & 9.  Election of new officers for 2008

d.      Bicycle Report Card Task Force – Andy Bindman, Chair
Development and approval of the metrics and reporting of bicycling growth

9.      Caltrain Bicycle Storage Trends – As Caltrain moves towards increased service, speeds, and electrification, it appears that the agency is moving to adapt levels of bicycle capacity on each train, as well as changing procedures for bicycles on train cars.
Action: Proposed Resolution (see draft in resolution section)
Sponsor: Marc Brandt, District 3

10.  Emergency Exemption  Argument for Imminent Traffic Engineering Design Change at Intersection of Fell and Masonic – This intersection has long been a source of injuries and near crashes between vehicles and pedestrians & bicyclists.  Greg Hayes has compiled a precedent-based argument for requesting an exemption from the Bike Plan injunction, in order to implement near-term changes to this dangerous intersection.
Action: Resolution
(see draft in resolution section)
Sponsor: Committee Member Casey Allen & Greg Hayes

11.  SFPD Police Training Video:  After two years of work, the SFPD issued a special training video to all stations, addressing bicyclists’ rights and responsibilities.  Not long after issuance, the video was posted on YouTube ( and on the SF Bicycle Coalition website, where it has received national acclaim in the bicycling community.  There is already anecdotal evidence that the training video has had positive results in police actions and assistance.  We wish to commend Officer Brenda Walker, Andy Thornley, Captain Richard Corriea, and Chief Heather Fong for supporting this unique work
Action: Resolution Commendation
(see draft in resolution section)
Sponsor: District 7 Committee Member Bert Hill

12.  Market/Octavia Intersection – The MTA is progressing in looking at various alternative designs that will ensure bicyclists’ safety.  A report will be given on progress towards solutions, meetings, and alternatives.
Action: Discussion
Sponsor: District 7 Committee Member Bert Hill

13.  Bicycle Plan Project revisions for conformance to the Environmental Review and revised scope of the Environmental Review – The long-awaited draft of the EIR scope is about to be submitted to the MTA Board of Directors for endorsement and authorization of authority for further changes.
Action: Discussion
Sponsor: Dustin White, MTA

14.  Transfer of California State Highway 35 to SF Municipal Roadway – At an informal meeting recently, Will Kempton, Director of Caltrans, stated offhand that Caltrans was willing to discuss transfer to the City of San Francisco.  Hwy 35, which incorporates parts of  Sloat Blvd. and Skyline Blvd., has become a high speed traffic sewer inappropriate for a park-like neighborhood, park, and recreation area.  With lower speeds, landscaping, and integration with Lake Merced , Stern Grove, the SF Zoo, and the Golden Gate Recreation Area, this could become an area with higher pedestrian and bicyclist potential.
Action: Discussion
Sponsor: Bert Hill, BAC

15.  Distribution of Lights and Reflectors – Although not yet adequately measured in the Bicycling Report Card (see above), there is anecdotal evidence through feedback that the number of cyclists using lights has increased. The SFBAC supports the continued distribution of lights and ankle reflectors to cyclists through public actions, including development of an SFPD program providing outreach traditionally under-supportivecommunities.
Action: Discussion
Sponsor: Bert Hill, BAC

16.  Adjournment



Room 408 of City Hall is wheelchair accessible.  The closest accessible BART Station is Civic Center, three blocks from City Hall. Accessible MUNI lines serving this location are: #47 Van Ness, and the #71 Haight/Noriega and the F Line to Market and Van Ness and the Metro stations at Van Ness and Market and at Civic Center. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call 923-6142. There is accessible parking in the vicinity of City Hall at Civic Center Plaza and adjacent to Davies Hall and the War Memorial Complex.

 Large print copies of the agenda, sign language interpreters, or assistive listening systems can be made available by contacting the DPT staff liaison, Lorraine R. Fuqua, at 415-554-9808..  In order to assist the City’s efforts to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illnesses, multiple chemical sensitivity, or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. Please help the City accommodate these individuals.


Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people's business. The Sunshine Ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. For information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code) or to report a violation of the ordinance, contact Donna Hall; by mail to Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco CA 94102 by phone at (415) 554-7724, by fax at (415) 554-7854 or by email at Citizens may obtain a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance by contacting Ms. Hall or by printing Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code on the Internet, at    Persons from the public may inspect documents referred to on the agenda by contacting our staff liaison, Frank Markowitz at 252-4696.


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