Full Commission - June 3, 2019 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
June 3, 2019 - 2:00pm
City Hall Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Monday, June 3, 2019
2:00 p.m.
City Hall Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place


President OrdeƱana called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.

  1. Roll Call
    Commissioners Present
    Roberto OrdeƱana, President
    Kimberlee Stryker, Vice President
    JD Beltran
    Suzanne Ferras
    Mary Jung
    Dorka Keehn
    Nabiel Musleh
    Linda Parker Pennington
    Abby Sadin Schnair
    Janine Shiota
    Lydia So
    Paul Woolford
    Commissioners Absent
    Charles Collins
    Marcus Shelby
    Barbara Sklar
    Rich Hillis, ex officio
  2. Approval of Minutes
    There was no public comment, and the minutes were unanimously approved as follows.
    RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-154: Motion to approve MayĀ 6, 2019 Minutes.
  3. General Public Comment
    There was no public comment.
  4. Directorā€™s Report
    Mr. DeCaigny reported on a number of activities of the agency, including events associated with the Galleries shows: the opening on JuneĀ 6 of Brian Belottā€™s Rhodascope: Scribbles, Smears and the Universal Language of Children According to Rhoda Kellogg, at City Hall; the reception on JuneĀ 19 for photographer Ron Moultrie Saundersā€™s solo exhibition at CafĆ© Valor, Beneath My Skin is the History of My Beauty; and the closing of With(out) With(in) the very moment on JuneĀ 22.
    He reported on the installation at Patriciaā€™s Green of a new temporary sculpture, Tara Mechani, an illuminated female Buddha of recycled machine parts and hardware.
    He announced that 2019 was the fiftieth anniversary of the two-percent-for-art program; several works in the Civic Art Collection will be featured in kiosk posters downtown. He announced a partnership with the San Francisco Ballet and the StreetSmARTS anti-graffiti program, the creation of a mural by Jason JƤgel for the Balletā€™s warehouse.
    He announced a Request for Qualifications for a public art opportunity at the Southeast Community Facility, with a JuneĀ 21 deadline. He noted that while expertise with sculpture and materials is required, no prior experience with public art is required; Arts Commission staff will work with the selected artist to realize the artwork.
    Mr. DeCaigny reported on the ongoing search to fill a number of vacant positions, including Deputy Director of Programs, Deputy Director of Administration and Finance, Senior Racial Equity and Policy Analyst and Project Managers.
    Finally, he announced that the July meeting was scheduled for JulyĀ 8, not JulyĀ 1, in light of the JulyĀ 4 Independence Day holiday.
    There was no public comment.
  5. Committee Reports and Committee Matters
    1. Civic Design Review Committeeā€”Kimberlee Stryker, Chair
      1. Vice President Stryker reported that the Committee reviewed several projects, including a small restroom at McLaren Park, and a research building at San Francisco General Hospital. She reported that although staff had spent several months setting up a joint meeting with the Historic Preservation Commission, only one of their Commissioners ultimately attended the meeting. She expressed hope that a joint meeting could take place in the future to help design teams working on projects subject to review by both bodies.
        There was no public comment.
    2. Community Investments Committeeā€”Charles Collins, Chair
      1. 2019-2020 Grants Cycle Presentation
        Mr. DeCaigny and Community Investments Program Director Barbara Mumby explained that the following motions were intended to authorize first-quarter advances to the Cultural Centers to allow them to meet payroll and fund their operations until the City's budget is finally passed by the Board of Supervisors. They explained that these are only advances on the Centers' base budgets, and that the Community Investments Committee will have the opportunity to fully review their annual reports and program plans for the coming year before authorizing the full amount of their grants. Commissioner Parker Pennington expressed concern about authorizing these advances and didn't feel that she had a full grasp of the performance and finances of the Centers. Staff and Commissioners discussed the reasons to authorize these advances, which constitute a small portion of the annual grants, and the challenge of aligning the timing of the City's budget process with the Centers' operating calendar. Staff reiterated that the Centers will need to present their Management and Program Plans to the Committee before it will authorize the bulk of the grant for each Center.
      2. Cultural Centers FY20 Allocation
        1. President OrdeƱana recused himself from consideration of the following motion because sub-grantee Queer Cultural Center rents space from his employer, the San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center. He left the room at approximately 2:35Ā p.m.
          There was no public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved as follows, with the recusal of President OrdeƱana.
          President OrdeƱana returned to the room at approximately 2:37Ā p.m.
          RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-155: Motion to approve the Cultural Center grant amount of $577,476 to the African American Art and Culture Complex (ā€œAAACCā€); and to sub-grantee Queer Cultural Center (ā€œQCCā€) for a grant amount of $120,798; and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a total grant agreement not to exceed $698,274 at this time.
