Full Commission - January 10, 2022 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
January 10, 2022 - 2:00pm


Monday, January 10, 2022
2 p.m.
Remote Meeting via video and teleconferencing


President OrdeƱana called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

    Commissioners Present
    Roberto OrdeƱana, President
    Janine Shiota, Vice President
    Yakuh Askew
    JD Beltran (joined the meeting at 2:07 p.m.)
    Charles Collins
    Suzanne Ferras
    Yiying Lu
    Nabiel Musleh
    Linda Parker Pennington
    Abby Sadin Schnair
    Marcus Shelby
    Kimberlee Stryker (left the meeting at 2:57 p.m.)
    Debra Walker
    Paul Woolford

    Commissioners Absent
    Joel Koppel, ex officio

    Staff Present:
    Ralph Remington, Director of Cultural Affairs
    Rally Catapang, Deputy Director of Finance and AdministrationĀ 
    Joanne Lee, Deputy Director of ProgramsĀ 
    Sandra Panopio, Senior Racial Equity & Policy Analyst
    Alyssa Ventre, Commission Secretary

    President OrdeƱana announced the virtual meeting instructions.

    Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre announced public comment instructions.

    President Ordenana began the meeting reading the Arts Commissionā€™s land acknowledgement statement.

    Commissioner Beltran joined the meeting at 2:07 p.m.
  2. AB 361 Legislation ImpactĀ 

    President OrdeƱana introduced the item. He reminded commissioners that the commission approved the motion at their last meeting. He explained that the commission must approve the motion every 30 days in order to continue to meet virtually. He provided additional background information regarding the AB 361 legislation including its requirements.

    There was no public comment.

    Commissioner Beltran, seconded by Commissioner Stryker moved to adopt a resolution setting forth findings required under Assembly Bill 361 that would allow the Arts Commission and its subcommittees to hold meetings remotely according to the modified Brown Act teleconferencing set forth in AB 361.Ā Ā 

    The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
    Ayes: OrdeƱana, Shiota, Askew, Beltran, Collins, Ferras, Lu, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Stryker, Walker, Woolford

    RESOLUTION NO. 0110-22-001: Motion to adopt a resolution setting forth findings required under Assembly Bill 361 that would allow the Arts Commission and its subcommittees to hold meetings remotely according to the modified Brown Act teleconferencing set forth in AB 361.

  3. Approval of Minutes

    Commissioner Beltran, seconded by Commissioner Stryker moved to approve the December 6, 2021 minutes.

    There was no public comment.

    The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
    Ayes: OrdeƱana, Shiota, Askew, Beltran, Collins, Ferras, Lu, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Stryker, Walker, Woolford

    RESOLUTION NO. 0110-22-002: Motion to approve the December 6, 2021 minutes.

  4. General Public CommentĀ 

    Piper Alldredge, employee at California College for the Arts (CCA), asked the commissioners to stand with arts workers fighting for living wages and fair treatment at work. She described the environment at CCA. She added that 97% of the members voted yes to authorize a strike. She asked the Arts Commission to stand with them.

    Paul Navarrete, employee at CCA and member of staff union bargaining team, said that the members are preparing to go on strike to protest unfair labor practices and bad faith bargaining. He provided more details on bargaining which has been taking place since October 2019. He said that CCA lacks respect for the process and described the working conditions. He said that 97% of their members voted yes for a strike. He asked the Arts Commission to support the strike.

    Collateral Damage, supporter of the faculty and staff at CCA, said she is not a union member. She said she is a family member adversely affected by the disrespectful treatment of their family member and explained the treatment that theyā€™ve been encountering. She explained the culture of CCA and its leadership. She explained that their support could make a huge different especially if one was a trustee. She urged the Commission to support artists and artists workers at CCA.

