May 30, 2001
City & County of San Francisco
Appeals Board
Archive of Minutes and Agendas (Through 2000)
JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGSCITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCOASSESSMENT APPEALS BOARDIn the meeting of Assessment Appeals Board Number 2 of the City and County of San Francisco, Wednesday, May 30, 2001 at 9:40 a.m.
Present: Lawrence Lee, John McGary and Irma Ramirez-Tom
Quorum present
Chairperson: Lawrence Lee, Presiding
The following listed applicant(s) for change in the assessed valuation of property affecting the Assessment Roll for various years being present and heard, the Board took certain actions, as specified under this date, on the original of the respective applications(s):
Appeal No.NameDisposition
1999-0299Clean X-Press Excelon A.V. Lowered (Assessor)
2000-0051Eastopen Inc.Penalty Waived
2000-0126Plant Construction Co.A.V. Lowered (Board)
2000-0633Aurelio MendozaDenied
2000-0663Jamil HaddadA.V. Lowered (Assessor)
The following listed applicant(s) for change in the assessed valuation of property affecting the Assessment Roll for various years having failed to appear for hearing as scheduled, the Board took certain actions, as specified under this date, on the original of the respective application(s):
Appeal No.NameDisposition
1997-1966Whole Foods Market Inc.Postponed
1998-0831Whole Foods Market Inc.Postponed
1998-0832Whole Foods Market Inc.Postponed
1999-0471Whole Foods Market Inc.Postponed
2000-0216Whole Foods Market Inc.Postponed
1998-0180Capital Research & ManageWithdrawn
1998-0181Capital Guardian Research Co.Withdrawn
1998-0182Capital Research Co.Withdrawn
1999-0615Capitol Guardian Research Co.Withdrawn
1999-0616Capitol Research ManagementWithdrawn
1999-0617Capitol Research Co.Withdrawn
There being no further business, the Board, at the hour of 11:40 a.m., recessed to reconvene Monday, June 11, 2001 at 9:30 a.m.
Gloria L. YoungClerkMarilyn CosentinoActing AdministratorApproved by the Board on Monday, June 25, 2001