April 24, 2001
City & County of San Francisco
Appeals Board
Archive of Minutes and Agendas (Through 2000)
JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGSCITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCOASSESSMENT APPEALS BOARDIn the meeting of Assessment Appeals Board Number 2 of the City and County of San Francisco, Tuesday, April 24, 2001 at 9:30 a.m.
Present: Lawrence Lee, Donald Schmidt and Anita Bedford
Quorum present
Chairperson: Lawrence Lee, Presiding
The following listed applicant(s) for change in the assessed valuation of property affecting the Assessment Roll for various years being present and heard, the Board took certain actions, as specified under this date, on the original of the respective applications(s):
Appeal No.NameDisposition
2000-0079Sieu TaDenied
The following listed applicant(s) for change in the assessed valuation of property affecting the Assessment Roll for various years having failed to appear for hearing as scheduled, the Board took certain actions, as specified under this date, on the original of the respective application(s):
Appeal No.NameDisposition
2000-0244Credit Suisse First Boston Inc.Postponed
2000-0252ZDTV LLCPostponed
2000-0279Bank of CantonPostponed
2000-0302Esprit De CorporationPostponed
2000-0304Esprit De CorporationPostponed
2000-0306Jessie HarjaniPostponed
2000-0309Marriott International, Inc.Postponed
2000-0311Host Marriott CorporationPostponed
2000-0313Gatx Capital Corp.Postponed
2000-0329Advent Software, Inc.Postponed
2000-0334California State AutomobilePostponed
2000-0319Officemax, Inc. #582Withdrawn
2000-0320Officemax, Inc. #582Withdrawn
2000-0321Officemax, Inc. #582Withdrawn
RECESSThere being no further business, the Board, at the hour of 10:10a.m., recessed to reconvene at 1:30 p.m.
RECONVENING OF THE BOARDThe Assessment Appeals Board reconvened at the hour of 1:30 p.m.
Present: Lawrence Lee, Donald Schmidt and Anita Bedford
Quorum present
Chairperson: Lawrence Lee, Presiding
The following listed applicant(s) for change in the assessed valuation of property affecting the Assessment Roll for various years being present and heard, the Board took certain actions, as specified under this date, on the original of the respective applications(s):
Appeal No.NameDisposition
1998-0841Burns Philp Food Inc.Withdrawn
1998-1084Burns Philp Food Inc.A.V.Lowered (Assessor)
1998-1085Burns Philp Food Inc.A.V.Lowered (Assessor)
1998-1086Burns Philp Food Inc.A.V.Lowered (Assessor)
1998-1087Burns Philp Food Inc.A.V.Lowered (Assessor)
The following listed applicant(s) for change in the assessed valuation of property affecting the Assessment Roll for various years having failed to appear for hearing as scheduled, the Board took certain actions, as specified under this date, on the original of the respective application(s):
Appeal No.NameDisposition
1999-0530Walgreen Co.Postponed
1999-0499Thelen Reid & Priest LLPWithdrawn
1999-0531Walgreen Co.Withdrawn
1999-0263Northern California GlaziersWithdrawn
2000-0322Equilon Enterprises LLCWithdrawn
2000-0322Equilon Enterprises LLCWithdrawn
2000-0324Equilon Enterprises LLCWithdrawn
2000-0325Equilon Enterprises LLCWithdrawn
2000-0327Equilon Enterprises LLCWithdrawn
2000-0380Paula Steuer DavisWithdrawn
2000-0638Stanley AyersWithdrawn
There being no further business, the Board, at the hour of 1:55 p.m., recessed to reconvene Monday, April 30, 2001 at 9:30 a.m.
Gloria L. YoungClerkMarilyn CosentinoActing AdministratorApproved by the Board on Thursday, May 3, 2001