Community Investments Committee - April 19, 2022 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
April 19, 2022 - 1:00pm


Tuesday, April 19, 2022
1 p.m.
Remote Meeting via video and teleconferencing



Commissioner Roberto OrdeƱana called the meeting to order at 1:14 p.m.

1. Roll Call

Commissioners Present:Ā 
Nabiel Musleh
Roberto OrdeƱana
Linda Parker Pennington
Marcus Shelby
Janine Shiota
Debra Walker

Commissioner Absent:Ā 
Charles Collins, Chair

Staff Present:Ā 
Jaren Bonillo, Senior Program Officer
Joanne Lee, Deputy Director of Programs
Debbie Ng, Program Officer
Denise Pate, Director of Community Investments
Anne Trickey, Program Officer

Commissioner Roberto OrdeƱana announced the virtual meeting instructions.

Operations Manager Lorena Moreno announced the public comment instructions.


2. General Public Comment

Commissioner OrdeƱana called for public comment. There was no public comment.


3. Cultural Center Endowment Update
Deputy Director of Programs Joanne Lee introduced this agenda item and confirmed the San Francisco Arts Commission (SFAC) will enter into multi-year grant agreements with the Cultural Centers. Last year, SFAC entered into five-year leases with the Cultural Centers who occupy physical space. The FY23 operating grants will be four-year grants to align with the new leases. These motions will be presented at the Executive Committee meeting on April 25, 2022 and then presented at the Full Commission Committee meeting on May 9, 2022, which will maintain the Cultural Centerā€™s grant timeline. Deputy Director Lee noted that the Cultural Centers will receive a 10% increase over the FY22 grant amounts, which will be reflected in their FY23 grant amounts.

Commissioner Deborah Walker asked if there are discussions around costs for Cultural Center building maintenance. Deputy Director Lee reminded the Committee that SFAC will begin seismic safety upgrades at Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts (MCCLA) and the African American Arts and Culture Center (AAACC) in the next fiscal year. Commissioner Walker asked if affordable artist housing is a part of these discussions. Deputy Director Lee confirmed this was not the case given the tight construction timeline and focus on life-safety upgrades of the capital funds received for these projects.

Commissioner OrdeƱana called for public comment. There was no public comment.

4. Cultural Equity Endowment FY22 Timeline and Overview
Director of Community Investments Denise Pate introduced this agenda item by announcing that Program Officer Debbie Ng was promoted to the position of Senior Program Officer for the Community Investments team. Director Pate also reminded Commissioners that Community Investments Committee meetings will now be held on the third Tuesday of even-numbered months.

She then gave the following overview of the FY21-22 Community Investments grant cycle processes and timeline: Guidelines and applications were released on September 29, 2021; one (1) informational grant webinar launched the cycle on October 1, 2021; two (2) category-specific grant workshops, one (1) work sample webinar, one (1) fiscal sponsor webinar with one hundred and one (101) attendees, and eight (8) cultural ambassadors representing the African American, Arab American, Asian American, disabled, Latinx, LGBTQ, Native American communities and women referred 22 potential applicants; special project grant guidelines and applications were released on October 1, 2020 and January 5, 2022; application deadlines were from December 9, 2020 through February 10, 2021; the onboarding of forty (45) panelists with four (4) panelist orientations and the release of applications for review took place December 15-January 7, 2022; and, twelve (12) grant reviews took place over fifteen (15) days from January 13, 2022 ā€“ March 23, 2022.

Commissioner OrdeƱana called for public comment. There was no public comment.

5. FY22 Funding Recommendations
Senior Program Officer Jaren Bonillo introduced this agenda item, provided background for the Cultural Equity Endowment Fund, and gave an overview of each FY21-22 grant category represented in the funding recommendations below. She went on to note that theā€ÆOrganization Project Grant (OPG) is still on hiatus due to the uncertainty of re-opening plans for holding public eventsā€Æat the time of the release of guidelines.Ā 

Senior Program Officer Bonillo stated that, in total, 269 applicants were received requesting $11,790,868. She noted the following recommendations include funding 113 applicants with an allocation of $4,801,868 (See grant allocation overview explanatory document for more detail by category.)

