Visual Arts Committee - March 20, 2019 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
March 20, 2019 - 3:00pm
401 Van Ness Avenue
Room 125
San Francisco, CA 94102
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
3 p.m.
401 Van Ness Avenue, Room 125
San Francisco, CA 94102
Visual Arts Committee Members: 
JD Beltran
Dorka Keehn, Chair
Nabiel Musleh
Abby Sadin Schnair
Janine Shiota
Jessica Silverman
Barbara Sklar 
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Agenda Changes
Commissioners Present:
Commissioner Musleh
Commissioner Schnair
Commissioner Shiota
Commissioner Silverman
Commissioner Sklar
Commissioners Absent:
Commissioner Beltran
Commissioner Keehn
The meeting commenced at 3:03 p.m.
Commissioner Silverman announced tabling Item #6 on the Consent Calendar. 
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
2. General Public Comment
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
3. Consent Calendar
1. Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to modify the agreement with Liz Glynn Studio’s contract from $1,089,628 by $8,000 for a new contract amount of $1,097,628 to cover the cost of a site survey to verify location of sculpture hanging points installed at San Francisco International Terminal: Terminal 1, TSA Security Checkpoint. 
2. Motion to approve the proposal to display 12 ft. by 12 ft. sections of the AIDS Quilt as part of a perpetual changing display on the north wall of Building 5 lobby at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. The quilt panels will be loaned to the hospital from the NAMES project, and rotated every 3-6 months.  
3. Motion to approve Western Addition Metamorphosis, a mural design by artist André Jones (also known as Natty Rebel). The murals will be installed on four exterior walls at the Rosa Parks Senior Center at 1111 Buchanan Street, extending from Buchanan Street along the Buchanan Mall to Golden Gate Avenue. The series of four painted murals will measure approximately 11 ft. by 70 ft., 13 ft. by 35 ft., 11 ft. by 50 ft., and 8 ft. by 22 ft. The project is funded by the Community Challenge Grant, and is sponsored by Citizen Film; the painted murals will not become part of the Civic Art Collection.
4. Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to increase the agreement with Norie Sato from $261,000 to an amount not to exceed $305,560 (an increase of $44,560) for additional mock-up and engineering costs required for completion of design development, construction documents, and consultation on fabrication and installation for an artwork at the Headworks Facility of the SFPUC’s Southeast Wastewater Treatment Facility.
5. Motion to approve and accept into the Civic Art Collection the artwork All My Friends At Once, 2018 by Jason Jägel. The mural is painted with mineral silicate paint on concrete and measures 13 ft. by 37 ft.  It is located in the interior of the Balboa Pool swimming facility at 1978 San Jose Avenue. The re-opening of the facility and dedication was held February 23, 2019. 
6. Motion to approve the Construction Document Phase deliverables for Sarah Sze for the 49 South Van Ness Atrium Lobby artwork.
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
Motion: Motion to approve consent calendar items.
Moved: Schnair/Sklar
The motion was unanimously approved
4. Artist Honoraria for SFAC Main Gallery Exhibition
Maysoun Wazwaz 
SFAC Galleries Manager of Education and Public Programs Maysoun Wazwaz presented a biographical overview and past works of artists in participating in the SFAC Main Gallery exhibition side by side/in the world. The summer exhibition opens July 12, 2019 and will be curated by independent curators and educators Jacqueline Francis and Kathy Zarur. side by side/in the world asks questions about sanctuary: Where can it be found? How can we achieve it? What is our part in cultivating it? The works in side by side present a unique formal approach that can be read as metaphors for cultivating sanctuary. There are ten artists proposed for the exhibition: Eddie Aparicio, Esther Elia, Sheila Ghidini, Asma Kazmi, Yoon Lee, Crystal Liu, Lisa Solomon, Lauren Toomer, Alberto Toscano, and Pamela Z,
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
Motion: Motion for the Director of Cultural Affairs to approve artists' honoraria for the following individuals participating in the SFAC Main Gallery exhibition side by side/in the world opening July 12, 2019: $4,000 to Asma Kazmi; $2,850 to Eddie Aparicio; $640 to Lisa Solomon; $800 to Pamela Z; $650 to Esther Elia; $1,100 to Crystal Liu; $640 to Lauren Toomer; $2,480 to Yoon Lee; $1,200 to Sheila Ghidini; and $640 to Alberto Toscano.
