Full Commission - November 1, 2021 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
November 1, 2021 - 2:00pm


Monday, November 1, 2021
2 p.m.
Remote Meeting via video and teleconferencing


President OrdeƱana called the meeting to order at 2:03 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

    Commissioners Present
    Roberto OrdeƱana, President
    Janine Shiota, Vice President
    Yakuh Askew
    JD Beltran
    Charles Collins
    Suzanne Ferras
    Nabiel Musleh (joined the meeting at 2:05 p.m.)
    Linda Parker Pennington
    Abby Sadin Schnair
    Marcus Shelby
    Kimberlee Stryker
    Debra Walker (joined the meeting at 2:07 p.m.)
    Paul Woolford
    Joel Koppel, ex officio

    Commissioners Absent
    Yiying Lu

    Staff Present:
    Ralph Remington, Director of Cultural Affairs
    Sandra Panopio, Senior Racial Equity & Policy Analyst
    Alyssa Ventre, Commission Secretary
    Zoe Taleporos, Project Manager

    President OrdeƱana announced the virtual meeting instructions.

    Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre announced public comment instructions.

  2. Approval of Minutes

    Commissioner Woolford, seconded by Commissioner Musleh moved to approve the October 4, 2021 minutes.

    There was no public comment.

    The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
    Ayes: OrdeƱana, Shiota, Askew, Beltran, Collins, Ferras, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Stryker, Walker, Woolford

    RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-229: Motion to approve the October 4, 2021 minutes.
  3. General Public CommentĀ 

    Lloyd Silverstein, President of the Hayes Valley Merchant Association, asked about the empty space in Patriciaā€™s Green. He said with the holiday season approaching, the space is empty. He said he has a proposal for the space which would include putting a temporary holographic Christmas tree in the center of the sculpture pad in Patriciaā€™s Green from December 3 to January 1. He asked the Department for help and support.

    President OrdeƱana asked Director Remington to provide information about the Patriciaā€™s Green process under item 4.
  4. Directorā€™s Report
    Director Remington announced the reopening exhibition of the SFAC Main Gallery. He said that Taking Place: Untold Stories of the City will mark the first exhibition since the Gallery closed in March 2020 and features three newly commissioned projects. He explained that the exhibition focuses on narratives about systemic racism and access to resources, while it also takes a look at how San Francisco and select neighborhoods are planned and then shaped by the populations that live in there. He added that the Main Gallery will also exhibitĀ Black Magic, a series of videos by the 3.9 Art Collective. He explained that each artist will express individual methods of protection and self-care during the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and racism and draw from the words: Meditation, Ritual, Run and Strength.Ā 

    Director Remington welcomed Director Community Investments Denise Pate. Ms. Pate said she appreciated the love and support from staff and the community. She said she was excited to be here and thanked everyone for the welcome.

    Director Remington continued to share some HR updates which included the hiring of Paris Cotz as the new programĀ associate forĀ Civic Design ReviewĀ and the Public Art Trust.Ā  He said that Paris will start on November 15. He gave special thanks toĀ MaysounĀ WazwazĀ andĀ CeceĀ Carpio who have been supporting CDR and the Public Art Trust during this interim period.Ā He also gave a shout out to Cece Carpioā€™s dedication as a disaster service worker. He also announced the posting of the Capital Analyst position. He shared that Tina Wileyā€™s last day was October 20. He thanked Tina for her work in the arts education program for the last three years. He added that the Program Officer position was also posted. Ā 

    Director Remington shared information about the upcoming November 4 and November 10 community sessions which will be co-hosted with Arts for a Better Bay Area and several Cultural Centers. He explained that the community sessions will provide information on PropĀ E spending since 2019 and the Arts Impact Endowment funds.Ā 

    He also noted that Jill Manton will reach out to the member of the public about the Patriciaā€™s Green process.

    President OrdeƱana welcomed the new staff.

    Director Remington added that artists have been selected at Patriciaā€™s Green for the next two years through the committee process.

    Commissioner Parker Pennington welcomed Denise Pate. She asked about links for the community sessions so she could share it with her network.

    There was no public comment.
  5. AB 361 Legislation Impact

    President OrdeƱana introduced the item. He reminded commissioners that the commission approved the motion at their last meeting. He explained that the commission must approve the motion every 30 days in order to continue to meet virtually. He provided additional background information regarding the AB 361 legislation including its requirements.
    Commissioner Shelby, seconded by Commissioner Beltran moved to adopt a resolution setting forth findings required under Assembly Bill 361 that would allow the Arts Commission and its subcommittees to hold meetings remotely according to the modified Brown Act teleconferencing set forth in AB 361.Ā  Ā 

    There was no public comment.