    Hugh Behm-Steinberg stated he supported what other commenters said. He said he has taught at CCA for over 20 years in the writing and literature dept and was a member of the first bargaining team. He said that CCA has refused to bargain in good faith with its workers which led to a vote for a strike. He also asked SFAC to stand in support of the CCA staff and adjunct faculty.

    President OrdeƱana thanked the members of the public for speaking. He said the issues shared were very concerning. He explained that since the item was not on the agenda the Commission could not discuss the item any further. He said it is unclear if the Arts Commission has any jurisdiction or can take a position on the issue. He said he and Director Remington would research to better understand the issue and will come back to the commission if there is any potential action. He noted that it was unlikely the Commission could take any action since CCA is a private institution. Director Remington added that he will look into the issue and if the Arts Commission can publicly opine on the matter.

  5. Directorā€™s Report
    President OrdeƱana congratulated Director Remington on entering into his second year as Director of Cultural Affairs. He thanked Director Remington for his incredible work over his first year.

    Director Remington thanked the commissioners and staff for their support over the last year. He also congratulated Commissioner Shelby on his performance at SFJazz.

    Director Remington shared some updates which included a future reexamination of what items come in front of the commission, an announcement that the work from home order was extended until February 15, and a reminder that the agencyā€™s annual convening is scheduled on February 15. He also announced that the commission will be beginning a strategic planning process and that the Monuments and Memorials Advisory Committee has officially launched. He also shared some HR updates including the announcement of Director of Communications Coma Te and the promotion of Lorena Moreno to Operations Manager. He added that the agency is currently interviewing for program officers.

    Director Remington gave an overview of the agencyā€™s 2021 accomplishments. He noted that 23% of staff positions were empty while the agency continued their incredible work. He also noted that many staff were deployed for the first two quarters of 2021. He also noted that Marcus Davies celebrated his 15-year anniversary and Aleta Lee celebrated her 5-year anniversary. He again congratulated the entire staff on their hard work throughout the year.

    Director Remington continued his presentation by providing some highlights relating to each program in the agency. He touched on a list of completed public art programs and he reviewed some key efforts by the collections team to maintain the agencyā€™s collection. He also gave some statistics around the Community Investments grant funding, grantee support and some important recovery efforts. He also highlighted the SFAC Galleries teamā€™s various deployments and their work in reopening the gallery after 18 months. He congratulated the Civic Design Review (CDR) team on the projects that were reviewed and approved as well as updating the CDR guidelines.

    President OrdeƱana reflected on the important roles that the staff have played throughout the City during this last year. He said he recognized the incredible work of the staff and thanked them for their dedication to the City.

    Commissioners added thanks to Director Remington and staff and congratulated them for their continued work in this difficult time.

    There was no public comment.

  6. Quarterly Racial Equity UpdateĀ 
    Senior Racial Equity and Policy Analyst Sandra Panopio reported on racial equity initiatives. She shared the agencyā€™s 2021 accomplishments which included the inclusion of a Racial Equity Orientation for new staff and commissioner onboarding, the development of a Commissioner information form, the finalization and approval of SFAC Land Acknowledgment, the introduction of a Commissioner Recommendation form, Quarterly Racial Equity Updates at Full Commission meetings and the submission of significant demographic information for Citywide requests.

    She also shared the 2022 racial equity priorities which included continuing to work on SFACā€™s Racial Equity Action Plan,Ā  implementation of a new survey for past and current commissioners to identify experiences and suggestions to improve racial equity practices, beginning the process for a racial equity resolution, the start of the Monument and Memorials Advisory Committee and focus on continued training to normalize and integrate racial equity and inclusion concepts into all areas of work.Ā  She shared that all SFAC staff have completed the Implicit Bias training in 2021.

    Commissioner Schnair asked about the improvements made by the Commission over the last year. Ms. Panopio described the nature of a hybrid work life and how racial equity relates to staff experience. She also described briefly how the agencyā€™s programs have pivoted to support and respond the community ā€˜s needs.

