Webmaster Technical Assistance

The following email addresses should be used only for reporting technical issues with a website such as error messages, site connection issues, etc.
For information on services or questions regarding City services or content on a specific department website, please refer to our online Help center.
- SFGov Webmaster support: webmaster@sfgov.org
- DataSF Datasets support: http://sf311.org/index.aspx?page=791
(Online Form - No email address available)
- E-Courts web site support: courtwebadmin@sftc.org
- Online Payments support: customersupport@fisgov.com
- Job Applicant Assistance (JobAps): CCSFjobs@sfgov.org (For User/ID Password provide full name, first three letters of last name at birth, month of birth, day of birth, last 4 SSN and a contact number)