Moved: Schnair/Shiota
The motion was unanimously approved
5. 2020 Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series 
Craig Corpora 
Program Associate Craig Corpora presented the project outline for the 2020 Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series. The theme for 2020 will be Celebrating 50 Years of Gay Pride. Beginning as a celebration commemorating the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in New York, Gay Pride has been held in San Francisco every year since 1970. For Celebrating 50 Years of Gay Pride, artists will have the opportunity to honor the diverse people, places, and events of San Francisco’s rich queer culture.
The request for qualifications will be issues on April 2, 2019 and close May 14, 2019. Selected finalist will be chosen by September 2019 and the first posters in the series will be installed in February 2020.
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
Motion: Motion to approve the project outline for the 2020 Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series.
Moved: Schnair/Sklar
The motion was unanimously approved
Commissioner Musleh stated for the record that he sits on the East Cut Community Benefit District Board, but does not have any financial authority.
6. Guy Place Park   
Zoë Taleporos 
Project Manager Zoë Taleporos presented the revised final design by Adriane Colburn for an artwork at Guy Place Park. Ms. Taleporos stated the design for Guy Place Park was last reviewed by the Visual Arts Committee in July 2015. The artwork design is for an exterior fence that will be fabricated into galvanized steel, and represent the geology of the area. The design was recently reviewed with San Francisco Public Works and Recreation and Parks Departments and realized there is a portion of the fence that has footholds and can be a climbability concern. There is also concern for the fine lines in the fence that may cause future structural issues. 
Ms. Taleporos asked Ms. Colburn to address the issues mentioned above, and the redesign eliminates the structural concerns and potential fence climbing issues. The artwork redesign also retains the same concept as the original. The San Francisco Public Works staff on the project do not see any entrapment points along the revised fence design. 
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
Motion: Motion to approve the revised Final Design by Adriane Colburn for an artwork at Guy Place Park.
Moved: Schnair/Shiota
The motion was unanimously approved
7. Central Subway
A. Yerba Buena Moscone Station – Catherine Wagner
Zoë Taleporos 
Ms. Taleporos presented artist Catherine Wagner’s glass sample with color interlayer for her artwork at Central Subway: Yerba Buena Moscone Station. Ms. Taleporos shared a sample of Ms. Wagner’s gray-blue color selection, which will enhance the visual “ghosting” effect the artist would like to achieve.
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
Motion: Motion to approve Catherine Wagner’s glass sample with color interlayer for her artwork at Central Subway: Yerba Buena Moscone Station.   
Moved: Sklar/Musleh
The motion was unanimously approved
B.  Chinatown Station – Tomie Arai
Mary Chou
Senior Program Manager of Public Art Mary Chou presented the final design for Tomie Arai’s artwork for Central Subway: Chinatown Station. Ms. Chou said Ms. Arai’s project design was last approved by the Committee in 2015. The glass artwork, Gateway to Chinatown, will display images of present day Chinatown on the exterior of the station, and images of Chinatown’s historical past on the platform level.
Ms. Chou presented the original designs, as well as the final redesign of the artwork. The redesign for the platform has a more simplified wave pattern and includes additional figures - an Ohlone woman and a mestizo couple – to represent a broader history.
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
Motion: Motion to approve final design of Tomie Arai’s artwork for Central Subway: Chinatown Station.
Moved: Sklar/Schnair
The motion was unanimously approved
C.  Chinatown Station – Yumei Hou
Jackie von Treskow
Project Manager Jackie von Treskow presented design development phase deliverables (artwork renderings) by Yumei Hou for a cut metal artwork for the Central Subway: Chinatown Station, Ticketing Hall and Mezzanine Landing walls. The conceptual design for the artwork was approved at the Visual Arts Committee in May 2012. The artist is creating two large-scale laser-cut metal artwork installations for Chinatown Station. 
