Youth Justice Committee - November 26, 2013 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
November 26, 2013 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Youth Justice Committee
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
City Hall, Room 345A
1. Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94102

There will be public comment on each item.

Members: Sophie Edelhart-Chair, Ramon Gomez, Joshua Cardenas; Part-time member: Monica Flores

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm. All commissioners were present. Staff present: Adele Carpenter. There was quorum.

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

Commissioner Cardenas, seconded by Commissioner Gomez, moved to approve the agenda. This motion was approved by acclamation. There was no public comment.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

A. October 15, 2013
(Document A)

Commissioner Gomez, seconded by Commissioner Flores, moved to approve the minutes from October 15, 2013. This motion was approved by acclamation. There was no public comment.

B. September 24, 2013
(Document B)

Commissioner Cardenas, seconded by Commissioner Gomez, moved to approve the minutes from September 24, 2013. This motion was approved by acclamation. There was no public comment.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

Shana Lancaster, from Spotlight on the Arts introduced herself and explained that she was present to discuss incidences of her youth interns being profiled by the police. Two of her eight interns, both African American, have been stopped and searched by police in recent weeks. One did not have a transfer on MUNI. The other was carrying a camera for her photography project and was questioned. The youth interns are considering an art or media project related to issues of police profiling and stop and frisk-like policies.

Commissioners discussed the issue of police performing fare enforcement and what should happen when people under eighteen do not have transfers. This shows a need for communication between MTA and the police department in coordinating fare enforcement with youth. Commissioners also discussed wanting to follow up on the implementation of the IPO plan. Commissioners requested that time on an upcoming agenda be dedicated to getting updates on the IPO.

5. Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Updates on SFPD-SFUSD MOU

Staff member, Adele Carpenter, shared updates on the MOU priority. Committee members agreed to dedicate time in their early December meetings to familiarizing themselves with the content of the MOU that was approved by SFUSD and has been sent to SFPD for approval.

Shana Lancaster shared that commissioners can bring urgency to the issue of establishing the MOU.

B. Debrief Community Response to Valencia Gardens Incident

Commissioners discussed the press related to the Valencia Gardens incident involving plain clothes police and a City College student riding his bike on the block of his residence. Commissioners discussed how to support community at Valencia Gardens, and the relevance of the police training recommendations to this event. They had a lively discussion about the relationship between gentrification and community-police relations. The committee agreed the event highlighted the need for police training as well as training for young people on knowing their rights and responsibilities when interacting with police. The committee discussed following up on the Juvenile Justice Jeopardy training license that was sought by SFPD from Strategies for Youth.

Monica Flores introduced herself as part-time committee member and explained she was interested in following up on Supervisor Campos’ area of interests in youth justice, as his youth commission appointee. She is especially interested in work on past priorities and supporting the committee with a presence at daytime meetings.

Trayvon, a youth intern from Spotlight on the Arts, explained that BART police are performing sweeps at 16th and Mission near where he lives. It feels like there is a sweep mentality. He also confirmed that if youth do not tag their Free MUNI card, they are being cited.

Shana Lancaster gave comments on the need for closer youth-community relations, especially in a city as geographically tight-knit as San Francisco.

C. Review 13-14 Committee Goals

Commissioners discussed their committee goals for the term and agreed to follow up with Spotlight on the Arts with their youth campaign.

There was no further public comment.

6. Staff Report

A. Possible Screening of “A Sentence Apart” Film

Commissioners expressed interest in viewing “A Sentence Apart” and considering hosting a screening with community groups.

B. Update from Juvenile Justice Providers Association Meeting

Adele Carpenter gave other programmatic updates, including passing out the Roadmap to Peace created by Mission Peace Collaborative. Committee members agreed to a special meeting on January 21st to accommodate community allies on youth-police relations. Committee members also asked to request SF Children with Incarcerated Parents for a presentation in December.

7. Items to Report to Executive Committee (Discussion Only)

Committee members agreed to update the commission on committee goals.

8. Executive Committee Report (Discussion Only)

Commissioner Cardenas gave an update on legislative affairs for the upcoming full commission meeting.

9. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.