Civic Design Review Committee - December 21, 2020 - Minutes
Monday, December 21, 2020
2:00 p.m.
Remote Meeting via video and teleconferencing
Commissioner Stryker called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m.
- Roll Call
Commissioners Present
Kimberlee Stryker, Chair
Yakuh Askew
Mary Jung
Dorka Keehn
Abby Sadin Schnair
Commissioners Absent
Debra Walker
Paul Woolford
- General Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Commissioner Woolford joined the meeting at 2:10 p.m.
Commissioner Walker joined the meeting at 2:13 p.m.
- Castro Station Elevator Project – Post Phase 3 Review
Tess Kavanaugh, Project Manager, SFMTA
Jane Chan, Architect, SFPW
Lawrence Cuevas, Landscape Architect, SFPW
The project team explained that the reason they are back for a post phase 3 review is because their project sponsor, the SFMTA, has requested a 4th elevator stop as part of the overall accessibility project. The team explained that this project is part of an overall program the SFMTA has to improve accessibility at multiple subway stations and that they are working closely with the community and the Friends of Harvey Milk to coordinate their design with larger plaza design. The project location is at the corner of Castro and Market Sts. The project team stated that the revisions being made are to add a new elevator entry point on Market St. directly in front of the bus stop so that people with mobility issues can directly access the elevator. They also stated that the accessibility improvement scope includes repaving and regrading a portion of walkway, widening the sidewalk, and adding a curb ramp. The team stated that they adjusted the orientation of entry point to the north side of Market St and the south side of Castro St. as this orientation is more accessible. The team stated that they scope of site design hasn’t changed too much and that they are making sure the Market and Castro Street level changes interface with existing plaza with a focus on accessibility and safety. The team will be replanting the existing planting areas with drought tolerant and low water plants. The team informed the committee that they biggest changes will come in the paving where they will be replacing the existing brick, which is slippery and difficult for wheelchair users, with finished concrete with exposed aggregate in a warm color to match the surrounding pallet. The project also included, replacing existing guardrail to match surrounding design, replacing the existing fencing, light fixtures, and restoring the existing signage using photo enamel porcelain material.
Commission Stryker reminded the committee that the planting plan was approved previously and that the committee is primarily looking at the added elevator and bridge with orientation changes. Commissioners asked about how queuing will work on Market St since the sidewalk is quite narrow where the elevator is. The project team explained that the sidewalk will be widened to match the 5-foot width of the western half of the street.
There was no public comment.
Commissioner Schnair, seconded by Commissioner Walker moved to approve a post phase 3 review of the Castro Station Elevator Project as presented.
The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Stryker, Askew, Jung, Keehn, Schnair, Walker, Woolford
- Visual Arts Committee Update
Commissioner Keehn presented on artist Walter Kitundu’s work Ruupaywa, the Ohlone Chochenyo word for “the eagle,” for the Alameda Creek Watershed in Sunol. The work takes the form of a large eagle with images of the watershed embedded in its wings. The seating area is fully ADA accessible and contains a small time capsule that members of the community can contribute to. In addition to the sculpture, there is a sound component which takes the voices of Ohlone tribe members and translates them back into birdsong.
Commissioner Keehn also presented on Mildred Howard’s work for the Southeast Community Center. The sculpture is based on the West African anklets that women wear as a sign of their success and wealth. Shaped and positioned to look like ship hulls the sculpture pays homage to the travels, trials, and perseverance of Bayview residents.
There was no public comment.
- Staff Report
Deputy Director Joanne Lee gave updated the committee on three administrative approvals—Rainbow Honor Walk Plaque Project (additional plaques), Margaret Haywood Community Building (color revision to sunshades), and Treasure Island Stage 2 Restroom Project (approval for Phase 1 and 2).
There was no public comment.
- New Business and Announcements
Commissioner Schnair congratulated and thanked Commissioner Stryker on her leadership in 2020 and also welcomed and expressed appreciation for Commissioner Askew, the newest member of CDR.
Commissioner Askew thanked commissioners for warm welcome to committee.
Commissioner Woolford mentioned that he had two CDR calendar invites and asked for clarity around new start time. Deputy Director Lee explained that the reason for the time change was to accommodate a busier review schedule earlier in the year. Commissioner Stryker and Schnair suggested keeping the meeting time at 2pm. Commissioner Walker asked that the weblink to the meeting is included in calendar invite.
There was no public comment.
- Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:58 p.m.
posted 1/3/2021 at 2:00 p.m. MW
approved 1/4/2021
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