Full Commission - March 4, 2019 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
March 4, 2019 - 2:00pm
City Hall Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Monday, March 4, 2019
2:00 p.m.
City Hall Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place


President OrdeƱana called the meeting to order at 2:10Ā p.m.

  1. Roll Call
    Commissioners Present
    Roberto OrdeƱana, President
    Kimberlee Stryker, Vice President
    JD Beltran
    Mary Jung
    Dorka Keehn
    Nabiel Musleh
    Linda Parker Pennington
    Abby Sadin Schnair
    Janine Shiota
    Barbara Sklar
    Lydia So
    Paul Woolford
    Commissioners Absent
    Charles Collins
    Marcus Shelby
    Jessica Silverman
    Rich Hillis, ex officio
  2. Approval of Minutes
    There was no public comment, and the minutes were unanimously approved as follows.
    RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-051: Motion to approve FebruaryĀ 4, 2019 Minutes.
  3. General Public Comment
    There was no public comment.
  4. Directorā€™s Report
    Mr. DeCaigny announced events held in connection with the Galleries' exhibitions, Part and Parcel, Fiber Structure and Golbanu Moghaddas: From Water to Water, and the photo show Westward at City Hall. He announced the dedication of a neon mural, WFT, by Joseph Kosuth on the wall of Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. He explained that this was the first public artwork funded by the Public Art Trust, with a contribution by the Emerald Fund. He congratulated staff for their work on these projects.
    Mr. DeCaigny announced the closing date for the 2019-2020 Public Art Prequalified Pool, and said that information about applying was on the Arts Commission's website. He pointed out that artists do not need to have prior public art experience. He added that the Community Investments staff is in full swing on grants panels, noting that a record number of applications have been received.
    He reminded Commissioners that their filings of FormĀ 700, as well as Sunshine and Ethics training certification, are due on AprilĀ 1.
    Finally, he was thrilled to come before the Commission with a proposal for a Cultural Services Allocation Plan, an earlier version of which was presented to the Community Investments Committee at its recent meeting.
    There was no public comment.
  5. Cultural Services Allocation Plan for 2019-2024
    Mr. DeCaigny explained how the voters' approval, by over 75%, of PropositionĀ E in November, 2018, called for the creation of the Cultural Services Allocation Plan to allocate new funds for the arts in San Francisco. He briefly described the funding approved in PropositionĀ E, and the various City departments involved and approvals needed. He described the robust community engagement undertaken so far, and plans for ongoing community engagement.
    He introduced Dr. Anh Thang Dao-Shah, who presented an overview of the process of developing the plan, and presented the plan with its proposals for how funds should be allocated into four ā€œbucketsā€: arts organizations core support, individual artists support, affordable space and arts education. Mr. DeCaigny discussed the role and structure of the community working group, as well as the creation of a ā€œrainy dayā€ reserve fund to address unanticipated events with a negative impact on the arts and culture ecology.
    The Commission discussed the plan in great detail, including how it fit with the Commission's, and the City's, current spending, how the funding areas were determined, whether this was the right balance of priorities, and how results would be evaluated over the term of the plan.
    The Commission acknowledged receipt of a letter from artist and cultural worker Kevin Seaman expressing his concerns about the plan.
    Public Comment:
    Todd Berman of Arts Education Alliance of the Bay Area said he appreciated the process and supported Mr. Seamanā€™s perspective. He thought the plan should definitely incorporate flexibility and emphasized the right of students to equity in arts education.
    Vinay Patel of Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center said that many artas organizations are experiencing their rainy days right now, and asked the Commission to reconsider using those funds now. He agreed with many of Mr. Seamanā€™s comments and suggested that less money should go for research.
    Sylvia Sherman of Community Music Center and Arts Education Alliance of the Bay Area was happy to see this new stream of more money for the arts and to see the importance of arts education affirmed. She praised the work done by the Arts Commission.
    Donn Harris of the San Francisco School District, and former principal of School of the Arts, thanked the Commission for its consistent support. He agreed that it was great to see the passage of Proposition E, and affirmed that the District offers its support in any way it can.
    Jill Dineen of Leap Arts in Education, thanked the staff for their concentrated work in community engagement, and was pleased to see the prioritization around real estate, noting that teaching artists are leaving, finding it difficult to make a living. She also pointed out the crossover between individual artists and teaching artists, and she noted that this meeting was being held on national Arts Advocacy Day.
