Visual Arts Committee - January 21, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
January 21, 2015 - 3:00pm
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 70
San Francisco, CA 94102



Wednesday, January 21, 2015

3 p.m.

25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 70

San Francisco, CA 94102



1.     Roll Call

Commissioners Present:
President Beltran
Commissioner Chew
Commissioner Keehn, Chair
Commissioner Silverman  (arrived at 3:05)

Commissioners Absent:
Commissioner Sklar

The meeting commenced at 3:03  p.m.

2.     Public Comment

Commissioner Keehn called for public comment. There was no public comment.

3.     Consent Calendar

1.     Motion to approve the WritersCorps 20th anniversary poster design to be installed in the Decaux kiosks.

2.     Motion to approve the artwork, titled Sky, 2014 by Merge Conceptual Design as installed at San Francisco International Airport: Terminal 3, Boarding Area E.

3.      Motion to approve the artwork, titled Spirogyrate, 2014 by Eric Staller as installed at San Francisco International Airport: Terminal 3, Boarding Area E.

Commissioner Keehn called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve consent calendar items.
Moved: Beltran/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved

4.     Insurance Requirements
Susan Pontious, Matt Hansen

Ms. Pontious gave an overview of the template language unique to the artist contracts. She explained the artist contract combines the City’s personal services contract template with additional sections specifically crafted to cover the visual arts and the construction aspect of most public art projects. She stated that the state’s recent change in the legal definition of what constitutes a “public work” impacts public art projects because most projects now would be classified as “public works” under the new expanded definition. Requirements for public works that will impact our projects include:

·      Requirement to pay prevailing wage; contractors must verify they are paying prevailing wage by recording payroll on online reporting system.

·      A public work must be installed by a licensed general contractor. A licensed contractor may only supervise the work of other contractors. An unlicensed individual or contractor may not supervise the work of a licensed contractor.

·      A public work over $25,000 is required to have performance and labor and materials bonding.

Discussion and overview continued with items specific to the contract template including required compliance with 14B of the Administrative Code for Local Business Enterprise (“LBE”) goals; the waiver of artist rights pertaining to California Art Preservation Act (“CAPA”) and Visual Artists Rights Act (“VARA”); the approval and acceptance of artworks; the right to withhold payment; and that payments do not imply acceptance. Senior Project Manager Jennifer Lovvorn stated that many of the same provisions are also included in the language of a purchase orders.

Ms. Pontious further explained that the discussed provisions are also referenced through the subcontracts to ensure that the City is named third party beneficiary.

Commissioner Keehn called for public comment. There was no public comment.

5.     Overview of an Arts Commission Artist Contract
Susan Pontious

Ms. Pontious gave an overview of the template language unique to the artist contracts.  She explained the artist contract combines the City’s personal services contract template with additional sections specifically crafted to cover the visual arts. She stated that the definition of a public work has changed and now requires that artwork be installed by a licensed general contractor. A licensed contractor may only supervise the work of other contractors. An unlicensed individual or contractor may not supervise the work of a licensed contractor.

Discussion and overview continued with items specific to the contract template including: prevailing wages and reporting mechanisms; performance bonds and assets required by the general contractor; Local Business Enterprise (“LBE”) goals; the waiver of artist rights pertaining to California Art Preservation Act (“CAPA”) and Visual Artists Rights Act (“VARA”); the approval and acceptance of artworks; the right to withhold payment; and that payments do not imply acceptance. Senior Project Manager Jennifer Lovvorn stated that many of the same provisions are also included in the language of a purchase orders. 

Ms. Pontious further explained that the discussed provisions are also referenced through the subcontracts to ensure that the City is named third party beneficiary.

Commissioner Keehn called for public comment. There was no public comment.


6.     Patricia’s Green: David Best Ten Year Anniversary Project
Jill Manton, David Best, Tomas McCabe

Director of Public Art Trust and Special Initiatives Jill Manton and Tomas McCabe the Executive Director of The Black Rock Arts Foundation presented artwork designs by David Best for the Ten Year Anniversary Project for Patricia’s Green. The temporary sculpture will be roughly 60 feet high with a 40 by 40 feet footprint.