She went on to highlight the following: 42% applicant success rate is a 31% increase over last yearā€™s (32%); 39% of the individual artists are new to the recommendation pool ā€“ a 105% increase from last yearā€™s (19%); and 14% of the organizations being recommended are new, a significant increase from last yearā€™s (9%). She noted that successful community outreach and the Community Investmentā€™s program collaboration with Cultural Ambassadors resulted in the unprecedented increase in new applicants being recommended for funding.

Finally, Senior Program Officer Bonillo stated 69% of the $4.8 million allocation is going to arts organizations and, with the San Francisco Public Library (SFPL) funds, 31% investment into individual artists. FY22ā€™s $4.8 million allocation is a 17% increase from the prior year.

Commissioner Walker asked if the organizations recommended for funding are receiving funding from other sources and if they are increasing their outreach/presence year-by-year. Senior Program Officer Bonillo directed Commissioner Walker to the supporting documentation that outlines all recommended proposals and projects and remined her of the Cultural Equity Endowment legislation and the panel review adjudication process.

Commissioner Linda Parker Pennington stated it would be helpful to see the larger landscape of funding going to arts organizations in San Francisco and requested this be a conversation at a future meeting.

Commissioner Roberto OrdeƱana noted the success of the Cultural Ambassador program to encourage new arts organizations and individual artists to apply for funding and commends the Community Investments team on these efforts.

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Explanatory Documents:Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā FY22 CI Impact by the Numbers
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā FY22 Grant Allocation Overview

6. Individual Grants
Program Officer Anne Trickey introduced this agenda item, provided background for the San Francisco Artist (SFA) grants, and gave an overview of the FY21-22 grant review panels, funding recommendations, and trends.

Program Officer Trickey noted that while SFA received fewer applications than last year, this allowed a higher percentage of applicants to be recommended for funding. They went on to note a 47% success rate and 39% first-time applicants, which is an increase from last year and likely tied to the success of the Cultural Ambassador program. They noted that, for the first time, American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation was provided at the two-day Performance & Festivals panel in an effort to continue to increase accessibility and expressed the desire to have ASL interpretation at all grant review panels in the future.

Motion carried by Commissioner Shiota, seconded by Commissioner Parker Pennington moved to approve the motion, as presented:

San Francisco Artist Grants
Motion to approve the funding recommendations of the San Francisco Artist Grants (SFA) funding recommendations to award seventy-five (75) grants totaling $1,498,000 to the following individuals, and to enter into grant agreements with each or their fiscal sponsor for amounts not to exceed the following at this time:

