Citizens Advisory Committee - June 6, 2018 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
June 6, 2018 - 6:00pm


The agenda packet is available for review at the City Administrator’s Office
(City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 362) and at the meeting

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018
6:00pm – 7:30pm 
Southeast Community Facility
Alex L. Pitcher, Jr. Community Room
1800 Oakdale Avenue, S.F., CA 94124

Order of Business

1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Ellousie Patton (Chair)
Tim Chan (Vice Chair)
Michael Hamman
Daniel Dodt
Ritnell Bancks
Devanshu Patel 
Philip Williams
Dominica Henderson

Prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting

2. Approval of Minutes [Action]– May 2th, 2018
Minutes approved

3. Acknowledgement of Absences
Tim Chan, Daniel Dodt
4. Report from the CAO
-The City Administrator has made a decision in regards to who will provide administrative support to the Bayview CAC. Joseph Baxter is now the main point of contact for the secretarial and administrative side of the CAC. He can be contacted at 415.554.6556 or via email
-The City Administrator would like to welcome the newest member of the committee, Dominica Henderson. Dominica has come to us by way of an enthusiastic recommendation from Supervisor Cohen's Office.

5. Referrals on Projects from Planning Department [Discussion and Possible Action]
a. 1782 Quesada Avenue
This project consists of new 3 story 2 unit residential dwelling, and is subject to a neighbor initiated Discretionary Review, on the Planning Commission’s July 26th agenda
The project sponsor Craig Lipton appeared along with the project manager Kate McGee, the project architect Jeff Burris, and a local consultant Andrea Baker to speak on behalf of the project. Initially 3 Discretionary Review (DR) applications were submitted to the Planning Department. At the time of this meeting one abutting neighbor withdrew their DR application. The main concern of the neighborhood seems to be the level in which the proposed multiunit development is out of context, with the existing aesthetic flow of the surrounding single family homes. The project sponsor, or a representative of the project, will return for the July 11th meeting to receive the committee’s ruling on the project.

6. Informational Presentation [Discussion Only]
a. Build Inc. along with San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department gave an update presentation on the India Basin Shoreline Project
This project is scheduled to appear before the Planning Commission on June 21st as two items:
1) Initiation of General Plan Amendments
2) As a general information item on the Build Project
The India Basin Shoreline Project will then reappear before the Commission on July 26th where action will be taken
b. Presentation by the Planning Department on the Rail Alignments and Benefits (RAB) Study
(A copy of these presentations can be found in the support documents section)

7. Updates from the Committee
-The Chair of the committee Ellouise Patton, gave the committee an update on the 4101 Third Street Development. Stating that there will a solution to meeting the 50% parking requirement for the proposed residential project. In March the committee wrote a letter approving of the project. No committee members objected to this update.

8. Meeting Outcomes
-The committee voted to move the regularly scheduled meeting in July, from 4th to the following Wednesday on the 11th of July

9. Adjournment

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The South East Community Facility is on the corner of Oakdale Ave and Phelps St. (1800 Oakdale Ave) and is wheelchair accessible. The closest MUNI stop is on 3rd St, between Oakdale Ave. and Paulo Ave, 3 blocks away. The nearest MUNI lines are the KT Third St Light Rail. There is accessible street parking.   For more information about MUNI accessible services, call (415) 923-6142.
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