    President OrdeƱana commended staff and Ms. Panopio for supporting the agencyā€™s organization culture while also responding to community needs during a pandemic. He explained that racial equity work is never done.

    Commissioner Stryker left the meeting at 2:57 p.m.

    There was no public comment.

  7. Committee Reports and Committee Matters

    1. Civic Design Review Committee

      Commissioner Askew reported he was the guest chair at the December meeting. He shared that the Committee recently reviewed two projects including Golden Gate Park 9th and Lincoln Way Gateway Project and Stern Grove Playground Renovation Project. He shared an image of the Stern Grove Playground and briefly described the project.

      There was no public comment.
    2. Visual Arts Committee

      1. VAC Report
      Commissioner Ferras shared a quick overview of the agenda items from the December committee meeting. She also shared images of each project.

      Commissioners were interested in more education around San Franciscoā€™s black history. They noted a possible field trip to see some of these works mentioned by Commissioner Ferras.

      There was no public comment.

  1. Consent Calendar

    President OrdeƱana introduced the consent calendar items.

    Commissioner Collins, seconded by Commissioner Parker Pennington moved to approve, as presented.

    There was no public comment.

    The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
    Ayes: OrdeƱana, Shiota, Askew, Beltran, Collins, Ferras, Lu, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Walker, Woolford.

    RESOLUTION NO. 0110-22-003:
    Approval: RESOLVED, that this Commission does hereby adopt the following items on the Consent Calendar and their related Resolutions:
  1. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-004: Motion to approve the Civic Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes of December 20, 2021.Ā 
  2. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-005: Motion to approve the Visual Arts Committee Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2021.Ā  Ā Ā 
  3. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-006: Motion to approve the Visual Arts Committee Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2021. Ā 

    Civic Design ReviewĀ CommitteeĀ RecommendationsĀ 

  4. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-007: Motion to approve the Single Phase Review of Stern Grove Playground Renovation Project. Ā Ā Ā Ā 
  5. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-008: Motion to approve the Single Phase Review of Stern Grove Playground Renovation Project.