Aaron P Salinas, $20,000
Alexandria Palos, $20,000
Andrea Nicolette Gonzales, $20,000
Anoushka Mirchandani, $18,000
Bryan Pangilinan (Fiscal Sponsor Brava for Women in the Arts), $20,000
Camille Hoang-Mai Davis, $20,000
Caroline Cabading, $20,000
Celeste Chan, $20,000
Cesar Cadabes, $20,000
Cheryl P Derricotte, $20,000
Crystal Hermann, $20,000
Daniel Arturo Riera, $20,000
Daniel Lee, $20,000
Danny Duncan (Fiscal Sponsor San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Company), $20,000
David Herrera (Fiscal Sponsor Dancersā€™ Group Inc.), $20,000
David James, $20,000
Donald Christian Figueroa Castillo, $20,000
Elizabeth Stephens, $20,000
Erina Alejo (Fiscal Sponsor Filipino-American Development Foundation), $20,000
Erwin K. Berk, $20,000
Genevieve Lim, $20,000
Georges Lammam, $20,000
Guillermo GĆ³mez-PeƱa, $20,000
Guillermo Ornelas, $20,000
Helen Simone Bailey, $20,000
Hien Huynh, $20,000
Hyo-shin Na (Fiscal Sponsor Earplay), $20,000
Javier Stell-Fresquez, $20,000
Jeanelle Bantigue, $20,000
Jerome Reyes, $20,000
Jess Curtis, $20,000
Jessica Maria Recinos, $20,000
Jocelyn Reyes, $20,000
John Calloway, $20,000
John Nguyen (Fiscal Sponsor Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center), $20,000
Joseph Abbati, $20,000
Kar Yin Tham (Fiscal Sponsor Bay Area Video Coalition Inc.), $20,000
Keith Hennessy (Fiscal Sponsor Anne Bluethenthal & Dancers), $20,000
Kimberly Anne Rubio Requesto, $20,000
Kurt Rohde, $20,000
Lauren Ito (Fiscal Sponsor National Japanese American Historical Society), $20,000
Lily Cai, $20,000
Linda A. Jackson, $20,000
Mabel Jimenez-Hernandez, $20,000
Maria Judice, $20,000
Maurya Kerr (Fiscal Sponsor Dancersā€™ Group Inc.), $20,000
Megan K Kurashige (Fiscal Sponsor Dancersā€™ Group Inc.), $20,000
Megan Wilson, $20,000
Melissa Dorothy Lewis Wong, $20,000
Nancy Mabel Valdiviezo, $20,000
Natalia GarcĆ­a Pasmanick, $20,000
Natalia Roberts, $20,000
Oliver Saria, $20,000
Oscar PeƱaranda, $20,000
Osvaldo de Leon Davila, $20,000
Patricia Jameson, $20,000
Pireeni Sundaralingam, $20,000
Preeti Vangani, $20,000
Ramon Marcel Abad, $20,000
Rizal Dinglasan, $20,000
Robert Sweeny, $20,000
Rodney Earl Jackson Jr., $20,000
Sandra Cressman, $20,000
Sean Dorsey, $20,000
SeokmanĀ  Yang, $20,000
Shelley Wong, $20,000
Silk Worm (Fiscal Sponsor Jess CurtisGravity Inc.), $20,000
Storm M Florez, $20,000
Tamu Boylen, $20,000
Theresa Marie Calpotura, $20,000
Therese Marie Davis, $20,000
Truong Tran, $20,000
Valerie Soe, $20,000
Veronica Williams, $20,000
Yayoi Kambara (Fiscal Sponsor Dancersā€™ Group Inc.), $20,000

Explanatory Document: San Francisco Artist Grants Overview

Commissioner OrdeƱana called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
Ayes: Musleh, OrdeƱana, Parker Pennington, Shelby, Shiota, and Walker


7. Organization Grants
Program Officer Debbie Ng introduced this agenda item, provided background of the Artistic Legacy Grant (ALG), and gave an overview of the FY21-22 grant review panel, funding recommendations, and trends. Program Officer Ng noted that seven applications were received requesting a total of $280,000.

She went on to note that this yearā€™s recommendation, Theatre of Yugen and its Founder Yuriko Doi, have produced, presented, and toured both traditional Japanese Kyogen works in English and original hybrid productions inspired by the 600-year-old artform for more than four decades.

Motion carried by Commissioner Shelby, seconded by Commissioner Walker moved to approve the motion, as presented:

1. Artistic Legacy Grant
Motion to approve the Artistic Legacy Grant funding recommendation to award one (1) grant totaling $40,000 to the following organization, and to enter into a grant agreement not to exceed the following at this time:

Theatre of Yugen, $40,000

Explanatory Document: Artistic Legacy Grant Overview

Commissioner OrdeƱana called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
Ayes: Musleh, OrdeƱana, Parker Pennington, Shelby, Shiota, and Walker

Program Officer Ng introduced these agenda subitems (Cultural Equity Initiatives I and II), provided background of the Cultural Equity Initiatives grant category, and gave an overview of the FY21-22 grant review panels, funding recommendations, and trends. Program Officer Ng noted that 86 applications were received requesting a total of $7,475,000.