          Commissioner Parker Pennington announced that she had recently ended the consulting agreement which previously required her recusal from matters regarding Bayview Opera House, and she would no longer recuse herself from those matters.
          There was no public comment, and the motion was approved as follows:
          Ayes: Commissioners OrdeƱana, Stryker, Beltran, Ferras, Jung, Keehn, Musleh, Schnair, Shiota, So and Woolford
          Nay: Commissioner Parker Pennington
        2. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-156: Motion to approve the Cultural Center grant amount of $363,040 to the Bayview Opera House; and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a grant agreement not to exceed $363,040 at this time.
          There was no public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved as follows.
        3. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-157: Motion to approve the Cultural Center grant amount of $627,834 to Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts; and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a grant agreement not to exceed $627,834 at this time.
          There was no public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved as follows.
        4. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-158: Motion to approve the Cultural Center grant amount of $680,695 to SOMArts; and to sub-grantee Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center (ā€œAPICCā€) for a grant amount of $130,608; and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a total grant agreement not to exceed $811,303 at this time.
      3. Cultural Centers FY20 Allocation
        Public Comment:
        Dr. Andrew Jolivette spoke in support of the Native American Arts and Cultural Traditions grant. He reported that the group has made progress in capacity-building and infrastructure, working with the Mayor's office and working on strategic planning. Commissioners invited him to make a fuller report to the Committee at a future meeting.
        There was no further public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved as follows.
        RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-159: Motion to approve an increase of $134,608 to the Native American Arts and Cultural Traditions Special Projects Grant (ā€œNAACT-SPXā€) to the American Indian Cultural Center (Fiscal Sponsor: Intersection for the Arts) to support the ongoing capacity-building and development of a cultural center; and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into an amended grant agreement for a total amount not to exceed $184,608 at this time.
      4. Individual Artist Commission Grants
        Mr. DeCaigny explained that the following motions were intended to make technical corrections to the fiscal sponsors for the grantees, as requested by the Controller's office, and that there was no change to the amount or to the ultimate recipient of the grant funds.
        There was no public comment and the motions were unanimously approved as follows.
        1. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-160: Motion to rescind and reissue the Individual Artist Commission Grant to Rachel Lastimosa (authorized by Resolution No. 0506-19-110) and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to approve the addition of a fiscal sponsor, Filipino-American Development Foundation, and to enter into a grant agreement for an amount not to exceed $15,000 at this time.
        2. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-161: Motion to rescind and reissue the Individual Artist Commission Grant to Mary Jean Robertson (authorized by Resolution No 0506-19-110) and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to approve the addition of a fiscal sponsor, Independent Arts and Media, and to enter into a grant agreement for an amount not to exceed $10,000 at this time.
      5. Organization Project Grant
        There was no public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved as follows.
        1. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-162: Motion to rescind and reissue the Organization Project Grant (ā€œOPGā€) to SF Urban Film Fest (Fiscal Sponsor: SPUR, San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association) (authorized by Resolution No. 0506-19-111) and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to approve the new fiscal sponsor, Intersection for the Arts, and to enter into a grant agreement for an amount not to exceed $20,000 at this time.
    3. Visual Arts Committeeā€”Dorka Keehn, Chair
      1. Commissioner Keehn reported that the Committee approved several projects, and she would present artwork for the Airport at a future meeting.
        Commissioners remarked that the process for the Headworks project had gone very smoothly, and they thought the collaboration between the Visual Arts Committee and the Civic Design Review Committee had worked very well for this project.
        There was no public comment.
  6. Consent Calendar
    There was no public comment, and the Consent Calendar was approved unanimously as follows.
    RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-163:
    Approval: RESOLVED, that this Commission does hereby adopt the following items on the Consent Calendar and their related Resolutions:
    1. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-164: Motion to approve the Visual Arts Committee Meeting Minutes of AprilĀ 17, 2019.
    2. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-165: Motion to approve the Visual Arts Committee Meeting Minutes of MayĀ 15, 2019.