Ms. von Treskow presented the revised paper cut artwork for approval at the Mezzanine Landing wall location. The new design is of the same level of sophistication as the artwork for the Ticketing Hall location. It is markedly more dynamic, with the artist adding more detail to the costumes and overall design as requested by the Committee in May 2012. 
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. 
Mr. Peter Warfield of the Library Users Association requested that Commissioner Silverman announce each item number and title as listed on the agenda. 
Motion: Motion to approve the Design Development Phase deliverables (artwork renderings) by Yumei Hou for the cut metal artwork for the Central Subway: Chinatown Station, Mezzanine Landing and Ticketing Hall walls.
Moved: Shiota/Sklar
The motion was unanimously approved
8. Artwork Honoring Dr. Maya Angelou Project at the San Francisco Main Library
Jackie von Treskow
Ms. von Treskow presented the selected finalists for the Artwork Honoring Dr. Maya Angelou Project at the San Francisco Main Library. The artist selection panel met on March 13, 2019 and included representatives of the Library Commission and the Commission on the Status of Women, as well as Dr. Angelou’s son and the representative of her estate Guy Johnson. The panel reviewed 13 artists who were shortlisted by the artist qualification panel upon its review of the 111 applications submitted in response to the request for qualifications. The artist selection panel selected finalists Jules Arthur, Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle, and Lava Thomas.
The Committee agreed that they liked the selected finalists. 
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. 
Mr. Warfield commented that he would like to see the Arts Commission provide more information for the project, specifically the future location of the artwork. Ms. von Treskow responded by stating that the proposed site is in front of the library’s main entrance on Larkin Street, on either side of the four historic lampposts. Mr. Warfield asked that the explanatory document be more direct by labeling which artist completed the previous work provided. Mr. Warfield stated he would like to see more public information regarding what other artists submitted to the request for qualifications.
Motion: Motion to approve Jules Arthur, Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle (KACH Studio), and Lava Thomas as finalists for the Artwork Honoring Dr. Maya Angelou Project at the San Francisco Main Library, as recommended by the Artist Selection Panel.
Moved: Sklar/Schnair
The motion was unanimously approved
9. Civic Art Collection: Removal of Street Life, 2010 by Rebar
Jenn Doyle Crane
Staff Report
Project Manager Jenn Doyle Crane presented the plan to deinstall Street Life, 2010 by Rebar (Accession ID 2010.6).  The sculpture is located at the corner of Leland Avenue and Bayshore Boulevard and in 2010, the Arts Commission installed the artwork as part of the Leland Avenue Streetscape Project. Unfortunately, the coatings and the steel tubes were not high enough performance grade to withstand environmental conditions and have been subject to major corrosion. The interior condition of the tubes is unknown with corrosion possibly also occurring inside, causing integral failure for its long-term stability. 
Staff has concluded that the sculpture must be deinstalled for further evaluation based on the observed conditions and a conservator’s report from 2016 noting the failure of the materials. Once removed, staff and conservators will be able to examine the interior components and assess whether or not it is possible or advisable to restore the sculpture for re-installation. 
It will be staff’s recommendation to deaccession the artwork from the Civic Art Collection if materials have completely failed and/or if the costs to repair outweigh its long-term value of providing such a repair.   
Staff is working with Director of Communications Kate Patterson-Murphy to inform the community of the removal of the artwork with a letter distributed to the merchants of Leland Avenue and members of District 10 through Supervisor Shamann Walton’s office.
The artists were notified on March 7, 2019 and are aware of the situation.
Commissioner Silverman asked what are next steps for the site in regards to replacing the artwork with a new piece. Civic Art Collection and Public Art Program Director Susan Pontious stated that original funding was provided through Art Enrichment funds as a result of the Leave Avenue Streetscape improvements. There are not additional funds to replace the sculpture. 
