Full Commission - June 6, 2022 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
June 6, 2022 - 2:00pm
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102


Monday, June 6, 2022
2 p.m.
Hybrid Meeting

Draft MinutesĀ 

President OrdeƱana called the meeting to order at 2:07 p.m.

1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Agenda Changes, Land Acknowledgment

Commissioners Present
Roberto OrdeƱana, President
JD Beltran
Charles Collins
Suzanne Ferras
Mahsa Hakimi
Yiying Lu
Linda Parker Pennington
Abby Sadin Schnair
Kimberlee Stryker
Debra Walker
Paul Woolford
Rachael Tanner, ex officio

Commissioners Absent
Nabiel Musleh
Marcus ShelbyĀ 
Janine Shiota, Vice President
Rachael Tanner, ex officio

Staff Present:
Ralph Remington, Director of Cultural Affairs
Coma Te, Director of Communications
Joanne Lee, Deputy Director of Programs
Lorena Moreno, Operations Manager
Tara Peterson, Registrar
Alyssa Ventre, Commission Secretary

President OrdeƱana announced the hybrid meeting instructions.

Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre announced public comment instructions.

President OrdeƱana began the meeting reading the Arts Commissionā€™s land acknowledgement statement.


2. AB 361 Legislation ImpactĀ 

President OrdeƱana introduced the item. He reminded commissioners that the commission approved the motion at their last meeting. He explained that the commission must approve the motion every 30 days in order to continue to meet virtually in the instance that one or more members may need to attend remotely due to covid related reasons. He provided additional background information regarding the AB 361 legislation including its requirements.

Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Ferras, moved to adopt a resolution setting forth findings required under Assembly Bill 361 that would allow the Arts Commission and its subcommittees to hold meetings remotely according to the modified Brown Act teleconferencing set forth in AB 361.Ā 

There was no public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved as follows.

RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-108: Motion to adopt a resolution setting forth findings required under Assembly Bill 361 that would allow the Arts Commission and its subcommittees to hold meetings remotely according to the modified Brown Act teleconferencing set forth in AB 361.

3. Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Woolford, seconded by Commissioner Hakimi moved to approve the May 9, 2022 minutes.

There was no public comment, and the minutes were unanimously approved as follows.

RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-109: Motion to approve the May 9, 2022 minutes.


4. General Public CommentĀ 

Public Comment:
Commission Secretary Ventre read the following statement submitted via email. She noted that the pronouns were incorrect and read the statement using they/them pronouns.

ā€œANNE TRICKEY, should be fired for the malicious federal copyright infringement cases she filed against me in Oakland, CA and NY, NY. Both dismissed.

A copyright infringement case was recently dismissed with prejudice against me in the SDNY. TRICKEY, falsified documents which were turned over in discovery. TRICKEY, ignored a federal subpoena. TRICKEY, claimed she was assaulted while taking photos when, in fact she dropped her purse.

Donā€™t know this ANNE TRICKEY but she lies; falsified documents and wasted thousands of dollars of SF taxpayer money.


President Ordenana stated that the comments read are solely those of Ms. Treboux and that the Commission does not agree with them.


5. Directorā€™s Report
Director Remington recognized the start of Pride Month. He reminded commissioners to complete their annual harassment training. He shared an update regarding Ethics Commission's recent action again former staff person Barbara Mumby and read their findings.

Director Remington shared a number of SFAC events that were held throughout the month of May and June. He also reported other community events where he was asked to speak.

Director Remington continued to share agency updates. He announced that the Mission Cultural Center building was unanimously granted landmark designation status by the Board of Supervisorā€™s and it will go to the Mayor for approval and signature. He shared information about Galleries programming including David Johnson: In The Zone (1945-1965) exhibition at City Hall and the upcoming main gallery exhibition titled Carlos Villa: Roots and Reinvention. He reported on Upcoming Events and Reminders as well as open RFQ and grant opportunities.

Director Remington provided some HR updates which included an update on job postings, the announcement of the arrival of Capital Program Manager Lisa Zayas-Chien and the announcement of Galleries Director Meg Shifflerā€™s departure. He invited Galleries Director Meg Shiffler to say a few words.

Commissioners congratulated Meg Shiffler on her many accomplishments over the years and thanked her for her service. They wished her all the best on her new endeavor.

Director Remington also announced the departure of Commissioner Paul Woolford and Commissioner Debra Walker. Commissioners thanked both Commissioner Woolford and Commissioner Walker for their many contributions and service to the commission.Ā 
Commissioner Woolford and Commissioner Walker thanked the commission and shared a few words.Ā 

There was no public comment.