She went on to note that this grant category had a 17% increase in the number of submitted applications, a 24% increase in request amounts, and a 26% increase in funding allocations. She attributed these increases to providing consistent technical assistance webinars with targeted outreach, eliminating the 50% budget cap, which allowed an increase in the eligible funding request amounts, and reducing the length of the application by 30%.

Motion carried by Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Shelby moved to approve the motion, as presented:

2. Cultural Equity Initiatives I
Discussion and possible motion to approve the Cultural Equity Initiatives (CEI) funding recommendations to award two (2) grants totaling $200,000 to the following organizations, and to enter into grant agreements with each organization or their fiscal sponsor for amounts not to exceed the following at this time:

Fresh Meat Productions, $100,000
Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project, $100,000

Commissioner OrdeƱana called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
Ayes: Musleh, OrdeƱana, Parker Pennington, Shelby, Shiota, and Walker

Motion carried by Commissioner Shelby, seconded by Commissioner Parker Pennington moved to approve the motion, as presented:

2a. Cultural Equity Initiatives II
Motion to approve the Cultural Equity Initiatives (CEI) funding recommendations to award twenty-seven (27) grants totaling $2,500,000 to the following organizations, and to enter into grant agreements with each organization or their fiscal sponsor for amounts not to exceed the following at this time:

ABADA-Capoeira San Francisco, $100,000
Accion Latina, $100,000
Brava for Women in the Arts, $100,000
California Lawyers for the Arts, $100,000
Chitresh Das Institute, $100,000
Circo Zero, $100,000
CounterPulse, $100,000
Cubacaribe, $100,000
Cultura y Arte Nativa de las Americas, $100,000
Detour Dance (Fiscal Sponsor Dancersā€™ Group Inc.), $50,000
Diamond Wave (Fiscal Sponsor Intersection for the Arts), $75,000
Eth-Noh-Tec Creations, $100,000
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Historical Society, $100,000
Golden Thread Productions, $100,000
Idris Ackamoor and Cultural Odyssey, $100,000
Kearny Street Workshop, $100,000
Lenora Lee Dance (Fiscal Sponsor Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center), $100,000
Magic Theatre, Inc., $100,000
Marigold Project Inc. (Fiscal Sponsor Intersection for the Arts), $100,000
Nā Lei Hulu I Ka Wēkiu Hula Halau, $100,000
Nava Dance Theatre, $75,000
Queer Rebels Productions (Fiscal Sponsor Intersection for the Arts), $75,000
San Francisco Transgender Film Festival (Fiscal Sponsor Fresh Meat Productions), $100,000
Southern Exposure, $100,000
The Cultural Conservancy Sacred Land Foundation, $100,000
The Dance Brigade A New Group From Wallflower Order, $100,000
Write Now! SF Bay (Fiscal Sponsor Intersection for the Arts), $15,394

Explanatory Document: Cultural Equity Initiatives Overview

Commissioner OrdeƱana called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
Ayes: Musleh, OrdeƱana, Parker Pennington, Shelby, Shiota, and WalkerĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā 

Senior Program Officer Bonillo introduced this agenda subitem, provided background of the Creative Space (CRSP) grant category, and gave an overview of the FY21-22 grant review panel, funding recommendations, and trends. She noted that 13 applications were received requesting a total of $707,500.

She went on to note that this year more CRSP applicants focused on planning resources including capital campaign projects over facilities improvements than last grant cycle.

Commissioner Parker Pennington gave great thanks to all of the Community Investment staff for their work and expressed excitement at the potential funding of these applicants. Commissioner OrdeƱana echoed her sentiments.