    The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
    Ayes: OrdeƱana, Shiota, Askew, Beltran, Collins, Ferras, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Stryker, Walker, Woolford

    RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-230: Motion to adopt a resolution setting forth findings required under Assembly Bill 361 that would allow the Arts Commission and its subcommittees to hold meetings remotely according to the modified Brown Act teleconferencing set forth in AB 361.
  6. Ramaytush Ohlone Land Acknowledgment Resolution

    Senior Racial Equity and Policy Analyst Sandra Panopio shared the work relating to the process of creating and approving the land acknowledgment text and resolution which included consulting with community members and other commissions. She said she also met with the American Indian community to discuss the future SFAC commitments. She also shared how the agency plans to use the land acknowledgment and how the agency will work with the American Indian Community in the future. Ā 

    Director Remington read the full resolution.

    President OrdeƱana thanked Ms. Panopio for her leadership on this work. He appreciated the members of American Indian community partners that reviewed the resolution.

    Commissioner Shelby, seconded by Commissioner Beltran moved to approve a resolution to require the reading of a statement acknowledging the Ramaytush Ohlone Community at each Commission meeting and a continued partnership with the Ramaytush Ohlone and American Indian Community in San Francisco.

    There was no public comment.

    The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
    Ayes: OrdeƱana, Shiota, Askew, Beltran, Collins, Ferras, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Stryker, Walker, Woolford

    RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-231: Motion to approve a resolution to require the reading of a statement acknowledging the Ramaytush Ohlone Community at each Commission meeting and a continued partnership with the Ramaytush Ohlone and American Indian Community in San Francisco.

  7. Committee Reports and Committee Matters
    1. Executive Committee

      President OrdeƱana shared the Executive Committee met on October 25. He said the received an update from Director Remington on recent staffing changes and the Prop E community sessions. He said they also received racial equity update and passed a motion relating to the Ebony McKinney grant.

      There was no public comment.
    2. Civic Design Review Committee

      Commissioner Stryker shared that the Committee recently reviewed three projects including the Yerba Buena Island Westside Bridges Retrofit, the Mini Metro East Expansion project and Herz Playground and Recreation Center. Commissioner Stryker described the major elements of the Herz project. She added there was a presentation by Deputy Director Lee for amendments to CDR guidelines. She also thanked Maysoun Wazwaz for her support with Civic Design Review Committee and said she looks forward to welcoming Paris Cotz at the next meeting.

      Commissioners also thanked Ms. Wazwaz for her efforts and support.

      There was no public comment.
    3. Community Investments Committee

      Commissioner Parker Pennington explained all of the cultural centers presented at previous committee meetings. She said it was great to have a deep conversation around the centersā€™ efforts. She added that itā€™s important to see how the cultural centers have become places of healing and how the use art has continued to help the community heal during COVID-19.

      Commissioners discussed various topics relating to recovery. They agreed that the cultural centers played a vital role in helping artists and the community recover. They also were impressed by how the cultural centers pivoted to virtual performance since there had been no precedent. They said they hoped that the recovery efforts would be documented. They also asked about support for the cultural center directors and noted the importance of the maintenance of the cultural centers. They were also impressed by cityā€™s commitment to art during pandemic and how artists and arts organizations were supported. They noted that the cultural centers are ambassadors of the community for the agency.
    4. Nominating Committee

      Commissioner Ferras reported that the Nominating Committee met on October 29. She explained that the Nominating Committee includes Commissioners Collins, Walker and Ferras. She said they are charged to nominate a President and Vice President at their next meeting scheduled on November 19 at 1p. She said that all commissioners and senior agency staff will be interviewed and she shared further information about the process. Ā 

      Commissioner Walker said she was excited to be part of the committee and the process.

      There was no public comment.
    5. Visual Arts Committee

      1. Commissioner Ferras shared a number of items from the last committee meeting which included the SFAC Galleries reopening show, the FY 2021 Collections report, Owen Smithā€™s artwork at Rossi Pool, the Transbay Block 3 Park and Alley Project, Malik Seneferuā€™s Southeast Treatment Plant Construction Fence project, the Southeast Health Center Expansion History Wall and MIssion Creek Park Extension artist finalists.

      Commissioner Parker Pennington said she was excited to see African American artists from the community and that she was proud to see them as part of the agencyā€™s collection.