The design has been presented to the Hayes Valley Art Coalition and has been well received and will presented at an upcoming community meeting. The date for the installation will be on or before June 1, 2015 and the sculpture will be de-installed approximately one year unless an extension is approved by the Commission.

Ms. Manton stated the Arts Commission will contribute $34,000 through the Hayes Valley Development Impact Funds. Burning Man Arts will raise the balance of funds needed for the project and will enter into an agreement with the Arts Commission to implement the project.

The Committee asked what would happen if the remaining funds are not raised. McCabe clarified that the budget had actually been reduced  and that Burning Man Arts will need to raise an additional $20,000 and is confident that they would be able to do so. The budget is structured as such to allot for all stages of the project, including de-installation.

Commissioner Keehn called for public comment. There was no public comment.


Motion: Motion to enter into an agreement with David Best through Burning Man Arts for the final design, engineering, fabrication, insurance, transportation, installation and regular maintenance of an original temporary artwork to be installed at Patricia’s Green for a period beginning June 1, 2015 and concluding June 1, 2016, subject to extension of agreement by the parties for a total contract amount of $34,000 to be provided by the Arts Commission with the balance of  $72,000 in project costs to be provided by Burning Man Arts, pending approval by the Recreation and Parks Department.
Moved: Silverman/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved

7.     Central Subway: Chinatown Station Construction Barricades
Zoë Taleporos

Program Associate Zoë Taleporos presented the Final Design Phase deliverables (rendering) by Maria Park for the Central Subway: Construction Barricade Temporary Public Art Project for Chinatown Station. Using several photographs of the sky and clouds as source imagery, the artist will render the images in a graphic style using a reverse painting technique on plexi-glass. The paintings will be scanned then printed on vinyl and installed on the barricades in a linear order. The reproduction is roughly 150 feet long and 4 feet high and will be on display for one year, beginning in February 2015.

Commissioner Keehn called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve the Final Design Phase deliverables (rendering) by Maria Park for the Central Subway: Chinatown Station Construction Barricades along Stockton Street to be on display for one year beginning February 2015.
Moved: Chew/Silverman
The motion was unanimously approved

8.     Moscone Expansion Project, Leo Villareal
Marcus Davies

Project Manager Marcus Davies presented artist Leo Villareal’s conceptual proposal for the Moscone Expansion Project, as recommended by the Moscone Expansion Project Selection Panel.  Leo Villareal proposes to create Point Cloud, a light sculpture composed of over 50,000 full color LED’s arranged in a three dimensional array. Approximately 1300 mirrored stainless steel rods will hang from the ceiling and will support a LED matrix and create an optical effect. The installation will occupy the entire length of the 100-foot long bridge making it visible day and night from all vantages; on the bridge and down the street to Howard Street.

Commissioner Silverman asked if the selection panel had considered the prominence of the artist already with Bay Lights project. Mr. Davies and Commissioner Keehn stated it had been considered and that it was awarded when Bay Lights had still been considered a temporary project. Regardless, it was the feeling of the panel that his proposal had been the most successful and thoroughly conceived of the proposals received.

Commissioner Keehn called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve the selected artist Leo Villareal and his conceptual proposal for the Moscone Expansion Project as recommended by the Moscone Expansion Project Selection Panel.
Moved: Silverman/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved

Motion: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into contract with Leo Villareal for an amount not to exceed $1,500,000 for design, fabrication, transportation and installation of an artwork for the Moscone Expansion Project’s Sky Bridge.
Moved: Silverman/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved

9.     Art on Market: Kiosk Poster Series – Robert Minervini
Justine Topfer

Project Manager presented Robert Minervini’s final designs for his Art on Market Kiosk Poster Series, Invisible Reflections: A Visual Narrative of Six Monuments. She reminded the Committee of the series overarching theme of the “exposed” and responding to the Civic Art Collection. Minervini selected six monuments in Golden Gate Park, painting each in a colorful and   painterly style with a white screen print outline overlaid the top to provide and expose more information about the monument and the history or circumstances surrounding it.

