Full Commission - March 2, 2020 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
March 2, 2020 - 2:00pm
City Hall Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Monday, March 2, 2020
2:00 p.m.
City Hall Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place



President Ordeñana called the meeting to order at 2:07 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

Commissioners Present
Roberto Ordeñana, President
Kimberlee Stryker, Vice President
JD Beltran
Charles Collins
Suzanne Ferras
Dorka Keehn
Nabiel Musleh
Linda Parker Pennington
Janine Shiota
Debra Walker
Paul Woolford
Commissioners Absent
Mary Jung
Myrna Melgar, ex officio
Abby Sadin Schnair
Marcus Shelby

President Ordeñana welcomed Commissioner Walker to her first meeting.

  1. Approval of Minutes
    There was no public comment, and the minutes were unanimously approved as follows.
    RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-036: Motion to approve February 3, 2020 Minutes.
  2. General Public Comment

    Maddie Clifford stated the roles and beliefs of being a teaching artist. She said she is one of six teaching artists who received the WritersCorps Teaching Artist and Residency (WCTAIR) grant. She explained details relating to the grant model, and she said that she has provided workshops to over 3,000 incarcerated youth throughout the last 7 years. She explained that there was a decision to not release a new round of applications and that the contracts of the current grantees would not continue. She asked the Arts Commission to not fold the WCTAIR grant funds into the new Prop E funds, to continue existing teaching contracts, to reopen the grant for the next cycle, and that Chrissy Anderson-Zavala be invited to a working group if there was a decision to make changes to the grant. She provided statistics on the accomplishments of the WCTAIR grant.  

    Julie Roberts Phung, a parent at Redding Elementary school, said she is speaking on behalf of her nine-year-old son who loves comic book writing. She explained that his teacher is part of the grant program and that he hopes this program continues. She described the importance of the program and explained how his school project gave him an opportunity to communicate with his grandparents. She asked that the program continue and asked the Arts Commission to work with SFUSD to continue teacher-led art integration in the classroom.

    Annie Rovzir, a teaching artist at Hilltop school, said she has been funded for the past six years through the WCTAIR grant. She said the program has helped her create a deep relationship with the students and staff in order to carry out a unique literary arts program. She said the model of the grant is revolutionary since it gives teaching artists time to get to know the site while providing necessary support and resources. She explained how the Arts Commission has helped to shape and empower the future for teaching artists. She described the evolution of the WCTAIR grant.

    David Malizia, a special education teacher at Woodside Learning Center, talked about the importance of funding the WCTAIR program. He said that Maddie brings relevant and purposeful lessons to motivate the students in order to incite phenomenal work. He said he’s witnessed Maddie connect with the most reluctant learners. He explained that it would be very disheartening to see this group of underserved students miss out on this program.

    Megan Mercurio, an English teacher at Woodside Learning Center, asked to keep the promise to fund the WCTAIR grant. She said that Maddie is part of their school and described the importance of Maddie’s lessons. She explained that Maddie is the only African-American teacher at a school that is comprised of 80% African-American kids. She said that Maddie can reach the students at a level that she cannot. She explained that Maddie creates site publications that helps the public understand the potential of their students. She noted that Maddie is also a working artist and brings incredible artists to their school every year. She said that many reluctant students find their voice by writing poems through Maddie’s workshops.

    Chris Lanier, Principle at Woodside Learning Center, said Maddie has been working at Juvenile Hall for seven years. He said that Maddie is a crucial community partner. He explained that she brings an opportunity for the students to express themselves and that the students look forward to working with Maddie. He said that Maddie is also an outstanding artist and that she brings art into the school. He said he hoped there is a way to continue her work.

    Elisa Villafuerte, principal at Hilltop School, read a letter of support for Annie Rovzir and requested to continue funding of the grant. She said that Hilltop has benefited since 2013 from the unique partnership with WCTAIR. She described Annie’s work at Hilltop. She explained that Hilltop serves an ethnically diverse population and that their students learn to write and speak with greater confidence with the help of Annie’s bilingualism. She asked to continue to support the program.