      Commissioner Walker added that she loved seeing 2D artists brought into a large scale public project. She said it is nice to see an addition to the collection that is reflective of city and its community of artists.

      Commissioner Beltran shared about Julie Chengā€™s first commission.

      2. Harvey Milk Terminal 1 Underpass Lighting Project

      Commissioner Ferras presented the item and provided background information relating to the change. She explained the contract had been switched from Lite Brite to the Arts Commission and that the scope of work was more than originally budgeted. Project Manager Zoe Taleporos confirmed Commissioner Ferrasā€™ comments and added there was additional scope not originally anticipated.

      There was no public comment.

      Commissioner Beltran, seconded by Commissioner Schnair moved to rescind Resolution No. 0913-21-197 authorizing the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into contract with Lite Brite Neon Studio LLC for an amount not to exceed $45,660 for design of an artwork by Andrea Bowers (DBA Radical Patience Inc.) for the San Francisco International Airport: Harvey Milk Terminal 1 Underpass Lighting Project and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into contract with Lite Brite Neon Studio LLC for an amount not to exceed $72,854 for design of an artwork by Andrea Bowers (DBA Radical Patience Inc.) for the San Francisco International Airport: Harvey Milk Terminal 1 Underpass Lighting Project.

      The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
      Ayes: OrdeƱana, Shiota, Askew, Beltran, Collins, Ferras, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Stryker, Walker, Woolford

      RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-232:
      Motion to rescind Resolution No. 0913-21-197 authorizing the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into contract with Lite Brite Neon Studio LLC for an amount not to exceed $45,660 for design of an artwork by Andrea Bowers (DBA Radical Patience Inc.) for the San Francisco International Airport: Harvey Milk Terminal 1 Underpass Lighting Project.

      Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into contract with Lite Brite Neon Studio LLC for an amount not to exceed $72,854 for design of an artwork by Andrea Bowers (DBA Radical Patience Inc.) for the San Francisco International Airport: Harvey Milk Terminal 1 Underpass Lighting Project.

      Note: the contract amount has decreased from $85,814 to $72,854 since the November 1 meeting.
  8. Consent Calendar

    President OrdeƱana introduced the consent calendar items. He recused himself from sub item 9 and 13. He said both items relate to Fresh Meat Productions and Queer Cultural Center which have both partnered with his employeer and may occasionally rents space from his employer which may cause a potential financial conflict of interest.

    President Ordenana left the meeting at 3:39 p.m.

    Commissioner Shiota called for discussion on sub item 9 and 13.

    Commissioner Beltran, seconded by Commissioner Schnair moved to approve sub items 9 and 13, as presented.

    There was no public comment.

    The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
    Ayes: Askew, Beltran, Collins, Ferras, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Styrker, Walker, Woolford.

    Commissioner Shiota called for a vote on the remainder of the Consent Calendar items.

    Commissioner Beltran, seconded by Commissioner Schnair moved to approve the remainder of the consent calendar, as presented.

    President Ordenana returned to the meeting at 3:42 p.m.

    There was no public comment.

    The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
    Ayes: OrdeƱana, Askew, Beltran, Collins, Ferras, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Styrker

    RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-233:
    Approval: RESOLVED, that this Commission does hereby adopt the following items on the Consent Calendar and their related Resolutions:
  1. RESOLUTION NO. 1004-21-234: Motion to approve the Civic Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes of October 18, 2021.
  2. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-235: Motion to approve the Community Investments Committee Meeting Minutes of October 12, 2021.
  3. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-236: Motion to approve the Executive Committee Meeting Minutes of October 25, 2021.
  4. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-237: Motion to approve the Visual Arts Committee Meeting Minutes of October 20, 2021.
    Civic Design Review Committee RecommendationsĀ (October 18, 2021)
  5. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-238: Motion to approve Phase 2 of the YBI Westside Bridges Retrofit Project with the understanding that commissioners have a preference for a smoother trawled expression in the artwork.
  6. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-239: Motion to approve Phase 3 of the Muni Metro East Expansion Project with preference for blade signage.
  7. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-240: Motion to approve Phase 3 of the Herz Playground Recreation Center Project as presented.Ā 
  8. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-241: Motion to approve the proposed changes to the CDR Guidelines as presented.

