Frequently Asked Questions
What is the census?
The census is a population count conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau every ten years. The upcoming census is April 1, 2000.
Who is included in the census?
Every person who lives in this country is included, citizen and non-citizen.
How is the census conducted?
Almost every home will receive a short or long census questionnaire form in the mail in March 2000. Most people will receive the short form. Once you complete your questionnaire form, you can return it in the postage-paid envelope enclosed with the form.
Who reads my answers?
Your answers are CONFIDENTIAL. The Census Bureau uses your answers only to compile statistics. It is against federal law for anyone else, including the police or the Immigration & Naturalization services (INS) to read your answers.
Should I participate if I or my family members are not legal residents?
YES! The US Constitution requires the Census Bureau to count every person who lives in this country, regardless of citizenship or immigration status.
Are forms available in different languages?
YES! The census questionnaire form is available in Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese. Language assistance guides are available in different languages. Call the number on the English form to request matreials in your language. They will be mailed to your home.
What information is asked in the census?
The short form asks for the name, sex, age, race, Hispanic origin, and household relationship for everyone who lives at your address, and ask if you rent or own your home. The long form ask for more details.
How are the statistics useful to my community?
Community groups use census statistics to advocate for fair distribution of public funds and political representation.
How does the census affect the public funds available to my community?
Census statistics determine the portion of public funds states and cities receive. The amount of funds your child"s school receives depends on the number of children counted in your community.