6. Committee Reports and Committee Matters

    1. Executive Committee

      President OrdeƱana presented the action item.

      Commissioner Collins, seconded by Commissioner Schnair, moved to change the regular meeting day for the Commissionā€™s Executive Committee from the fourth Monday of the month to the fourth Wednesday of the month.

      There was no public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved as follows.

      RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-109: Motion to change the regular meeting day for the Commissionā€™s Executive Committee from the fourth Monday of the month to the fourth Wednesday of the month.

    2. Civic Design Review Committee

      Commissioner Stryker briefly described the three projects that were reviewed at the May meeting. She provided a report on the Buchannan Street Mall Project. She also thanked Commissioner Woolford for his many contributions to the committee.

      Commissioners shared their enthusiasm about the Buchannan Street Mall Project and asked about activation of the space.

      There was no public comment.

    3. Visual Arts Committee

Commissioner Ferras provided an overview of the agenda items from the May committee meeting and shared mages from the following projects: Octavia Boulevard and the Central Freeway (now and then) by Kota Ezawa to be installed at 78 Haight Street and the Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation Project.

Commissioners discussed the two projects briefly.

There was no public comment.


7. Consent Calendar

President OrdeƱana introduced the consent calendar items.

Commissioner Collins, seconded by Commissioner Schnair moved to approve the consent calendar, as presented.

There was no public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved.

RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-110:
Approval: RESOLVED, that this Commission does hereby adopt the following items on the Consent Calendar and their related Resolutions:


  1. RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-111: Motion to Motion to approve the Civic Design Review Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2022.
  2. RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-112: Motion to approve the Visual Arts Committee Meeting Minutes of May 18, 2022.

    Civic Design Review Committee Recommendations (May 16, 2022)
  3. RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-113: Motion to approve Phase 1 of the Sunol Valley Water Treatment Ozonation Project with the following contingencies: that an informal be held to (1) discuss the site and landscape design and (2) analyze the massing/compositional design of the contractor building.Ā Ā 
  4. RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-114: Motion to approve Phase 2 Review of Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation Project with the following contingencies to be discussed during an informal meeting: lighting, detail of seat wall (skateboard deterrents), color and pattern of concrete pavings, and the development of the beach access stairs.
  5. RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-115: Motion to approve to approve Phase 1, Single Review of Buchanan Street Mall.

    Visual Arts Committee Recommendations (May 18, 2022)
  6. RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-116: Motion to enter into agreement with First Exposures, a San Francisco based nonprofit arts organization, working through Tides Foundation as their fiscal agent, to provide services related to a youth art photography program for residents of Treasure Island during the summer of 2022 for a total fee not to exceed $25,000 which shall be paid from the Treasure Island Art Program budget, inclusive of a fiscal agent fee, if required.Ā 
  7. RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-117: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to increase the contract with Narduli Studio for design, fabrication, and consultation during installation of an artwork for the Traffic Company and Forensic Services Division from $900,000 to an amount not to exceed $1,150,000 (an increase of $250,000) for increased material costs.
  8. RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-118: Motion to approve the materials of the artwork Octavia Boulevard and the Central Freeway (now and then) by Kota Ezawa to be installed at 78 Haight Street, located at the corner of Haight Street and Octavia Boulevard. The artwork is funded by city, state, and federal credits. Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp (TNDC) will be responsible for ongoing maintenance. The work will not become part of the Civic Art Collection.
  9. RESOLUTION NO. 0606-22-119: Motion to approve the selected finalists Mark Baugh-Sasaki, Leo Bersamina, and Ana Teresa Fernandez for the Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation Project, as recommended by the artist review panel.Ā 

8. New Business and Announcements

Commissioner Ferras shared that the next Art Walk SF will be in Divisadero on July 2. She thanked Commissioner Walker for attending the recent event in the Castro.

There was no public comment.

9. In Memoriam

President OrdeƱana recognized individuals, artists, cultural leaders and philanthropists who have passed away this since December 2021: Kim Corsaro, Tom Ferentz, Yuriko Kikuchi, Mark Levine, Connie Lewallen, Denise Perrier, and Jeannene Przyblyski.

There was no public comment.

10. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:44 p.m.

Posted 6/17/2022, 4:23 p.m., adv

Archives Available
A recording of this meeting will be available online after the meeting at the following address:Ā https://sfgov.org/arts/audio-archive-8.

Language Accessibility

Translated written materials and interpretation services are available to you at no cost. For assistance, please notify Commission SecretaryĀ Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255,Ā Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org.

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Materiales traducidos y servicios de interpretaciĆ³n estĆ”n disponibles para usted de manera gratuita. Para asistencia, notifique a Commission SecretaryĀ Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255,Ā Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org