    Aaliyah Covarrubias, a former alumnus of WCTAIR program, said that she wasn’t confident in her writing until she joined the WCTAIR program at age 13. She said the program helped her hone her creative skills, become a confident writer and prepare for college. She added the importance of the program, which provides a creative outlet during a transitional age. She said it is important for WCTAIR to continue.   

    Bissa Zamboldi-Moore, a teacher at Hilltop School, said she is representing Mission, Lowell, John O’Connel, and Balboa High Schools which are all sites where she worked with WritersCorps teachers. She gave background information about how the partnership between WritersCorps and Mission High School came to be. She asked to continue to fund the grant. She described the benefits of the program and read excerpts from many of her student’s work.

    Kelly Walsh, a parent at Redding, said her son, Oliver, is in third grade. She explained the importance the program for her son as it provides a creative outlet, continued education throughout the day and builds a relationship with his teacher to help him succeed. She said these programs are important especially for students who need consistent adults in their lives. She noted the importance of keeping the program as is.

    President Ordeñana thanked members of the public for their comments. He asked Commissioner Collins to review the WCTAIR concerns and feedback brought up by the public at a future Community Investments Committee meeting since this item was not on this agenda.

    Acting Director Krell explained that the Arts Commission is committed to investing in individual artists and that additional funding for arts education has been secured through Prop E. She said that WCTAIR is funded by the Department of Children, Youth & Their Families and the Library. She explained that there is discussion around a modest restructuring of program management but no budget cuts have been proposed. She explained that potential changes include program support, oversight, and quality control.

    Commissioners continued to discuss the WCTAIR program and invited the public to participate on an agenda item at a future Community Investments Committee meeting.

    President Ordeñana added that he recognizes the value of the program and its impact that it has had on the students for the last few decades.
  3. Director’s Report
    Acting Director Krell thanked Barbara Sklar for her years of service as a Commissioner; she has just been appointed to Disability and Aging Services Commission. Ms. Krell described Commissioner Sklar’s accomplishments throughout her years on the commission. Commissioner Sklar said she is fortunate to have served with her fellow commissioners especially in the last few years. She thanked all of the commissioners for their friendship and cooperation through the years. Commissioners praised Commissioner Sklar for her commitment to the arts and acknowledged that she set a high standard for all to follow.

    Acting Director Krell welcomed newly appointed Commissioner Debra Walker. She noted that Commissioner Walker is an artist and an arts and housing policy advisor who previously served on the Building Inspection Commission.

    Galleries Director Meg Shiffler presented an overview of their 50th anniversary season.

    Commissioners discussed the history of the Galleries archive. Commissioners congratulated Ms. Shiffler and her staff on their work.

    Department of Public Works (DPW) Greta Jones and her team presented an overview of the design of the new Southeast Community Center which includes a sculpture from Mildred Howard. Ms. Jones acknowledged the importance of the collaboration between DPW and the Arts Commission to achieve the best architecture and landscape architecture.

    Ms. Jones described details of the architecture and landscape approved by the Civic Design Review Committee. She also noted that there are 2D murals in the interior of the building created by artists Kenyatta Hinkle and Philip Hua. The DPW team announced the groundbreaking event is scheduled for March 7.

    Commissioners congratulated DPW on their work and their community process. Commissioners agreed that the project was designed with intent and purpose in order to create important civic architecture.

    Public Comment:
    A member of the public spoke. The comment was indiscernible.
  4. Committee Reports and Committee Matters
    1. Civic Design Review Committee—Kimberlee Stryker, Chair
      1. Commissioner Stryker described the three projects that the Committee reviewed including 900 Innes, Golden Gate Park Botanical Garden Nursery Replacement Project, and the utility enclosures at Yerba Buena Island and Treasure Island.