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
10. San Francisco International Airport
A. International Terminal Building, Phase I
Susan Pontious
Ms. Pontious presented the San Francisco International Airport Art Program Plan for the International Terminal Building. The refresh of the International Terminal Building will generate $1.9 million in Art Enrichment funds. Ms. Pontious discussed how this plan will provide a space for artist Alicia McCarthy to apply her artwork originally attended for the end of pier glass curtain wall to the A03 gate room location. 
Ms. Pontious added that there are two more locations that provide opportunities for two-dimensional work. Upcoming work at SFO also includes the Terminal 3 West improvement project.
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
Motion: Motion to approve the San Francisco International Airport Art Program Plan for the International Terminal Building, Phase I.
Moved: Sklar/Shiota
The motion was unanimously approved
B. International Terminal, Boarding Area A, Holdroom A3 Project – Alicia McCarthy
Marcus Davies
Project Manager Marcus Davies presented the new Boarding Area A project opportunity for Alicia McCarthy. Ms. McCarthy was previously engaged to create a suspended glass artwork for the curtain wall at the end of Boarding Area A, but after working with an architectural consultant it was clear that realization of Ms. McCarthy’s proposal was far beyond the project budget. 
The opportunity has now shifted to a new wall under construction above the A3 Holdroom at the entry end of Boarding Area A. While the new project is a reduction in scope, Ms. McCarthy’s original design will influence the design for the new opportunity. Ms. McCarthy will be working with Dorothy Lenehan to create an artwork in glass to niched into the new wall. 
Commissioner Schnair asked if the wall will be backlit to light up the glass. Mr. Davies said they will explore lighting options with the SFO Design Team moving forward. 
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
Motion: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to modify the agreement with Alicia McCarthy for the San Francisco International Airport: International Terminal, Boarding Area A to decrease the contract amount from $500,000 to $150,000 (a decrease of $350,000) to reflect a change in project location and scope.
Moved: Schnair/Sklar
The motion was unanimously approved
11. 49 South Van Ness
A.  Prefunction Gallery Wall — Meghann Riepenhoff
Marcus Davies
Mr. Davies presented the design development phase deliverables (artwork renderings) by Meghann Riepenhoff for the 49 South Van Ness Prefunction Gallery Wall artwork. 49 South Van Ness is a consolidation of multiple city agencies including the City’s permit center, San Francisco Public Works, Department of Building Inspection, and Planning Department. Ms. Riepenhoff is commissioned for a two-dimensional artwork for the entry gallery wall. 
The artwork will be made of sublimated dye print on aluminum panels of Ms. Riepenhoff’s original cyanotypes that will be created specifically for 49 South Van Ness. 
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
Motion: Motion to approve the Design Development Phase deliverables by Meghann Riepenhoff for the 49 South Van Ness Prefunction Gallery Wall artwork.
Moved: Sklar/Musleh
The motion was unanimously approved
B. Forum Entry — Sanaz Mazinani
Marcus Davies
Mr. Davies presented the design development phase deliverables (artwork renderings) by Sanaz Mazinani for the 49 South Van Ness Forum Entry artwork. Ms. Mazinani’s project is an outdoor series of sculptures that will be located in the alley that runs between the private residence building and city spaces. 
Ms. Mazinani will be creating 21 geologic forms made from cast metal representing the city’s topographic profile from east to west. Mr. Davies showed the configuration of the geologic forms and rendering showing them sited in the forum space. The objects will measure between two and seven feet in height. 
Ms. Pontious was concerned about the clear path of travel and asked if Mr. Davies could get an approval from the Mayor’s Office on Disability. 
Commissioner Shiota was concerned about skateboarders and their interaction with the artwork. Commissioner Musleh added that the objects could be used as skateboarding track. Mr. Davies stated that once the furniture is placed out in the entryway, there will not be a lot of room for skateboarders. With a lot of foot traffic during the day thanks to the City offices, the space will also be activated at night for tenants. 
