Meetings - August 20, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
August 20, 2015 (All day)

San Francisco Commission of Animal Control & Welfare
Thursday, August 20, 2015

1. Call to Order and Roll Call 5:40pm
Commissioners present: Annemarie Fortier; Nanci Haines; Davi Lang; Russell Tenofsky; Jane Tobin; Shari O’Neill, DVM; Sergeant Sherry Hicks

2. General Public Comment
Members of the public may address the Commission with comments or recommendations on items within the Commission’s jurisdiction other than the items on the agenda at the beginning or end of the meeting, but not both.
No public comment.

3. Approval of Draft Minutes from the July 16, 2015 Meeting
Minutes not approved, pending revisions

4. Chairperson’s report and opening remarks

5. Old Business
Commission Officers. Continued discussion and election of Commission Officers Chair, ViceChair and Secretary. Additionally, a representative of the Commission to the Join Zoo Oversight Committee will be elected.
Election results: Chairperson Annemarie Fortier; Vice Chair Russell Tenofsky; Secretary Jane Tobin; Joint Zoo Oversight Committee Representative Jane Tobin, Nanci Haines to serve as alternate.

6. General Public Comment
Members of the public may address the Commission with comments or recommendations on items within the Commission’s jurisdiction other than the items on the agenda at the beginning or end of the meeting, but not both.
No public comment.

7. Items to be put on the Calendar for Future Commission Meetings
Update from Sergeant Sherry Hicks on police shooting of pit bulls.

8. Closing Review of Task Allotments and Next Steps

9. Adjournment 5:55pm