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Meeting Information

Budget and Policy Committee

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 





October 19, 2004

5:00 P.M.

City Hall, Room 421

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place



Order of Business:


  1. Call to Order, Flag Salute and Roll Call.


  1. Public comment on items appearing or not appearing on the agenda that are within the jurisdiction of the Budget and Policy Committee.


3.         Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes for the Budget and Policy Committee meeting of August 17, 2004.


4.         Discussion and possible action to recommend to the State an amendment to the California Elections Code to eliminate the pre-election newspaper notice of poll workers and polling places and require posting this information on the Elections Department website instead.  (Continued from the August 17th meeting.)


5.         Discussion and possible action to recommend that the Commission recommend to the Board of Supervisors some form of compensation, per diem or stipend, for members of the Ballot Simplification Committee (BSC).   The BSC has barely had a quorum each meeting for the last 3 years and there is great difficulty in attracting new members to serve.  The requirement calls for service on 12 consecutive days, which is a burden.  Some form of compensation may help attract new members.

6.         Discussion and possible action to ask the Commission to recommend to the Board of Supervisors that the nominating organization for a representative of the print media of  the Ballot Simplification Committee (BSC) be expanded to include additional professional associations.

7.         Discussion and possible action to recommend to the full Commission that San Francisco should seek compensation from the State for the impact of Fair Political Practices Committee (FPPC) filings on the San Francisco Department of Elections.  (Continued from August 17, 2004) 


8.         Discussion and possible action to recommend to the Voter Participation and Outreach Committee or full Commission, ideas and incentives to encourage the retention of experienced poll workers, and possible ideas and incentives to encourage more citizens to serve as poll workers in the future.


9.         Discussion and possible action to recommend to the Elections Commission a clarification of:

a) The Elections Commission’s understanding of what constitutes the “Election Plan” under Charter section 13.103.5:

“…written plans prior to each election, submitted by the Director of Elections, detailing the policies, procedures, and personnel that will be used to conduct the election as well as an assessment of how well the plan succeeded in carrying out a free, fair and functional election.”


10.       Discussion and possible action to recommend to the Elections Commission a clarification of the criteria for granting a waiver to the general rule that City employees may not assist the Department of Elections:

a) Section 13.103.4 of the Charter provides:

“The Elections Commission, may upon the recommendation of the Director of Elections and a finding that the Department will not have adequate staffing to conduct an election, request from the Board of Supervisors a waiver of the conflict-of-interest provisions in Section 13.103.5 for employees working no more than thirty days in a single calendar year.  The Board of Supervisors shall approve or deny such requests from the Elections Commission by motion.”


11.       Public comments on items appearing or not appearing on the agenda that are

           within the jurisdiction of the Budget and Policy Committee.