Citizens Advisory Committee - March 2, 2022 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
March 2, 2022 - 6:00pm


March 2, 2022
Start: 6:05 PM; End: 8:18 PM
Held virtually via Webex

Order of Business:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Devanshu Patel (Chair)
Philip Williams (Vice Chair)
Bakari Adams
Tim Chan
Kirk Davis
Dominica Henderson
Linda Jordan
Elaine Redus
Members Absent
Linda Martley-Jordan
2. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings
- Rich Sucre to provide Draft Minutes from February 2, 2022 as part of
the April 6th CAC Meeting.
3. General Public Comment
No General Public Comment.
4. Report from the City Administrator’s Office / San Francisco Planning
[Discussion and Possible Action]
- For April, two items scheduled: Hunter’s Point Shipyard Clean-Up &
- CAC not required to meet in-person based upon advice from City
a. Resolution Making Findings to Allow Teleconferenced
Meetings under California Government Code Section 54953(e).
Motion to Adopt Resolution: Patel; 2nd: Henderson
All in Favor: Adams, Chan, Davis, Henderson, Patel, Redus &
Absent: Jordan
Public Comment: None
5. New Business: Department and Project Sponsor Presentations
[Discussion and Possible Action]
a. Southeast Alliance. Informational Presentation.
Presenter: Kyle Borland, S2 Partners
- Vice Chair Williams: Concern expressed over Amazon
entering into the Bayview neighborhood; Expressed support
for PDR due to workforce opportunities; however,
organization is essential to ensure a robust community
benefits package; expressed support for Southeast Alliance.
- Member Chan expressed concern over negotiating better
packages community benefit packages, particularly for the
Bayview neighborhood.
- Vice Chair Williams: Expressed support for a districtwide
strategy towards new Amazon sites; noted that the project
at the existing building at 749 Toland never came to
Bayview CAC.
- Member Davis asked the Committee and Alliance to define
in advance the types of community benefits needed; look
beyond Amazon and the immediate projects.
- Member Chan noted concern about Amazon projects in
other cities and expressed support for mitigating impacts to
the neighborhood.
- Borland noted that the text of the CBA (Community Benefits
Agreement) is vital
Public Comment: None
b. SFMTA & Mobility Solutions in Bayview-Hunters Point
[Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan].
Informational Presentation.
Presenter: Christopher Kidd, SFMTA
- Kidd shared information on three projects: Active
Communities Plan; Our Community, Our Shuttle Grant;
Bayview Multimodal Community Corridor Grant
- Member Henderson asked what types of bike lanes and
their safety? Will any streets be closed?
- Kidd noted that no streets would be closed to vehicle
access; however, SFMTA wants to create certain streets
where people would move slowly on.
- Member Henderson asked about the type of grant.
- Kidd noted that it is state program (California Air Resources
- Vice-Chair Williams noted that Bayview CAC should be
involved in Grant Oversight for “Our Community, Our
Shuttle Community Congress.” The Programs sounds like
an “Uber Pool.”
- Kidd noted that there are a few companies (Ea, Rideco,
etc.) run similar programs.
- Member Davis asked resident engagement on the bike
routes and who is using these routes.
- Kidd noted that the bike lanes are part of a pedestrian
access and safety project; it is a community traffic calming
- Member Chan expressed strong support of the effort to
Public Comment: None
c. Transportation Element Update. Informational Presentation &
Possible Action
Presenter: Tam Tran
- Vice-Chair Williams expressed concern about Amazon
traffic (or heavy traffic) through the residential districts and
whether the Transportation Element could address this
- Tran responded and discussed work on the 3rd Street
Corridor and future conceptual studies. Subsequent to
outreach, new policies will be developed in coordination with
community working group.
Public Comment: None
6. Committee Members’ Comments and Announcements
[Discussion Only]
- Chair Patel and Member Chan drafted letter for the selection of the
new Caltrain Station in Bayview [Follow-Up to Southeast Rail Station
Study]. Will provide update at April 2022 meeting.
- Members Chan, Redus and Adams expressed concern over the
process for outreach with the Bayview CAC on the Southeast Rail
Station Study.
- Member Williams expressed that the Bayview CAC should be more
proactive and garner more broad community support for the favored
Caltrain station [Southeast Rail Station Study]. Will provide an update
at the April 2022 meeting.
7. Committee Members’ Proposed Future Agenda Items
[Discussion and Possible Action]
- Member Chan wants to agendize outreach and engagement with
community members. The in-person meetings were better
attended than the online meetings.
- Member Davis wants to establish standards for community
benefits. Consider scale (medium, large and small).
- Member Chan suggested that Planning provide sample projects in
our neighborhoods.
- Member Davis will take lead on the community benefit standards.
8. Adjournment
Motion to Adjourn: Patel; 2nd: Davis
All in Favor: Adams, Chan, Davis, Henderson, Patel, Redus & Williams
Absent: Jordan
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