    Pat Zamora of the Boys and Girls Clubs of San Francisco described her agencyā€™s work and expressed support for the expansion of flexible funding, and the importance of connecting students from elementary through high school to future opportunities in the arts in both academic and professional areas.
    Michael Palladino of the Arts Education Alliance of the Bay Area said that he was not an artist, but an appreciator of the arts, and that business has an important role in supporting arts education and the training of creative people.
    Ruth Knott, Education Director of the San Francisco Opera explained that the Opera spends $500,000 on public school arts education programming, and they are excited to see the incease. She noted that her organization receives general operating funds, and thought this might be a window for them to apply for other funds as well.
    There was no further public comment, and the Commission briefly continued its discussion.
    The motion was unanimously approved as follows.
    RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-052: Motion to approve proposed Cultural Services Allocation Plan for 2019-2024.
  6. Committee Reports and Committee Matters
    1. Civic Design Review Committeeā€”Kimberlee Stryker, Chair
      1. Commissioner Stryker reported that the Committee held a relatively brief meeting, recommending a relatively minor change in landscaping at the Rossi Pool.
        There was no public comment.
    2. Community Investments Committeeā€”Charles Collins, Chair
      1. President OrdeƱana reported that the Committee spent most of its time at the recent meeting discussing the Cultural Services Allocation Plan.
        He presented the following motion. There was no public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved as follows.
      2. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-053: Motion to approve the following panelist to serve, as selected by staff, on San Francisco Arts Commission review panels for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 fiscal years:
        Dina Zarif Asiaban, Program Director, Red Poppy Art House
        In regard to the following motion, President OrdeƱana explained that his employer, the San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center, was a member of the Castro Upper Market Community Benefit District, Inc., and although this did not present a conflict, he wished to disclose it. He presented the motion; There was no public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved as follows.
      3. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-054: Motion to approve a recommendation to award a Special Projects Grant funded by the District 8 Participatory Budget process to the Castro Upper Market Community Benefit District Inc., in support of its Beauty from Blank Walls Neighborhood Mural Project and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a contract not to exceed $25,000 at this time.
    3. Visual Arts Committeeā€”Dorka Keehn, Chair
      1. Commissioner Keehn reported that the Committee reviewed several projects, noting that Woody De Othello, who normally works in ceramics, was enormously excited to be awarded his first commission in bronze for San Francisco Airport. She also proposed a presentation on the Airport art program to the full Commission at a future meeting. She also reported that the Committee reviewed two artworks at Moscone Center, and discussed vandalism affecting the Civic Art Collection.
        Commissioner Keehn presented the following motion.
        Public Comment:
        Gail Baugh of Hayes Valley explained that neighbors had noticed a large uptick in the amount of trash on the streets, and decided to fund six additional trash cans. Noting that the Department of Public Works was doing a trial of a different type of trash can, she said that the neighborhood group wished to try out the Bigbelly compacting trash containers, and to include artwork on them, all at no cost to the City.
        There was no further public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved as follows.
      2. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-055: Motion to approve the temporary placement of artwork by Earl Spea, Tana Quincy, Jennifer Harris, Rhonel Roberts, Mikal Malkovich and Sarah Young on six Bigbelly compacting trash containers in the Hayes Valley merchant corridor for a period of two years commencing March 2019 through March 2021 using only private funds at no cost to the City.
  7. Consent Calendar
    President OrdeƱana recused himself from consideration of itemsĀ 9 and 13 of the agenda, regarding the cost of living adjustment for the African American Art and Culture Complex and its sub-grantee Queer Cultural Center, and a personal service contract with MJM Management Group, respectively. He explained that the Queer Cultural Center rents space from his employer, the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center, and that MJM Management Group is a donor to his employer.