Commissioner Keehn called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve the final poster designs for Robert Minervini’s Art on Market Kiosk Poster Series, Invisible Reflections: A Visual Narrative of Six Monuments, March 9 – May 29, 2015.
Moved: Silverman/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved

10.  Glen Canyon Park Recreation Center Public Art Project
Justine Topfer

Ms. Topfer presented artist Charles Sowers’ conceptual proposal for the Glen Canyon Park Recreation Center as recommended by the Glen Canyon Public Art Selection Panel.  Sowers, inspired by 19th century meteorological instruments, proposes Solar Totems, a sculpture composed of three, old growth redwood logs; each 30 inch diameter by 9 foot.  The logs would be installed upright in a triad arrangement on the open, south-facing plaza in front of the recreation center. A solar powered heliograph mechanism with a spherical lens mounted on one of the logs and the sun’s rays will be focused by the lens to lightly burn into the wood. As the sun moves across the sky, the burn will become a line; preserving a record of sunshine periodically broken by fog or cloudy skies, a kind of sculptural data-logger that creates an archive that will help the viewer consider the interaction of sun, weather and site.

Ms. Topfer also noted the Committee and staff had noted some long-term maintenance concerns, such as graffiti. It may be necessary to consider the artwork as a long-term temporaryinstallation.  Staff will work with the artist and Recreation and Parks Department develop strategies to best maintain the sculptures.

Commissioner Keehn called for public comment. There was no public comment.


Motion: Motion to approve the selected finalist Charles Sowers for the Glen Canyon Park Recreation Center Public Art Project as recommended by the Glen Canyon Public Art Selection Panel.
Moved: Silverman/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved

Motion: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into contract with the selected finalist Charles Sowers for the Glen Canyon Park Recreation Center Public Art Project for an amount not to exceed $92,000.00.
Moved: Silverman/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved


11. Alameda Creek Watershed Center
Mary Chou
Explanatory Documents: Revised Design
Presentation Time: Approximately 10 minutes

Presentation of revised design for entryway artwork by Mark Brest van Kempen for the Alameda Creek Watershed Center and revised budgets for both projects.

Motion: Motion to approve revised design of entryway artwork by Mark Brest van Kempen for the Alameda Creek Watershed Center.

Motion: Motion to approve design development deliverable (budget) for the landscape artwork by Mark Brest van Kempen for the Alameda Creek Watershed Center.

Motion: Motion to approve design development deliverable (budget) for the entryway artwork by Mark Brest van Kempen for the Alameda Creek Watershed Center.

12. Bayview Gateway
Mary Chou

Project Manager Mary Chou presented a brief overview of the selected finalists for the Bayview Gateway Public Art Project as selected by the Bayviw Gateway Selection Panel. Finalists included the Flaming Lotus Girls, Cliff Garten, Seyed Alavi, and alternate Steven Siegel.

Commissioner Keehn called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve the selected finalists Flaming Lotus Girls, Cliff Garten, Seyed Alavi and alternate Steven Siegel for the Bayview Gateway Public Art Project.
Moved: Silverman/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved

13. Central Subway: Chinatown Station – Tomie Arai
Mary Chou

Ms. Chou reminded Committee they had seen a conceptual proposal for Tomie Arai’s artwork for the Central Subway: Chinatown Station. Based on their feedback, Arai is working on revisions to the conceptual proposals and the imagery for her artwork. In addition to changes to her conceptual proposal she is also proposing to change the arrangement of the glass panels both at the headhouse and on the platform level. The revision would change the irregular grid of shaped panels into a more standard grid-like arrangement of recto linear panels.  The project is moving to the design document phase and approval of this revision is needed before the conceptual design changes can be reviewed at the next meeting.

Commissioner Keehn called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve the revised design of glass panels for Tomie Arai’s artwork for Central Subway: Chinatown Station
Moved: Silverman/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved

14. New Business, Old Business, and Announcements

Ms. Pontious announced that the 2015/16 Prequalified Artist Pool Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) will be posted the following week.  She urged Commissioners to forward to their contacts and submit their recommendations for artists  to staff.

She also announced that there is an additional sculpture opportunity for the Moscone Expansion Project and there will be an upcoming RFQ. She urged Commissioners to forward suggestions for that opportunity as well.    

Commissioner Keehn called for public comment. There was no public comment.

15.  Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 4:44p.m.

JDC 1/30/15


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