    Visual ArtsĀ Committee Recommendations

  6. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-009: Motion to approve Untitled, a mural design by artist Twin Walls Mural Company. The mural will be installed on the cul de sac of Burnside Avenue, in District 8. The mural is made up of two parts: the main wall is 626 sq. ft. and the retaining walls are 250 sq. ft. The project is privately funded by individual donations. The artwork will not become part of the Civic Art Collection.Ā 
  7. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-010: Motion to approve Canopy, a mural design by artist Antoine Marnata. The mural will be installed on 24 columns on the 900 block of Iowa St. between 22nd St. and 23rd St. Each column is 35-40 ft in height by 8-10 ft in diameter. The project will be funded by the Green Benefit District, the Power Station, and Clean CA grant, pending award of grant funds. The artwork will not become part of the Civic Art Collection.Ā 
  8. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-011: Motion to approve Untitled, a mural design by artist Joseph ā€œJDā€ Green / Creativity Explored. The mural will be installed at 240 Van Ness Avenue. The fabricated metal gate will measure 42 ft 8 in. by 11 ft. 8in., which will be the folding gate and canopy and the pedestrian gate will measure 4 ft. 9 in. by 11 ft. 8 in. The project is funded in part by the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development. The artwork will not become part of the Civic Art Collection.Ā 
  9. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-012: Motion to approve as installed and accession into the Civic Art Collection the artwork entitled Layla Infusion, 2021 by Joe Mangrum.Ā  The artwork formerly known as Layla (Accession ID 2001.17) was added to and partially recreated as outlined and approved in RESOLUTION NO. 0712-21-151. The terrazzo artwork is embedded in the sidewalk located on the S.W. corner of Mission Street and 22nd Street. The installation consists of a central panel (roughly 5ft. by 9ft) with a multi-colored amorphic image which is accompanied by 12 black terrazzo strips (each roughly 5ft by 1 ft) in varying gradation on both sides. Overall dimensions are roughly 5 ft. by 45 ft.Ā 
  10. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-013: Motion to approve only the image of the design of the artwork Octavia Boulevard and the Central Freeway (now and then) by Kota Ezawa to be installed at 78 Haight Street, located at the corner of Haight Street and Octavia Boulevard. The artwork is funded by city, state, and federal credits. Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp (TNDC) will be responsible for ongoing maintenance. The work will not become part of the Civic Art Collection. Final design approval pending review and approval of material samples.Ā 
  11. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-014: Motion to approve the temporary installation of #heartsinsf, a sculpture by Laura Linebeck created in 2015 as a part of the Hearts in San Francisco program sponsored by the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation. The sculpture will be installed in Francisco Park for a period of one year, from January 5, 2022 to January 6, 2023. The Francisco Park Conservancy will be responsible for the maintenance and care of the sculpture. The artwork will not become part of the Civic Art Collection.Ā 
  12. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-015: Motion to approve the temporary installation of three tiger sculptures designed by artist Stephanie Mufson to be placed in Civic Center Plaza, Portsmouth Square and Union Square respectively from January 22, 2022 until February 28, 2022 in honor of Chinese New Year/Year of the Tiger, which are sponsored by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce based upon their submission of all required paperwork and documentation, pending approval of the Recreation and Park Commission.Ā 
  13. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-016: Motion to approve the seven final designs by Frederick Noland for the 2022 Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series.Ā 
  14. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-017: Motion to approve as installed the completed artwork Continuous City, 2021, glass and aluminum composite, by Carter-Lynch (dba Carter-Lynch LLC) for the San Francisco International Airport, C3 Connector.Ā 
  15. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-018: Motion to approve as installed the completed artwork Long Arc of Day, 2021, pigment, glass and aluminum composite, by Kim Anno for the San Francisco International Airport, C3 Connector.Ā 
  16. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-019: Motion to approve as installed the completed artwork Here You Are / Are You Here, 2021, glass and aluminum composite, by Paul Madonna for the San Francisco International Airport, C3 Connector.Ā 
  17. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-020: Motion to approve the Project Plan for the Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation public art project.Ā 
  18. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-021: Motion to approve the final artwork design by Michael Bartalos for the San Francisco Fire Department Ambulance Deployment Facility.Ā 
  19. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-022: Motion to approve as installed the completed artwork Double Horizon, by Sarah Sze, 2018, granite, resin, pigments, concrete pavers, located on the Howard Street west pedestrian bridge for the Moscone Expansion Project.Ā 
  20. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-023: Motion to approve the selected finalists, Miguel Arzabe, Natalya Burd, and Sanjay Vora for the Herz Recreation Public Art Project, as recommended by the artist review panel.Ā 
  21. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 0110-22-024: Motion to approve Clear the Air, 2021, a temporary artwork by Malik Seneferu, as installed on the Southeast Treatment Plant Construction Fence along Evans Avenue between Rankin and Phelps Streets.Ā 
  1. New Business and Announcements

    President OrdeƱana announced that he plans to review the committee assignments for 2022. He asked any commissioners to reach out to him by the end of January if they would like to discuss their current assignments or make any changes to their assignments.

    There was no public comment.

  2. Adjournment

    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:31 p.m.

Posted 1/25/2022, 11:30 a.m., adv

Approved 2/7/2022


Archives Available
A recording of this meeting will be available online after the meeting at the following address:Ā https://sfgov.org/arts/audio-archive-8.

Language Accessibility

Translated written materials and interpretation services are available to you at no cost. For assistance, please notify Commission SecretaryĀ Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255,Ā Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org.

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Materiales traducidos y servicios de interpretaciĆ³n estĆ”n disponibles para usted de manera gratuita. Para asistencia, notifique a Commission SecretaryĀ Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255,Ā Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org