        There was no public comment.
    2. Community Investments Committee—Charles Collins, Chair
      1. Commissioner Collins called for a vote and the motion was unanimously approved as follows.

        RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-037:  Motion to approve the following panelists to serve, as selected by staff, on SFAC review panels for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 fiscal years:
        Adelaide J Barroga, practicing artist
        Latashia Govan, practicing artist
        Mark Hernandez, Development Director, Alliance for California Traditional Arts (ACTA)
        Martha Erika Rodríguez-Salazar, practicing artist

        Public Comment:
        The same member of the public spoke. The comment was indiscernible.
    3. Visual Arts Committee—Dorka Keehn, Chair
      1. Commissioner Keehn congratulated Galleries Director Meg Shiffler on the latest Artist in Residence Program.

        Commissioner Keehn reported that the committee reviewed three projects: Walter Hood’s installation at Fire Station #35, HYBYCOZO’s artwork at Mint Plaza, and Walter Kitundu’s artwork at the Alameda Creek Watershed Center.

        Public Comment:
        The same member of the public spoke. The comment was indiscernible.
  5. Consent Calendar
    Commissioner Shiota announced that she would need to recuse herself from consideration of agenda item 9 because of a potential financial conflict as she is a consultant for the general contractor who is installing this project.

    Commissioner Shiota left the room at 3:39 p.m.

    President Ordeñana called for a vote on item 9 of the Consent Calendar.

    Public Comment:
    The same member of the public spoke. The comment was indiscernible.

    The motion was approved unanimously as follows:
    RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-047: Motion to approve the temporary installation of the quote HOPE WILL NEVER BE SILENT by Harvey Milk upon the top center of the Bandshell in the Music Concourse of Golden Gate Park on the occasion of its 150th anniversary celebration. Twenty-one letters will be affixed to the Bandshell using a grout-mounting technique that is easily patchable with light projected on the letters. The installation will last for a period of two years, starting April 2020 through April 2022.

    Commissioner Shiota returned at 3:42 p.m.

    President Ordeñana called for a vote on the remainder of the Consent Calendar. There was no public comment, and the remainder of the Consent Calendar was approved unanimously as follows.

    RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-038:
    Approval: RESOLVED, that this Commission does hereby adopt the following items on the Consent Calendar and their related Resolutions:
    1. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-039: Motion to approve the Executive Committee Meeting Minutes of January 27, 2020.
    2. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-040: Motion to approve the Civic Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes of February 10, 2020.
    3. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-041: Motion to approve the Visual Arts Committee Meeting Minutes of February 19, 2020.

      Civic Design Review Committee Recommendations (February 10, 2020); link to agenda)
    4. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-042: Motion to approve Phase 1 of the 900 Innes Avenue Park at India Basin Project.
    5. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-043: Motion to approve Phase 1 of the San Francisco Botanical Garden Nursery Project contingent upon 1) the headhouse and the greenhouse not being identical in roof design and 2) the headhouse having a more modern appearance.
    6. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-044: to approve Phase 1 and 2 of the Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island Utility Enclosures contingent upon 1) examining more regular spacing of the vertical on the north elevations of the 4th and 5th St enclosures.

