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Meeting Information

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 

Shelter Monitoring Committee

December 7,2005

25 VanNess Room 710



Members present- Bianca Henry, Maxine Pauson, David Nakanishi, Judi Iranyi, Kendra Stuartson, Diana Valentine


Members not present-James Chionsini, Joyce Crum, Blanche Korfmacher, Dorothy Harris, Maria Wilson, Cristoph Jones, Delbert Scott


Non-members present: Leanne Edwards, Michael Wright


I. Call to Order  II. Agenda approved, with addendums:

 Item 9 the presentation by the city attorney Jennifer Williams is tabled until further notice.  Item 7, the MSC report back is tabled until MSC responds.

Motion: Judi   Second: Bianca  Approved: unanimously

 III. Approval of minutes from 11/2/05 with addendum:

Discussion about appropriateness of inclusion of quote, “Hooks can be used as weapons” and identification of speaker.  Concerns about including a quote that may be out of context.  Differing proposals to include as anonymous or strike completely.

 Motion: David moves to strike it. Second: Judi  4 ayes, 2 nays

 IV. Approval of Reports

Three reports are on the table for approval: Lark Inn, HFR 260golden gate, St. Boniface 


Concerns were expressed about the fact that no follow up paperwork from the shelter was sent to be included with the 260gg report. 

Diana and Bianca will follow up.


 This spurred a discussion about inclusion of very specific time frames for submission and defined follow up steps for the shelter staff.  


(David went off topic about several other areas of concern regarding his concerns and frustrations about voids in the process and procedures of the Committee, orientation and division of labor.) 


Motion: Diana proposed that the drafts be accepted and the larger issues be tabled until next meeting.  Second: Judi  4 ayes, 1 nay, 1 abstention


(David left meeting)



V. Schedule of Announced Visits

Team I:   Women’s Place

Team II:  Providence

Team III: Ella Hill Hutch


Some clarification of Team members, Bianca made the offer that she could act as a floater for different teams. 


VI Subcommittee update and reports

Forms and Logistics- Kendra, David, Diana

Will meet to work on larger strategy and specific issues.


Press – The passed proposal of establishing an official press contact and plan still need to be addressed. Kendra will follow up with research about press contacts. Kendra and Diana will continue to work on this.  Judi reminded everyone that the SMC will have to nominate and vote on who the official press contact will be. 


VII Report backs

SMC staff-Reginald Smith did not start on Monday.  He appears appropriate and experienced, and would love to help with the SMC. He asked DHS to guarantee that he would receive compensation for his hours with the Committee (He is hourly not salary) and is awaiting word from them.  The Rules Committee Supervisors are upset with Dar Kayhan at DHS for the false information given at the hearing and are launching a formal investigation.  



Voicemail- established this past Monday, 7months and 1 ½ weeks after the SMC formation. Judi and Kendra will coordinate messages.  Judi will leave bilingual message and can commit to checking it for the next month. 


(Kendra left meeting)



MSC-South Kendra and Diana will follow up about MSC South allegations and response.


Closing of shelters- Bianca attended a meeting. This item tabled until next meeting. Bianca met with Eric (Dolores) and Shelley (St. Boniface) they plan to set up their own committee outside of DHS. Bianca will follow up. Joyce Crum had previously pledged to follow up about the status of the City committee for handling closures.





Waller-The response to our letter was not received until this week, it documents new cribs, cleaning of air filters, and plumbing repairs.  DHS/HAS has not provided the budget analysis requested.  Joyce Crum, DHS rep, was supposed to have information for this meeting, but she is not present for comment.

Bianca will continue to follow up.


VIII New Business


The concept of a “minority statement” inclusion in the reports to address dissenting views (that was suggested at the last meeting) will be tabled and addressed at the next meeting.


All other new business items were tabled.



IX Public Comment


Michael Wright 

He was referred to the Coalition on Homelessness and then the SMC by TARC re: difficulty obtaining a 7-day shelter stay. You have to go to 39 Fell to get a print out but something can change before you arrive at the actual shelter site. Between traveling from 39 Fell to MSC South Mr. Wright’s bed was canceled. MSC South confirmed the error, but there was no remedy.

A similar situation has happened between Bayview and Providence. 

Hank Wilson from TARC stated that this is an ongoing problem and encouraged Mr. Wright to document his complaint with the SMC.


Re: Sanctuary problems. He has been staying at Sanctuary where there has been a terrible plumbing problem, with buckets to collect water in the bathroom and showers. On his second night the toilets and urinals were not functioning, and sewage was spilling out everywhere, through the shower systems also.

“The stench was horrible and made everyone ill with the airborne bacteria form urine, feces, and water. It was clear to everyone that this was a serious health hazard. 


 Discussion about follow up to Sanctuary complaint. Diana suggested calling DBI and DPH.  Bianca expressed concern about the willingness to investigate because they are also city agencies, and suggested an unannounced visit.  Judi and Maxine agreed to do one within 24hours.  


Mr. Wright asked about the empty beds every night and suggested that someone go in undercover. SMC can visit after curfew and last bed check.


Bianca will follow up about 7 day beds and research possible existing lawsuit about Care Not Cash beds, will report findings to SMC.



Mr. Wright also had positive things to say about some of the staff at the Providence and their ability to de-escalate situations, and not be provoked. He also spoke highly of Vanessa at MSC-South and her handling of his lost reservation. SMC members welcomed the positive comments as important to the committees work.


William Gandy’s Complaint against Ella Hill Hutch.

(See letter regarding staff member verbal and physically threatening him and another resident)

 Bianca followed up with night manager and staff was suspended without pay and will receive additional training. Judi and Diana will do announced visit this month.  


X. Adjournment 

Next SMC meeting Wednesday, January 4, 2005  10:00am-12:00pm, 25 Van Ness room #800