Motion carried by Commissioner Parker Pennington, seconded by Commissioner Walker moved to approve the motion, as presented:

3. Creative Space
Motion to approve the Creative Space (CRSP) funding recommendations to award five (5) grants totaling $300,000 to the following organizations, and to enter into grant agreements with each organization or their fiscal sponsor, for amounts not to exceed the following at this time:

African-American Shakespeare Company, $50,000
Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center, $50,000
Cultura y Arte Nativa de las Americas, $100,000
Cutting Ball Theater, $50,000
The Roxie Theater, $50,000

Explanatory Document: Creative Space Overview

Commissioner OrdeƱana called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
Ayes: Musleh, OrdeƱana, Parker Pennington, Shelby, Shiota, and WalkerĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā 


8. Special Project Grant Amendments
Deputy Director of Programs Joanne Lee introduced these four subitems by reviewing the descriptions presented below.

Motion carried by Commissioner Parker Pennington, seconded by Commissioner Shiota moved to approve the motion, as presented:

1. Motion to increase the grant amount of $25,000 (authorized by Administrative Approval) by $14,300 for a grant agreement with Michael Ritch for the Ocean Avenue commercial corridor beautification project, where the solicitation was completed through a participatory budget process and the original grant did not include all of the funds allocated for the project; and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a grant agreement for $39,300 at this time.

Commissioner OrdeƱana called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
Ayes: Musleh, OrdeƱana, Parker Pennington, Shelby, Shiota, and WalkerĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā 

Commissioner Charles Collins entered the meeting at 2:18 p.m.

Motion carried by Commissioner Shelby, seconded by Commissioner Parker Pennington moved to approve the motion, as presented:

2. Motion to increase the grant amount of $26,250 (authorized by Resolution No. 1207-20-198) by $5,000 for a grant agreement with Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association (Fiscal Sponsor Intersection for the Arts) for additional music programming in Patriciaā€™s Green park; and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a grant agreement for $31,250 at this time.

Commissioner OrdeƱana called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
Ayes: Collins, Musleh, OrdeƱana, Parker Pennington, Shelby, Shiota, and Walker

Commissioner Janine Shiota left the meeting at 2:29 p.m.

Motion carried by Commissioner Shelby, seconded by Commissioner Parker Pennington moved to approve the motion, as presented:

3. Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a grant agreement with Bayview Opera House, Inc. for capital upgrades including a kitchen, for $369,500 at this time.Ā This grant agreement would replace expired Grant No. 16SPX03 (authorized by Resolution Noā€™s. 0104-16-011, 0912-16-242, 1002-17-311,1101-21-245), which was not completed due to administrative delays and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Commissioner OrdeƱana called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
Ayes: Collins, Musleh, OrdeƱana, Parker Pennington, Shelby, and WalkerĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā  Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 

Motion carried by Commissioner Parker Pennington, seconded by Commissioner Musleh moved to approve the motion, as presented:

4. Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a grant agreement with Bayview Opera House, Inc. for capital upgrades, for $100,000 at this time.Ā This grant agreement would replace expired Grant No. 19SPX05 (authorized by Resolution Noā€™s. 1017-19-014, 1101-21-245), which was not completed due to administrative delays and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Commissioner OrdeƱana called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
Ayes: Collins, Musleh, OrdeƱana, Parker Pennington, Shelby, and WalkerĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā 


9. New Business and Announcements
Commissioner Marcus Shelby expressed a collective thanks to the Community Investments staff for preparing todayā€™s agenda and materials and for their deep labor to support individual artists and arts organizations. Commissioner OrdeƱana echoed Commissioner Shelbyā€™s sentiments. He added that he is excited to see the depth of diversity the SFAC is achieving and gave thanks to the grant review panelists for their time and perspectives.


10. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:41 p.m.

posted 5/4/2022, 1:39 p.m., CED
approved 5/9/22 CED



Archives Available
A recording of this meeting will be available online after the meeting at the following address:Ā

Language Accessibility

Translated written materials and interpretation services are available to you at no cost. For assistance, please notify Community Investments atĀ

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