September 26, 2003-AM sessionJOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS
In the closed session meeting of Assessment Appeals Board Number 1 for the City and County of San Francisco, Friday, September 26, 2003 at 9:43 a.m.
Present: Diane Robinson, Frank Mahoney, III, and Thomas Ramm
Quorum present
Chairperson: Diane Robinson, Presiding
The Board commenced its meeting in open session at the hour of 9:43 a.m. There was public comment given by James Pann of the Assessor’s office relating to item # 3 on the agenda, which was a closed session for the Board to review additional documents received and to deliberate applications 2002-2245, 2002-2246, 2002-2247, 2002-2248 and 2002-2249, filed on behalf of Bruce Toy.
Following public comment the Board instructed the clerk to send written correspondence to applicant’s agent/attorney to schedule another open hearing for both parties to further discuss the issues regarding the above referenced applications.
The Board then heard testimony from both parties on the below listed application(s) for change in the assessed valuation of property affecting the 2001 assessment roll. The Board convened into closed at the hour of 11:10. At the hour of 11:25, the Board reconvened into open session, gave both parties further instructions for the next hearing, and took the following action, as specified under this date, on the original of the respective applications(s):
Appeal No.
Gannett Company
Continued tentatively to 11/7/03
There being no further business, the Board, at the hour of 11:28 a.m., recessed to reconvene at 11:30 a.m. this same day to hear a different matter before a different Board panel.
Gloria L. Young
Dawn Duran
Approved by the Board on Monday, September 29, 2003