Commissioner Silverman asked about vandalism, especially on the mirror polished side of the artwork. Senior Registrar Allison Cummings addressed that with other works that have mirror polishing in the Civic Art Collection are still in good condition and are easy to care for. The painted side of the artwork is still under review, as staff is continuing to work through different paint solutions similar to the Keith Haring work at Moscone Center. Ms. Cummings stated that the works will be on a regular maintenance schedule. Mr. Davies added that powder-coated is not an option based on how difficult it would be to care for it.
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
Motion: Motion to approve the Design Phase Deliverables by Sanaz Mazinani for the 49 South Van Ness Forum Entry artwork, pending ADA Access approval from the Mayor’s Office on Disability.
Moved: Schnair/Sklar
The motion was unanimously approved
12. Traffic Company and Forensic Services Division 
Marcus Davies
Mr. Davies presented the selected proposal by artist Susan Narduli for the Traffic Company and Forensic Services Division Public Art Project, as recommended by the Artist Selection Panel. This new building for the San Francisco Police Department’s forensic crime investigation and motorcycle division is the gateway to the Bayview Neighborhood. Mr. Davies stated that the artist selection panel met on March 15, 2019. The selected work by Ms. Narduli consists of three composite objects made from transparent and reflective etched glass, laser cut metal, LEDs, and a data feed linked to San Francisco Open Data, a city-wide online statistical aggregate.
Mr. Davies included the recommendations from the panel conveyed to Ms. Narduli. First, the possible eliminating of two smaller elements, focusing the budget on the larger tower maintaining its height at 35 feet. Second, decrease the amount of LEDs to assure maintainability. Third, increase daytime presence through the incorporation of colored glass. Finally, shift the artwork away from the flagpoles and building entrance to the northwest corner of the plaza to increase public accessibility and visibility from within the building. Mr. Davies added to the last recommendation that staff will work with landscape architect to reorganize position of trees.
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
Motion: Motion to approve the selected artist Susan Narduli and proposal for the Traffic Company and Forensic Services Division, as recommended by the artist selection panel. 
Moved: Schnair/Sklar
The motion was unanimously approved
Motion: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into contract with the selected artist Susan Narduli for an amount not to exceed $900,000 for design, engineering, fabrication, transportation and consultation during installation of an artwork for the Traffic Company and Forensic Services Division.
Moved: Schnair/Musleh
The motion was unanimously approved
13. Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
Mary Chou
Ms. Chou presented the installed and completed artwork by Joseph Kosuth located along the western façade of Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. The artwork titled, W.F.T. (San Francisco), is a neon artwork that is on everyday from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. This artwork is the first artwork organized through the Public Art Trust, and is funded by Emerald Fund.
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
Motion: Motion to approve as installed the completed artwork titled W.F.T. (San Francisco), 2019, by Joseph Kosuth, located along the western façade of Bill Graham Civic Auditorium.
Moved: Schnair/Shiota
The motion was unanimously approved
14. New Business, Old Business, and Announcements
Ms. Pontious announced that there will be five two-dimensional artworks selected for SFO Hotel that will be presented at an upcoming Visual Arts Committee Meeting. The goal is to have the work identified and ready for installation in the July 2019 opening of SFO Hotel.
Mr. Davies announced that a request for qualifications (“RFQ”) was issues on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 for two-dimensional artwork that will be installed in publically accessible spaces at 49 South Van Ness. The deadline for the RFQ is Friday, May 3, 2019
Commissioner Silverman announced for the record that she served on the SFO Underpass Lighting Public Art Project Artist Selection Panel on March 19, 2019, and artist Andrea Bowers was selected as a finalist. Commissioner Silverman stated that she does not have any financial obligation to Ms. Bowers, nor is the artist represented by Jessica Silverman Gallery. 
Commissioner Silverman called for public comment. There was no public comment.
15. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 4:23 p.m.
posted AT 3/29/19 10:15 a.m.
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