Citizens Advisory Committee - September 5, 2018 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
September 5, 2018 - 6:00pm


The agenda packet is available for review at the City Administrator’s Office
(City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 362) and at the meeting

Wednesday, September 5th, 2018
6:00pm – 7:30pm 
Southeast Community Facility
Alex L. Pitcher, Jr. Community Room
1800 Oakdale Avenue, S.F., CA 94124

Order of Business

1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Ellousie Patton (Chair)
Tim Chan (Vice Chair)
Michael Hamman
Daniel Dodt
Ritnell Banks
Devanshu Patel 
Philip Williams

Prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting

2. Approval of Minutes [Action]– May 2th, 2018
Minutes approved

3. Acknowledgement of Absences
Ellouise Patton, Ritnell Banks
4. Presentation on mixed use project at 4200 3rd Street
Will Mollard from Workshop1 presented on behalf of Chris Harney the owner of the proposed project at 4200 3rd Street. This was the fifth presentation to the CAC on this project. After the project was endorsed by the committee in January, it has returned again with some modifications to the plan. This project is located in the Bayview Industrial Triangle, on 3rd street between Jerrold and Innes. In the previous iteration the project consisted of 95 residential units, that number has increased to 100, with 74,000 square feet of residential space, and 5,100 square feet of ground floor commercial. Family sized units account for 40% of the residential space, 20% of which will be affordable, 60% at AMI (area median income), this is an entirely rental project, not for sale units. 51 parking spaces on the ground floor, 100 bike parking spaces. The project consists of a modified saw tooth design. 15 foot ceiling height for commercial spaces, that range in size from 650 square feet to 1800 square feet. The overall height of the project at 65 feet. A common area roof deck at 7000 square feet of space, combined with the other common outdoor spaces there is a total of 10,000 square feet of space, which comes to 100 square feet per unit.

The last time this project appeared before the committee, the result was an endorsement letter. The letter stated that although the committee was in support of the project, the committee hoped certain changes (mostly around parking) were made. The members of the CAC asked to be kept informed of changes, hence the most resent presentation. After seeing the changes made by the project sponsor, the committee unanimously endorsed this project.

5. Jose Campos from OCII presentation on an amendment to Bayview Industrial Triangle Plan [Action]

Jose Campos from the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (OCII), gave a presentation on a proposed amendment to the Bayview Industrial Triangle Redevelopment Plan. The Redevelopment plan only allows for parcels that front 3rd street to have residential use. Technically the parcel that will be developed for the purposed mixed use building at 4200 3rd Street, sits just behind the parcel that fronts 3rd street. In order for this parcel to be developed the boundary line needs to be redefined.

The Bayview Citizens Advisory Committee strongly supports the proposed mixed use project at 4200 3rd Street, and considering this plan amendment is needed in order for this project to move forward, the committee also strongly supports this plan amendment.

6. Bylaw Amendment [Action]

The committee voted to amend the bylaws. The bylaw that is being amended has to do with the physical location of the meetings. Prior to the amendment the meeting location was 1601 Lane Street, the Bayview YMCA. The bylaws now reflect the current meeting location of 1800 Oakdale Ave, The South East Community Facility.

7. Report the City Administrator’s Office

Joseph Baxter who provides administrative support for the Bayview Citizen Advisory Committee, informed the Committee that he has been working with Tracy Zhu, who provides administrative support for the PUC CAC, to coordinate a traffic mitigation hearing to address traffic related issues surrounding all the new development coming to the Bayview. Joseph also updated the CAC with projects that will be coming before the committee at upcoming meetings.

-The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission will be presenting to the CAC to give an update on all projects they have planned in the Bayview.

-The San Francisco County Transportation Authority will be returning to the CAC to give an update on the Quint Street Bridge project.

- Jackson Liles Architecture is the project sponsor behind the new Meals on Wheels PDR facility located at 2230 Jerrold. This project will come before the committee at an upcoming meeting.

-The Prologis PDR facility at 749 Toland will be returning to present to the committee.

7. Meeting Outcomes

Committee member Dan Dodt requested the Ambulance Deployment Facility present to the committee again. Committee Member Michael Hamman requested the San Francisco Rec & Park Department to come and present their conceptual designs for their park at 900 Innes.

8. Adjournment

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The South East Community Facility is on the corner of Oakdale Ave and Phelps St. (1800 Oakdale Ave) and is wheelchair accessible. The closest MUNI stop is on 3rd St, between Oakdale Ave. and Paulo Ave, 3 blocks away. The nearest MUNI lines are the KT Third St Light Rail. There is accessible street parking.
 For more information about MUNI accessible services, call (415) 923-6142.
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