Citizens Advisory Committee - March 2, 2016 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
March 2, 2016 - 6:00pm
Bayview Hunters Point YMCA
1601 Lane Street
San Francisco, CA 94124

Minutes (DRAFT)
 Wednesday, March 2, 2016
5:45pm – 7:30pm
Bayview Hunters Point YMCA
1601 Lane Street, San Francisco, CA 94124

1.    Call to Order/Roll Call

Members Present:
Michael Hamman (Chair)
Devanshu Patel (Vice Chair)
Rittinell Banks
Daynas Corman
Deundra Hundon
Christopher Mooney
Ellousie Patton

Members Absent:
Jaqueline Flin

2.    Approval of Minutes [Action]– February 3rd, 0216
-    Motion to approve the minutes (Daynas Corman) and seconded (Deundra Hundon) – Approved.
3.    Approval of By Law Changes [Action]
-    Approval to delate Article 10 (Motioned by Ellousie Patton and Seconded by Deundra Hundon
4. Acknowledgement of Absences:
-    Jacqueline Flin (sent email day of meeting)     
5. Report from the CAO
-    Jack Gallagher reported on events and projects since the last meeting.
o    Bio Solids Project will be scheduled to present at the April Committee Meeting
o    City Attorney’s Office has not replied to outreach regarding 3rd and McKinnon
    Michael Hamman presented a draft letter to the Committee requesting action be taken on the property and to report to the CAC. The draft letter was approved by the committee.
o    Planning Department meeting from February 24th
    Jack Gallagher Michael Hamman had a meeting with Esmeralda Jardines in regards to the capacity and relationship with the CAC and the Planning Department. Esmeralda attends CAC meeting on her own time and reiterated Planning doesn’t have a dedicated member to the CAC. Michael requested that somebody should be assigned to the CAC and he will reach out to John Rahaim (Director of Planning).
    Michael drafted a letter which was approved by the CAC to John Rahaim requesting a member of the Planning Department be attached to the CAC. Michael addressed that without a point person it is difficult to know about new or upcoming projects.
    Michael Hamman also requested to Esmeralda for two presentations to the CAC. The first on the CAC’s role is with the Planning Department and the second on development and code in and around 3rd Street.

6. Referrals on Projects from Planning Department [Discussion and Action]
-    Due to Esmeralda Jardines being sick and unable to attend the Committee allowed the MTA representative to speak and present.
-    MTA Presentation: 3rd Street Loop
o    Adrienne Heim, Public Relations Officer with the SFMTA presented on the upcoming construction of 3rd Street for the T-Line Street Car and the SFMTA’s upcoming budget review board)
o    Adrienne addressed the 3rd Street project as an addiction loop to help get malfunctioning trains off the tracks, but to also help boost performance during large events in the Mission Bay area.
o    She did state it wouldn’t disrupt service and it would help service in the future. Once the project is complete it would make the T line comparable to the N Judah.
o    Daynas Corman brought up an issue with T trains stopping prematurely and having people get off the train having to wait for another. He state that he’d never seen it but heard of this issue. Deundra Hundon confirmed it stating she had been on the train when this has occurred. Adrienne for the MTA addressed she would look into the issue and report back with a response.
o    Christopher Mooney asked about new trains in the MTA system and Adrienne confirmed that a new fleet of trains was scheduled to be put in service by the end of this year or early next year.

7.  Referrals on Projects from the Planning Department [Discussion and Action]
-    None to present

 8.  Project Sponsor Presentations [Discussion and Possible Action]
-    None to present

9.  Informational Presentation [Discussion Only]
-    Southeast Health Center (2401 Keith Street)
o    Lisa Zayos-Chien, Project Manager, Special Projects San Francisco Department of Public Health presented on the multi-phase proposed renovation of the Southeast Health Center
o    Lisa started the presentation addressing what the center provides now and how it has evolved over the years. She addressed the need to change the function of the center to better fit the neighborhood and what is being asked from the neighbors.
o    The project is laid out in two phases. With the first being a rehab of the current space. This phase will shut down parts of the center for work, without of having to close the entire facility due to construction. The first phase is covered with funding provided by grants and city funding.
o    Phase two is the more complex project with the construction of new facility on what is currently a parking lot. Many committee members addressed the parking issue that could arise with the new layout. The issue brought up was how the surrounding area lacks the off-street parking compared to the need. With the community pool just around the block and the small scale of parking that Southeast is proposing is could cause a problem.
o    Many CAC members have brought up the idea of a multi-floor parking structure on the proposed future parking spot. Connecting with private developers to help organize and run the space could help with cost. Lisa took the comments seriously and would come back to the committee in the future with answer to the parking discussion.
o    Note: The Committee cannot take a stance on this project due to upcoming ballot measure

10. Committee Members’ Proposed Future Agenda Items [Discussion]
-    Devanshu Patel address the updating of Committee Flyer with more information
o    Ellousie stated if we are publishing meetings the Committee needs to show separation between Shipyards CAC and BVHP CAC
-    Daynas Corman will reach out regrading retreat with Supervisor Cohen
-    Ellousie Patton addressed the idea of videotaping the meetings
-    Daynas Corman1300 Fitzgerald St. Property developer presentation request

11. Next Meeting Schedule [Discussion and Action]  
-    The next regularly scheduled meeting – April 6, 2016.
12.   General Public Comment  
-     At this time, members of the public may address the Citizens Advisory Committee on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Committee but do not appear on the agenda. With respect to agenda items, the public will be given an opportunity to address the Committee when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may address the Committee for up to three minutes.  
The Brown Act forbids a Committee from taking action or discussing any item not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at Public Comment. In response to public comment on an item that is not on the agenda, the Committee is limited to:
•    briefly responding to statements made or questions posed by members of the public, or
•    requesting staff to report back on a matter at a subsequent meeting, or
•    directing staff to place the item on a future agenda. (Government Code Section 54954.2(a).)
13. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 7:34 PM.
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