    He called for a vote on the remainder of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of itemsĀ 9 and 13. There was no public comment, and the Consent Calendar, with the exception of agenda itemsĀ 9 and 13, was approved unanimously as follows.
    RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-056:
    Approval: RESOLVED, that this Commission does hereby adopt the following items on the Consent Calendar and their related Resolutions:
    1. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-057: Motion to approve the Executive Committee Meeting Minutes of JanuaryĀ 28, 2019.
    2. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-058: Motion to approve the Civic Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes of FebruaryĀ 11, 2019.
    3. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-059: Motion to approve the Street Artists Committee Meeting Minutes of FebruaryĀ 12, 2019.
    4. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-060: Motion to approve the Community Investments Committee Meeting Minutes of FebruaryĀ 12, 2019.
      Visual Arts Committee Recommendations (DecemberĀ 19, 2018)
    5. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-061: Motion to rescind Resolution No. 0604-18-183, the approval of Kaiser/von Roenn Studio as the selected fabricator for artist Tomie Araiā€™s Central Subway: Chinatown Station Public Art Project, as recommended by the Artwork Fabricator Selection Panel.
    6. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-062: Motion to rescind Resolution No. 0604-18-184, which authorized the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into contract with Kaiser/von Roenn Studio for an amount not to exceed $294,400 for final development of artwork design specification, fabrication, transportation and installation consultation of an artwork by Tomie Arai for the exterior and platform level of Central Subway: Chinatown Station.
    7. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-063: Motion to approve Moon Shadow Glass (DBA Moon Shadow Etchers Inc.) as the selected fabricator for artist Tomie Araiā€™s Central Subway Chinatown public art project, as recommended by the Artwork Fabricator Selection Panel.
      Civic Design Review Committee Recommendations (FebruaryĀ 11, 2019)
    8. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-064: Motion to approve PhaseĀ 3 of the Angelo Rossi Pool Improvement Project contingent upon adding the Libertia plant back into the planting palette.
      Community Investments Committee Recommendations (FebruaryĀ 12, 2019)
    9. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-066: Motion to provide the 2019 fiscal year cost of living adjustment (ā€œCOLAā€) increase of $9,691.35 to the Bayview Opera House and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a grant agreement not to exceed $363,040 at this time.
    10. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-067: Motion to provide the 2019 fiscal year cost of living adjustment (ā€œCOLAā€) increase of $16,259.26 to Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a grant agreement not to exceed $609,134 at this time.
    11. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-068: Motion to provide the 2019 fiscal year cost of living adjustment (ā€œCOLAā€) increase of $21,174.53 to SOMArts Cultural Center, $18,167.99 to SOMArts and $3,006.54 to sub-grantee, Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center (ā€œAPICCā€); and to approve an additional $20,000 to provide third party organizational support; and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a grant agreement not to exceed $813,303 at this time; $700,695 to SOMArts and $112,608 to APICC.
      Visual Arts Committee Recommendations (FebruaryĀ 20, 2019)
    12. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-070: Motion for the Director of Cultural Affairs to approve artistsā€™ honoraria for the following individuals participating in the SFAC Main Gallery exhibition With(out) With(in) the very moment, opening April 18, 2019: $3,000 to Daniel Ostrow (on behalf of the Ed Aulerich-Sugai estate); $1,500 to Cliff Hengst; $900 to Mark Paron; $800 each to Elliott Anderson, Adam Ansell, Nancer Lemoins and Anton Steubner; and $700 to Mark Garrett.
    13. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-071: Motion to approve as installed the completed artwork titled All My Friends at Once, 2018, by Jason JƤgel, located at Balboa Pool.
    14. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-072: Motion to approve the Design Development Phase deliverables (artwork renderings) by Jorge Pardo for his artwork at the Van Ness BRT Geary Street station.
    15. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-073: Motion to rescind Resolution No. 1106-17-347 to approve the public art project outline for Geneva Powerhouse and Resolution No. 0806-18-247 approving the selected artist, Alison Pebworth, and conceptual proposal for an artwork for the Geneva Powerhouse public art project as recommended by the artist selection panel. The art enrichment project funding will be deferred until Phase II of the Geneva Powerhouse project.
    16. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-074: Motion to approve artist Robert Minverviniā€™s Design Development Phase material sample for the San Francisco International Airport: TerminalĀ 1, Boarding AreaĀ B, HoldroomĀ 14 Project.
