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November 03, 2003

November 03, 2003




In the Special Joint Meeting of Assessment Appeals Boards Number 1 and Number 2 for the City and County of San Francisco, Monday, November 3, 2003 at 9:40 a.m.

1.    Roll Call.


Board 1

Board 2


Peter Fatooh



Alec Lambie

Lawrence Lee


Diane Robinson

Donald Schmidt


Thomas Ramm

John McGary


Gordon Huseby

Donna Crowder


Hayes Miles

Richard Lee


David Wilbur

Joseph Tham

  • Quorum Present

2.    Selection of a Chairperson for the Joint Meeting.

  • The Board voted Peter Fatooh to serve as Chair for the meeting.

3.    Public Comment (for items on the agenda as well as items not on the agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Boards).

  • There was no public comment at this time.
  • The Board acknowledged and thanked Assessor for her presence at the meeting. The Board also acknowledged Mark Ong in audience. Mr. Ong is with the firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers, representing various taxpayers for assessment appeal matters before the Board.

4.    Further discussion was held with Rich Hillis of the Assessor’s office, regarding the assessor’s proposed changes to the San Francisco Administrative Code by adding two new sections. The first new section, 2B.21, relates to the production and inspection demand procedures per Revenue & Taxation Code §441. The second new section, 2B.22, relates to establishing and implementing procedures for prehearing conferences in accordance with Property Tax Rule 305.2.

  • ACTION: No final action was taken on this item. The Board continued this item for further discussion and possible action at a later date. The Board asked the legal counsel and staff of the Assessment Appeals Board to meet with the staff and legal counsel of the Assessor’s office to revise and edit the proposed draft, and to incorporate verbiage in response to comments expressed by the Board.

5.    A brief discussion was held regarding the physical inspection of property by the Assessor for the purpose of assessing the property.

  • This was a discussion item only. No action was taken by the Board.

6.    In response to Board’s request at the previous Joint Board Meeting of July 21, 2003, further discussion was held on the following matters:

  • Revenue & Taxation Code §441 as it relates to real property; this was a discussion item only. No action was taken by the Board.
  • A 3-person panel versus a single hearing officer to officiate prehearing conferences; this was also a discussion item only. No action was taken by the Board.

7.    The Administrator provided the Board with the following reports:

  • Responding to the Board’s request at the previous Joint Board Meeting of July 21, 2003, the results of a survey made of other counties regarding their implementation of Property Tax Rule 305.2, Prehearing Conferences. Also included, if made available, were copies of the procedures adopted by the applicable counties in establishing prehearing conferences.
  • A brief overview of the standard monthly activity reports prepared by AAB staff.

8.    Public comment was heard from Mark Ong in response to questions directed to him by the Board.

There being no further business before the Joint Board, at the hour of 11:52 a.m., adjourned until its next scheduled Joint Board Meeting.

Gloria L Young

Clerk of the Board


Dawn Duran


Approved by Board 1 and Board 2 on February 23, 2004

Last updated: 9/3/2009 11:19:40 AM