    Community Investments Committee RecommendationsĀ (October 12, 2021)
  9. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-242: Motion to approve recommendations to award four (4) Special Project Grants, funded by District Supervisor add backs and Mayoral enhancements to the following organizations and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into grant agreements with each organization for amounts not to exceed the following at this time:
    1. District 2 and 8 ā€“ Fresh Meat Productions, $100,000 over two years to support the Trans Dance Festival.
    2. Citywide ā€“ San Francisco Trans March (Fiscal Sponsor: QCC-The Center for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Art & Culture), $25,500 over two years to support an LGBT historical event.
    3. Citywide ā€“ QCC-The Center for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Art & Culture, $68,000 over two years to support capacity building.
    4. Citywide ā€“ Bay Area American Indian Two-Spirits (Fiscal Sponsor: QCC-The Center for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Art & Culture), $42,500 over two years to support Native American cultural activities.
  10. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-243: Motion to approve recommendations to award twenty-six (26) Special Project Grants, funded by District Supervisor Add-Backs and Mayoral enhancements to the following organizations and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into grant agreements with each organization for amounts not to exceed the following at this time:
    1. District 3 ā€“ North Beach Business Association, $42,500 over two years to support ā€œFirst Fridayā€ Art Walk & Arts in Storefronts event.
    2. District 3 ā€“ Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco, $700,000 over two years to support an API Youth Arts Initiative.
    3. District 3 ā€“ Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco, $250,000 over two years to support an AAPI Artists Fund.
    4. District 3 ā€“ Chinatown Media and Arts Collaborative, $350,000 over two years to support AAPI Arts and Cultural Programming.
    5. District 5 ā€“ San Francisco Juneteenth Festival (Fiscal Sponsor: African American Art and Culture Complex), $85,000 over two years to support the annual Juneteenth festival.
    6. District 5 ā€“ African American Art and Culture Complex, $136,000 over two years to support administrative operations and infrastructure.
    7. District 5 ā€“ First Voice Inc., $10,000 over one year to support storytelling and mentorship programs for youth.
    8. District 5 ā€“ Fillmore Jazz Ambassadors (Fiscal Sponsor: Renaissance Parents of Success), $60,000 over two years to support Jazz programming in the Fillmore and Western Addition neighborhoods.
    9. District 6 ā€“ Veterans Alley Mural Project Inc., $20,000 over one year to support the creation and appreciation of murals in Veterans Alley.
    10. District 8 ā€“ Noe Valley Chamber Music, $25,500 over two years to support Classical music programs for youth.
    11. District 8 ā€“ The Marsh A Breeding Ground for New Performance, $85,000 over two years to support theatre programs for youth.
    12. District 8 ā€“ Theatre Rhinoceros Inc., $25,000 over one year to support youth theatre education programming.
    13. District 8 ā€“ New Conservatory Theater Center, $100,000 over two years to support health and wellness theater programming in schools.
    14. District 8 - 3rd I South Asian Independent Film, $15,000 over one year to support the South Asian Film Festival.
    15. District 9 ā€“ The Dance Brigade A New Group from Wallflower Order, $200,000 over two years to support tenant improvements.
    16. Citywide ā€“ Marigold Project (Fiscal Sponsor: Intersection for the Arts), $400,000 over two years to support capacity building for the DĆ­a De Los Muertos Cultural Event.
    17. Citywide ā€“ First Voice Inc., $170,000 over two years to support Asian Pacific Islander arts programming.
    18. Citywide ā€“ First Voice Inc., $150,000 over two years to support Asian American artists.
    19. Citywide ā€“ Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center, $100,000 over one year to support Asian and Pacific Islander Arts and Culture programming.
    20. Citywide ā€“ California Lawyers for the Arts, $40,000 over two years to support citywide arts services.
    21. Citywide ā€“ Dancersā€™ Group Inc., $40,000 over two years to support citywide arts services.
    22. Citywide ā€“ Intersection for the Arts, $40,000 over two years to support citywide arts services.
    23. Citywide ā€“ ArtSpan, $40,000 over two years to support citywide arts services.
    24. Citywide ā€“ American Indian Cultural Center (Fiscal Sponsor: Intersection for the Arts), $300,000 over two years to support administration and operations.
    25. Citywide ā€“ International Indian Treaty Council, $35,000 over one year to support a Native American event honoring Native American history.
    26. Citywide ā€“Yerba Buena Arts & Events, $42,500 over two years to support Native American arts and cultural events.
  11. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-244: Motion to approve the change in fiscal sponsor for grant 20CEI23 (authorized by Resolution No. 0507-12-143) for The Village Project, the current fiscal sponsor is Boys and Girls Clubs of San Francisco, and the new fiscal sponsor is Renaissance Parents of Success.
  12. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-245: Motion to amend the following grants to extend the grant windows through June 30, 2022, and authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into such amendments:
    1. Bayview Opera House, Inc. (Grant No. 16SPX03, authorized by Resolution Noā€™s. 0104-16-011, 0912-16-242, 1002-17-311)
    2. Bayview Opera House, Inc. (Grant No. 19SPX05, authorized by Resolution No. 0107-19-014)Ā 
    3. Blue Bear School of Music (Grant No. 18CSP03, authorized by Resolution No. 0507-18-158)
    4. OMI Community Action Organization (Grant No. 17SPX23, authorized by Resolution No. 1002-17-316)

