Preservation and Conservation
  Preserve the Distinctive Urban Character of Chinatown
  Maintain the Low-Rise Scale of Chinatown's Buildings
  Promote a Building Form that is in Harmony with Existing Buildings
CHI.PVN.1.3   Retain Chinatown's Sunny, Wind-Free Environment
CHI.PVN.1.4   Protect the Historic and Aesthetic Resources of Chinatown
CHI.MIX Mixed Use
CHI.MIX.2   Strengthen Chinatown's Functions as Neighborhood, Capital, and Visitor Attraction
CHI.MIX.2.1   Define Mixed Use Subdistricts Based on Ground Level Use
CHI.MIX.2.2   Base Zoning on the Generalized Land Usd and Density Map
CHI.HOS Housing and Open Space
CHI.HOS.3   Stabilize and Increase the Supply of Housing
CHI.HOS.3.1   Conserve Existing Housing
CHI.HOS.3.2   Increase the Supply of Housing
CHI.HOS.3.3   Seismically Upgrade Buildings
CHI.HOS.4   Preserve the Urban Role of Chinatown as a Residential Neighborhood
CHI.HOS.4.1   Protect the Neighborhood Character of Commercial Uses
CHI.HOS.4.2   Control Proliferation of Uses that Crowd out Neighborhood Service
CHI.HOS.4.3   Separate the Location of Tourist-Oriented Uses from Residential Neighborhood Commercial Areas
CHI.HOS.4.4   Expand Open Space Opportunities
CHI.TOU Tourism
CHI.TOU.5   Strengthen Chinatown's Role as a Visitor Attraction
CHI.TOU.5.1   Maintain Grant Avenue as the Traditional Specialty Retailing Area
CHI.COM Commerce
CHI.COM.6   Retain Chinatown's Role as a Capital City
CHI.COM.6.1   Provide Incentives for Institutional and Cultural Facilities
CHI.COM.6.2   Provide for Modest Expansion of Community Business Offices
CHI.TRA Transportation
CHI.TRA.7   Manage and Stabilize Transportation Impacts
CHI.TRA.7.1   Implement Measures Responsive to Pedestrian Needs
CHI.TRA.7.2   Make MUNI Routes More Reflective of Chinatown Needs and Culture
CHI.TRA.7.3   Imporve and Increase Parking Enforcement
CHI.TRA.7.4   Increase Public Short-Term Parking
CHI.TRA.7.5   Minimize Truck Loading/Unloading Conflicts
CHI.TRA.7.6   Implement Concentrated Commercial Loading Zones