      Visual Arts Committee Recommendations (MayĀ 15, 2019)
    3. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-166: Motion to approve Hayes Valley Basketball Court, a mural design by artist Ricardo Richey (Apexer). The mural will be installed on the surface of the Hayes Valley Playground Basketball court, which is located on Hayes Street at Buchanan Street. The painted mural will measure approximately 50Ā ft. by 94Ā ft. The project is funded by a grant from the Kevin Durant Charity Foundation to the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department. The painted mural will not become part of the Civic Art Collection.
    4. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-167: Motion to approve the temporary installation of Gateway Tower by artist Sean Orlando, a privately funded sculpture 30Ā ft. high by 8Ā ft. wide, the design of which is inspired by the ornamentation of doors in Victorian architecture using a form evocative of Coit Tower, to be placed in Embarcadero Plaza from JulyĀ 22, 2019 through OctoberĀ 17, 2019, pending approval of the interior murals by the Visual Arts Committee, and pending approval from the Recreation and Park Commission.
    5. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-168: Motion to approve revised design of artwork (inclusion of bumps 10 feet and below, elimination of fins on Rankin side) on Headworks Building by Norie Sato for the Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant.
    6. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-169: Motion to approve revised final design (wave imagery on platform walls) of Tomie Araiā€™s artwork for Central Subway: Chinatown Station.
    7. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-170: Motion to approve selected artist Muzae Sesay and proposal titled ā€œWhere Community Happensā€ for the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (ā€œHSHā€) Administrative Offices Access Point wall, as recommended by the artist selection panel.
    8. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-171: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into contract with artist Muzae Sesay for an amount not to exceed $41,480 for the design, fabrication, transportation and installation consultation of an artwork for the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (ā€œHSHā€) Administrative Offices Access Point wall.
    9. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-172: Motion to approve artworks by the following Hospitality House Community Arts Program artists for reproduction and installation at the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (ā€œHSHā€) Administrative Offices at 440 Turk Street, as recommended by the Selection Panel:
      Angela Summers
      Anna Marrow
      Brian Bourassa
      Charles Blackwell
      Laurie Blessen
      Lisa Maria Barbas
      Maybelline Midori
      Tan Sirinumas
    10. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-173: Motion to enter into agreement with Central City Hospitality House for an amount not to exceed $6,500 for the photography, licensing, and administrative fees associated with the reproduction and installation of artworks at Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (ā€œHSHā€) Administrative Offices at 440 Turk Street.
      Civic Design Review Committee Recommendations (MayĀ 20, 2019)
    11. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-174: Motion to approve PhaseĀ 2 of the McLaren Park Picnic Area Restroom Project contingent upon: 1)Ā using optionĀ 1 for the restroom design and 2)Ā using the square pumpkin color tile.
    12. RESOLUTION NO. 0603-19-175: Motion to approve the UCSF Research and Academic Building Project.
  7. New Business and Announcements
    Mr. DeCaigny thanked community partners in the Mayor's Museums for All initiative, which will admit families and young people free to the City's museums over the summer.
    He reminded Commissioners who have had to recuse themselved since January, 2019, of the new requirement to file a notice with the Ethics Commission.
    Commissioners announced several events and exhibitions.
    Staff reminded the Commission that the July meeting was scheduled for JulyĀ 8 and not JulyĀ 1, because of the Independence Day holiday. Several Commissioners advised that they would be away on JulyĀ 8, and requested that staff confirm a quorum for that date.
    There was no further news or announcements, and there was no public comment.
  8. Adjournment
    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:59 p.m.

posted 6/17/19, 5:00 p.m. spr
revised 8/2/19
approved 8/5/19


Language Accessibility

Translated written materials and interpretation services are available to you at no cost. For assistance, please notify Commission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2256,Ā sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org.

ęˆ‘å€‘å°‡ē‚ŗ閣äø‹ęä¾›å…č²»ēš„ę›ø面ēæ»č­Æč³‡ę–™å’Œå£č­Æęœå‹™ć€‚å¦‚éœ€å”åŠ©ļ¼ŒCommission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2256,Ā sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org.

Materiales traducidos y servicios de interpretaciĆ³n estĆ”n disponibles para usted de manera gratuita. Para asistencia, notifique a Commission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2256,Ā sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org.

Ang mga materyales na nakasalin sa ibang wika at ang mga serbisyong tagapagsalin sa wika ay walang bayad. Para sa tulong, maaring i-contact si Commission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2256,sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org.