Executive Committee RecommendationsĀ (October 25, 2021)

  1. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-246: Motion to approve the Ebony McKinney Community Stewards Grant funding recommendation to award Queer Women Of Color Media Arts Project (QWOCMAP) to support the collaborative development and release of the Ebony McKinney Arts Leadership Grant with a focus on reimagining and centering racial equity, addressing harm, and the ideals embodied by Ebony: vision, determination, and advocacy for the arts as social practice; and, to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a grant agreement not to exceed $40,000 at this time.

    Visual Arts Committee RecommendationsĀ (October 20, 2021)
  2. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-247: Motion to approve Never Alone, a mural design by artist Serge Gay Jr. The mural will be installed on the faƧade of Matri Compassionate Care, 401 Duboce Ave at Church St. The mural will measure 20 ft. high by 100 ft. wide. The project is funded by a Matri, the Castro Community Benefit District, and a grant from the San Francisco Arts Commission. The mural will not become part of the Civic Art Collection.
  3. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-248: Motion for the Director of Cultural Affairs to approve an artist honorarium in the amount of $5,000 each for Trina Michelle Robinson and Hannah Waiters for their participation in the SFAC Galleries reopening Main Gallery exhibition (November 18, 2021 ā€“ March 12, 2022).
  4. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-249: Motion for the Director of Cultural Affairs to approve an artist honorarium in the amount of $500 each for Rodney Ewing, Jacqueline Francis, S. Renee Jones, Ramekon Oā€™Arwisters and Ron Moultrie Saunders for their participation in the SFAC Galleries reopening Main Gallery exhibition (November 18, 2021 ā€“ March 12, 2022).
  5. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-250: Motion to approve the artwork, Buoyant Bay, 48 ft. long mural of 12 dye sublimated aluminum panels, by Owen Smith as installed at Rossi Pool.
  6. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-251: Motion to approve the Transbay Block 3 Park & Alley Public Art Project Plan.
  7. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-252: Motion to approve the Design Development Phase deliverables (final design) by Malik Seneferu for the Southeast Treatment Plant Construction Fence along Evans Avenue to be on display for one year beginning in early November 2021.
  8. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-253: Motion to approve the Design Development Phase deliverables (final design) by William Rhodes for the Southeast Health Center Expansion Project ā€“ Community History Wall.
  9. RESOLUTION NO. 1101-21-254: Motion to approve Windy Chien, Rigo 23 and Adrien Segal as finalists for the Mission Creek Park Extension public art project, as recommended by the Artist Review Panel.
  1. New Business and Announcements

    Commissioner Beltran announced that Arion press invited commissioners and the Human Rights commissioners on a tour.

    Commissioner Ferras announced she is meeting with SFUSD to connect with SFAC art education and is hoping to launch a city wide art walk next spring.

    Commissioner Woolford shared he received an American Architecture Award for a project at the Lincoln Center.

    Commissioner Shelby announced an opera he produced will be at the Bayview Opera House on November 13-14.

    Commissioner Schnair announced 4sight has a new project opening at Landā€™s End.

    Commissioner Shiota asked if the Bayview Opera House could simulcast their cpera to the other Cultural Centers.

    Commissioner Beltran offered support of the Bayview Opera House event and the possible efforts to simulcast the event.

    Commissioner Walker announced that the new City Attorney David Chiu was sworn in.

    Commissioner Ferras congratulated Commissioners Woolford and Shelby:

    There was no public comment.
  2. Adjournment

    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:02 p.m.

Posted 11/15/2021, 4:20p, adv
Approved 12/6/2021


Archives Available
A recording of this meeting will be available online after the meeting at the following address:Ā https://sfgov.org/arts/audio-archive-8.

Language Accessibility

Translated written materials and interpretation services are available to you at no cost. For assistance, please notify Commission SecretaryĀ Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255,Ā Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org.

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Materiales traducidos y servicios de interpretaciĆ³n estĆ”n disponibles para usted de manera gratuita. Para asistencia, notifique a Commission SecretaryĀ Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255,Ā Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org