
The following By-Laws shall govern the operations of City and County of San Francisco's City Non-Profit Contracting Task Force, created pursuant to Board Resolution # 806-01. Nothing herein shall be construed to override or pre-empt the mandate of the authorizing Resolution, the City Charter, or any other City, State, or Federal Law.

Article I - Name
The name of the Task Force shall be the "City Non-Profit Contracting Task Force" and shall be referred to in these by-laws as "Task Force".

Article II - Purpose
The purpose of the Task Force shall be to advise the Board of Supervisors on possible legislative and budgetary actions relating to the City's policies and practices regarding contracting vital human health, safety, and affordable housing services with non-profit organizations. The Task Force shall produce a report to the Board of Supervisors which summarizes its findings and recommendations. The Task Force shall cease to operate on the one year anniversary of its creation.

Article III - Membership
The Task Force shall be comprised of 14 members. Seven members shall be: The City Controller, The Director of Department of Public Health (or designee), The Director of the Department of Human Services (or designee), The Director of the Department of Aging and Adult Services (or designee), The Director of the Mayor's Office of Community Development (or designee), The Director of the Department of Children, Youth and their Families (or designee), and the Director of the Office of Contract Administration.

The Remaining seven members shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors. These seven members shall be representatives of non-profit health, affordable housing development, and human service organizations.

Article IV - Officers
The Task Force shall elect Co-Chairs, who shall preside at all meetings of the Task Force, and shall perform all other duties necessary to ensure a productive body that is engaged in all facets of the Task Force's work. The Chairs shall serve at the pleasure of the Task Force.

Article V - Meetings
Section 1. The Task Force shall abide by the Sunshine Ordinance rules relating to open meetings. The Task Force urges the public to attend all open meetings.

Section 2. Quorum must be present at any regular, specially scheduled, and subcommittee meetings in order to take any official action. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the seated membership.

Section 3. Meetings shall be held on a regular basis.

Section 4. Parliamentary Procedure as set forth in Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the Task Force.

Section 5. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Co-Chairs or by a majority of the members of the Task Froce by delivering written notice to each member of the Task Force, and by complying with all the Sunshine Ordinance. The notice shall specify the time and place of the special meeting and the business to be transacted. No other business shall be considered at special meetings by the Task Force.

Section 6. The order of business for Task Force meetings shall include all necessary components as stipulated by the Sunshine Ordinance and the additional following items:


  • Roll Call
  • Review of Agenda
  • Agenda items for future meeting
  • Adjournment

Section 7. Any action item must receive a vote of the majority of members of the Task Force (8 votes) in order to pass. All members present must vote either "yes" or "no" on an action item.

The Task Force may take non-substantive (i.e. procedural or administrative) action by consensus.

Article VI - Subcommittee
Section 1. Task Force shall establish subcommittee as it deems necessary with a quorum present, upon made motion, a proper second and passed by the majority of the Task Force. Subcommittees may be formed for a definite amount of time, or to perform a specific function, and shall cease to function accordingly.

Article VII - Agendas
The Co-Chairs shall have discretion place items on the Agenda. Any item requested by a member of the Task Force shall be placed on the Agenda at the earliest convenient time.

Article VIII- Amendments
Section 1. The adoption of these Bylaws shall be made by motion and shall require an affirmative recorded vote of the majority of the members of the Task Force. When adopted, such Bylaws shall remain in effect unless suspended, modified or amended as provided herein.

Section 2. Bylaws may be suspended with a motion -- stating duration of suspension-- second and affirmative recorded vote of the majority of the members of the Task Force when a quorum is present. A motion to suspend is debatable.

Section 3. Amendments and modifications to Bylaws may made by motion, second and affirmative recorded vote of the majority of the members of the Task Force when a quorum is present. A motion to amend or modify is debatable.

Section 4. The Bylaws may be reviewed and amended from time to time.