Citizens Advisory Committee - October 3, 2018 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
October 3, 2018 - 6:00pm


The agenda packet is available for review at the City Administrator’s Office
(City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 362) and at the meeting

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018
6:00pm – 7:30pm 
Southeast Community Facility
Alex L. Pitcher, Jr. Community Room
1800 Oakdale Avenue, S.F., CA 94124

Order of Business

1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Ellousie Patton (Chair)
Tim Chan (Vice Chair)
Michael Hamman
Daniel Dodt
Ritnell Banks
Devanshu Patel 
Philip Williams
Bakari Adams

Prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting

2. Approval of Minutes [Action]– September 5th, 2018
Minutes approved

3. Acknowledgement of Absences
Ellouise Patton
4. Presentation from SFTMA [informational]
Kansai Uchida from SFMTA presented on the Muni Expansion Plan for the South East. The Southeast Muni Expansion, coupled with the near-term transit service improvements being made as part of the Muni Equity Strategy, will provide faster and more frequent bus service to downtown San Francisco and other destinations throughout the City. The Southeast Muni Expansion will be implemented in phases beginning in 2021, as the communities in southeastern San Francisco grow, while helping to meet the travel needs of existing neighborhoods. The Southeast Muni Expansion will include neighbors, businesses and community organizations in shaping the Muni bus service improvements that will be implemented as development moves forward.

5. Presentation from Planning Department [informational]

Robin Abad from the Planning Department presented on the South East Mobility Adaptation Study. This study is a long-ranged planning effort led by the San Francisco Planning Department, the SFMTA and the Port of San Francisco. At this point in the study they are engaging the community and stakeholders to develop a vision for a district resilient to climate hazards. The goal is to develop near and long-term adaptation strategies that increase the neighborhood’s resilience, important land uses and the multimodal transportation system. The start date is estimated for February 2019, with a strategy ready the end February 2021.

6. Presentation from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission [informational]

Chris Colwick from the Public Utilities Commission updated the Committee on the Sewer System Improvement Plant. Aside from the new Headworks facility itself, there will be;
Mariposa Pump Station
-This new pump station will increase capacity, meet seismic standards, and plan for sea-level raise
-Construction will start later this year, and the estimated completion is 2020
 Central Bayside system Improvement
-This will provide reliability and storm water management, while protecting the water quality of the Bay.
-Funding for this project has not yet been approved
Visitation Valley Green Nodes
-These will help manage storm water by replacing impermeable surfaces with permeable ones, increasing the porous surface area. These sites will begin to open in conjunction with SF Rec & Park Community gardens, in the spring of 2019.
 Islais Creek Crossing Project
-This project will consist of installing new outfall pipes under Islais Creek to project water quality and increase capacity. Planning for this project is underway, construction start is estimated in late 2020 
7. Report from the City Administrator’s Office [informational]

Joseph Baxter from the City Administrator’s Office, who provides administrative support for the Bayview CAC, in his report gave an approximation of what items will be on the November agenda;

Meals on Wheels -The project sponsor behind the development of the new Meals on Wheels PDR facility will present their designs and plans to the committee

Quint Street Bridge- Michael Tan from SFCTA will be returning to update the committee on the current status of the project

The Bayview CAC has a new addition to the Committee, Bakari Adams. As it stands all 9 voting seats are now filled. Bakari was recommended by Board President Malia Cohen and is a homeowner in the neighborhood. For the last year Bakari has been the Director of Asset Management at Veritas Investments. For the 10 years prior to that he was Vice President of Investments at Macfarlane Partners.

1811 Jerrold [Project Update]- The Application for a portable batch concrete plant has been withdrawn by the Applicant. They are removing all of the equipment on the site. Right now, we have no active projects on the site at 1811 Jerrold Ave.

Traffic Mitigation Hearing;
The Bayview CAC will be hosting a Traffic Mitigation Hearing. This hearing will address traffic concerns surrounding all the development in the district.

8. Adjournment
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The South East Community Facility is on the corner of Oakdale Ave and Phelps St. (1800 Oakdale Ave) and is wheelchair accessible. The closest MUNI stop is on 3rd St, between Oakdale Ave. and Paulo Ave, 3 blocks away. The nearest MUNI lines are the KT Third St Light Rail. There is accessible street parking.
 For more information about MUNI accessible services, call (415) 923-6142.
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