    17. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-075: Motion to approve the updated final design development documents reflecting a revised rendering of the Mission neighborhood mosaic panel.
    18. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-076: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to increase the Agreement for Services between Mosaika and Emily Fromm from $230,000 to an amount not to exceed $258,534 (an increase of $28,534) for the San Francisco International Airport: TerminalĀ 1 Center AC-06 Public Art Project.
    19. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-077: Motion to approve Time, Turn and Light, 2019, three bronze sculptures by Woody DeĀ Othello, as installed on the new outdoor terrace of the San Francisco International Airportā€™s International Terminal, Boarding AreaĀ G.
    20. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-078: Motion to approve the selected artist, Hood Design Studio, Inc. for Fire StationĀ 35, as recommended by the Fire StationĀ 35 Artist Selection Panel.)
    21. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-079: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a contract with Hood Design Studio, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $560,000 for design, engineering, fabrication, transportation and installation consultation of an artwork for Fire StationĀ 35.
    22. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-080: Motion to approve as installed the completed artwork titled Point Cloud, 2019, by Leo Villareal located within the enclosed pedestrian bridge over Howard Street at Moscone Center.
    23. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-081: Motion to approve as installed the completed artwork titled Geneses, 2018, by Christine Corday located on the north side of Howard Street at Moscone Center.
      President OrdeƱana left the room at 3:37Ā p.m., and Vice President Stryker called for a vote on the following motions.
      There was no public comment, and the motions were approved unanimously as follows, with the recusal of President OrdeƱana.
    24. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-065: Motion to provide the 2019 fiscal year cost of living adjustment (ā€œCOLAā€) increase of $18,421.86 to the African American Art and Culture Complex (ā€œAAACCā€) $15,415.32 to AAACC and a $3,006.54 increase to the sub-grantee, Queer Cultural Center (ā€œQCCā€); and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a grant agreement not to exceed $690,084 at this time; $577,476 to AAACC and $112,608 to QCC.
    25. RESOLUTION NO. 0304-19-069: Motion to increase the total amount of the personal service contract with MJM Management Group (authorized by Resolution No. 0806-18-240) by $20,000, to provide onsite management for the Embarcadero Plaza art vendor market and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a contract not to exceed $80,000 at this time.
      President OrdeƱana returned to the room at 3:38Ā p.m.
  8. New Business and Announcements
    Commissioner Woolford announced that his firm had been selected as design firm of the year for California. He thanked the Mayor and the Commission for the opportunity of public service on the Commission.
    Commissioner Sklar reported on a remarkable wheelchair art on canvas activity at Francis Scott Key School. Commissioner Parker Pennington announced a tour of the Chinese Culture Center on MarchĀ 7.
    Commissioner Beltran announced a talk on MarchĀ 11 as part of the University of California at Berkeleyā€™s series on how to have a career as an artist, and another on MarchĀ 26 at San Francisco State regarding artists combining art and science.
    Commissioner Parker Pennington announced the musical theater production at the Ruth Asawa School of the Arts, Legally Blonde, noting that last yearā€™s production of Young Frankenstein won a national award.
    There was no further news or announcements, and there was no public comment.
  9. Adjournment
    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:44Ā p.m.

posted 3/18/19, 11:30 p.m. spr
revised 3/29/19
approved 4/1/19


Language Accessibility

Translated written materials and interpretation services are available to you at no cost. For assistance, please notify Commission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2256,Ā sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org.

ęˆ‘å€‘å°‡ē‚ŗ閣äø‹ęä¾›å…č²»ēš„ę›ø面ēæ»č­Æč³‡ę–™å’Œå£č­Æęœå‹™ć€‚å¦‚éœ€å”åŠ©ļ¼ŒCommission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2256,Ā sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org.

Materiales traducidos y servicios de interpretaciĆ³n estĆ”n disponibles para usted de manera gratuita. Para asistencia, notifique a Commission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2256,Ā sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org.

Ang mga materyales na nakasalin sa ibang wika at ang mga serbisyong tagapagsalin sa wika ay walang bayad. Para sa tulong, maaring i-contact si Commission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2256,sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org.