About Us

Bayview Hunters Point About UsBayview Hunters Point Citizen’s Advisory Committee Members:

o Devanshu Patel (Chair) (Voting Member) (Mayoral Appointment)
o Philip Williams (Vice Chair) (Voting Member) (Mayoral Appointment)
o Bakari Adams (Voting Member) (City Administrator Appointment)
o Tim Chan (Voting Member) (City Administrator Appointment) 
o Kirk Davis (Voting Member) (City Administrator Appointment) 
o Dominica Henderson (Voting Member) (District Supervisor Appointment)
o Linda Martley-Jordan (Voting Member) (Mayor Appointment)
o Elaine Redus (Voting Member) (District Supervisor Appointment)

o Vacancy (Voting Member) (District Supervisor Appointment)
o Vacancy (Non-Voting Member) (Mayoral Appointment)
o Vacancy (Non-Voting Member) (District Supervisor Appointment)
o Vacancy (Non-Voting Member) (City Administrator Appointment)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Bayview Hunters Point Citizen’s Advisory Committee (BVHP CAC)?

The purpose of the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) is to provide policy advice to the Board of Supervisors, City Boards, commissions and departments, including the Planning Commission and Planning Department, on planning and land use matters in Zone 2 of Bayview.

How many members serve on the CAC?

There are 12 members in the CAC. The District 10 Supervisor, the Mayor, and the City Administrator each appoint 4 member, 3 voting, one nonvoting.

The CAC shall elect a permanent Chair and Vice Chair every year at a regularly scheduled or special meeting in January.  Currently the Chair and Vice Chair were elected in October of 2014 to serve at least until October of 2015.

What projects does the BVHP CAC review?

The Planning Department will notify the CAC and work with the CAC to consider community input and guidance on following projects in Zone 2:

  • Residential projects that create 6 or more residential units, and/or projects that include construction of a new building addition to an existing building of 10,000 square feet of more of non-residential space.
  • Projects that include an alteration change of use subject to 311 or 312 notice.
  • Projects that require a conditional use authorization.
  • Projects that require a zoning map amendment.
  • Any streetscape improvements or public realm plans led by the Planning Department.

When and where does the BVHP CAC hold its meetings?

The BVHP CAC is the first Wednesday of each month at 6PM and it takes place at the Bayview Hunters Point YMCA (Community Room) at 1601 Lane Street. The YMCA is located just one block from 3rd Street and easily accessible by public transit. Due to COVID, meetings are currently being held virtually. A link to the virtual meeting is available on the meeting agenda.