Resolution 2008-01 Endorsing CCSF's ADA Transition Plan For Curb Ramps,Sidewalks,Updates & Revisions


San Francisco Mayor's Disability Council Resolution
Endorsing City and County of San Francisco's
Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan
For Curb Ramps and Sidewalks, Updates and Revisions,
Dated January 9, 2008

Whereas the City and County of San Francisco has an obligation under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other disability rights laws, to provide equal access to all City and County programs and activities, including curb ramps and accessible routes on sidewalks within the public right of way; and

Whereas in an economic environment of limited capital funding sources, competing needs for social service program funding, accessible and affordable housing, ADA Transition Plan for buildings and facilities, and other capital projects funded through the General Fund, the City and County must prioritize efforts for the removal of barriers within the public right of way under its jurisdiction; and

Whereas the City and County of San Francisco's Department of Public Works (DPW), in conjunction with the Mayor's Office on Disability (MDC) has developed an Updated and Revised ADA Transition Plan for Curb Ramps and Sidewalks (the Plan), dated January 9, 2008 to meet the projected need for new construction and reconstruction of curb ramps, and maintenance for the state of good repair of sidewalks in the public right of way; and

Whereas the Plan contains systems of prioritization for planning construction or reconstruction of curb ramps and maintenance of sidewalks, as determined by citizen complaint, recommendations by ADA Title II and through a grading system of evaluating the condition of existing curb ramps, and

Whereas, DPW and MOD have develop the Plan to be flexible and responsive to assess and reflect the particular needs and priorities that may be made evident on a yearly basis, and integrated into the City and County's 10 Year Capital Plan, and

Whereas, MDC and DPW has solicited public input including participation by individuals with disabilities and groups that represent individuals with disabilities in the development of this plan and system of priorities; and

Whereas, the Plan integrated with the City and County's 10 Year Capital Plan, and
Whereas the Plan, as required under the ADA, the Director of DPW is designated as the official responsible for the implementation of the Plan, and

Whereas the Plan, as required by the ADA, is made available to the public for review through multiple means (hard copy, website, electronic, etc),

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor's Disability Council (MDC) recommends to the Mayor of San Francisco and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors that the City and County adopt the ADA Transition Plan for Curb Ramps and Sidewalks as updated and revised, and dated January 9, 2008.

March 21, 2008 Mayor's Disability Council – ADOPTED

Ayes: 7 - Jul Lynn Parsons, F. Ross Woodall, Elizabeth Grigsby, Denise Senhaux, Tatiana Kostanian, Sarah Estes Merrell and Raphaella Bennin.

Absent: Amy Wishnie