      Visual Arts Committee Recommendations (February 19, 2020; link to agenda)
    7. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-045: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a contract with artist Hank Willis Thomas for an amount not to exceed $10,000 for the development of a site-specific proposal for an artwork on Treasure Island.
    8. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-046: to approve the temporary installation of a bronze commemorative statue by sculptor Zeno Frudakis to be placed in a raised planter in Harding Park at 99 Harding Road. The statue honors Frank Sandy Tatum, who spearheaded the restoration of Harding Park into a nationally renowned municipal golf course and established the First Tee of San Francisco. The sculpture, standing 7ft. high, will be in Harding Park for approximately one year, from April 2020 to April of 2021. The project will be implemented with private funds and will be maintained by the First Tee of San Francisco.
    9. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-048: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to increase the contract with Hood Design Studio, Inc. for design, fabrication, and consultation during installation of an artwork for Fire Station #35 from $560,000 to an amount not to exceed $571,785 (an increase of $11,785) for additional artwork engineering services as a result of expansion of pier deck as required by Bay Conservation and Development Commission.
    10. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-049: Motion to approve the Design Development Phase deliverables by Hood Design Studio, Inc. for an artwork for Fire Station #35.
    11. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-050: Motion to approve the Design Development Phase deliverables by Linda Geary for an artwork for San Francisco International Airport: International Terminal, Boarding Area A, Recompose Wall.
    12. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-051: Motion to approve the Design Development Phase deliverables by Ranu Mukherjee for an artwork for San Francisco International Airport: International Terminal, Boarding Area G, Recompose Wall.
    13. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-052: Motion to approve the selected finalists Dina Angel-Wing, Antonio Mendez, and Carolyn Palmer for the Plaque Honoring Mayor Ed Lee at San Francisco International Airport: International Terminal, Departure Hall, as recommended by the Artist Selection Panel.
    14. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-053: Motion to approve artist HYBYCOZO’s Construction Document phase deliverables, including final imagery, structural engineering drawings and a material and fabrication mockup for the artwork at Mint Plaza.
    15. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-054: Motion to approve artist Owen Smith’s Conceptual Design proposal for the Rossi Recreational Center.
    16. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-055: Motion to approve the selected artist, Walter Kitundu, and proposal for the Alameda Creek Watershed Center, as recommended by the artist review panel.
    17. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-056: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a contract with the selected artist, Walter Kitundu, for an amount not to exceed $500,000 for the design, engineering, fabrication, transportation and installation consultation of an artwork for the Alameda Creek Watershed Center.
    18. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-057: Motion to approve as installed the completed artwork titled, Where Community Happens, 2019 by Muzae Sesay for the HSH Administrative Offices and Client Access Point at 440 Turk Street.
    19. RESOLUTION NO. 0302-20-058: Motion to approve as installed the artworks by Hospitality House Community Arts Program artists digitally reproduced on aluminum for the HSH Administrative Offices and Client Access Point at 440 Turk Street:
      Tan Sirinumas, Golden Gate Theatre, San Francisco, 2019, digital reproduction on aluminum Charles Blackwell, Turk St., 2019, digital reproduction on aluminum
      Angela Summers, Birds of Paradise, 2019, digital reproduction on aluminum
      Laurie Blessen, Spark No. 2, 2019, digital reproduction on aluminum
      Lisa Maria Barbas, Neighborhood, 2019, digital reproduction on aluminum
      Maybelline Steinbeck, Sing Love Dance, 2019, digital reproduction on aluminum
      Anna Morrow, Growing Through the Cracks, 2019, digital reproduction on aluminum
      Brian Bourassa, Tenderloin Terrestrials, 2019, digital reproduction on aluminum
      Midori, Higanbana, 2019, digital reproduction on aluminum
  6. New Business and Announcements

    Commissioner Walker explained that the Mayor’s Office on Economic Development, the Arts Commission and Grants for the Arts have been working on a sustainability effort on artist spaces. She asked for a combined department update on the status of the project.

    President Ordeñana gave an update on the search for the Director of Cultural Affairs. He also added that he is working on committee assignments for commissioners.

    Public Comment:
    The same member of the public commented. The comment was indiscernible.
  7. Adjournment
    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:47 p.m

posted 3/16/2020, 12:06 p.m. adv
approved 6/1/2020


Language Accessibility

Translated written materials and interpretation services are available to you at no cost. For assistance, please notify Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255, Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org.

我們將為閣下提供免費的書面翻譯資料和口譯服務。如需協助,Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255, Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org

Materiales traducidos y servicios de interpretación están disponibles para usted de manera gratuita. Para asistencia, notifique a Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255, Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org