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Meeting Information

Budget and Policy Committee

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 

(Approved:   3-19-03)

City and County of San Francisco


                                            BUDGET AND POLICY COMMITTEE    

Minutes of the Meeting Held

Wednesday, March 5, 2003


1.         Call to Order and Roll Call.  Commissioner Brenda Stowers, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm.  Commissioner Robert Kenealey was present and Commissioner Rosenthal was absent.   Chairperson Stowers determined that a quorum existed.


Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Robert Kenealey.


2.         Public commentMary Hilton of the League of Women Voters asked why the Commission was considering the removal of the Leagues’ appointee to the Ballot Simplification Committee.  Commissioner Kenealey responded that it was his understanding that the League of Women Voters was taking positions regarding ballot measures which presents conflict of interest.  Mr. Kenealey said that originally, at the start of the League’s involvement with the Ballot Simplification Committee, the League did not take positions on ballot measures.  Ms. Hilton responded that a division exists within the League of two elements: an “action (501(c)(4) status)” element and a “voter education (501(c)(3) status)” element.  Commissioner Kenealey asked Ms. Hilton how the separation is maintained when there is only one League and Commissioner Stowers asked if the members who represent the 501(c)(4) and the ones who represent the 501(c)(4) side of the League were different.  Ms. Hilton answered that the separation of 501(c)(4) and 501(c)(4) members did not always occur.   She explained that during elections, the League makes a clear distinction between people who will work in action driven voter services activities and those who work in education services. 


            Provisional Director John Arntz explained that the reason this change was requested was to ensure impartiality of the Committee.  The other four members of the Ballot Simplification Committee are from the newspaper guild and media, and do not submit arguments for the VIP.  These members are also reading and writing specialists. 

            Ms. Hilton suggested that if the Commission wanted to broaden the selection for a replacement for the League on the Committee, that the Commission make sure the candidate has the energy, time and expertise to do the work, because when the Ballot Simplification Committee meets, its often difficult to have a quorum. 


            Commissioner Stowers asked Ms. Hilton if she was in the position, on behalf of the League of Women Voters, to commit the League to doing only the voter education work and not advocate for an issue.  Ms. Hilton said she would want to discuss that with her board.  She said that in the 50 years that the League has worked on voting, it has been both functions and there has never been a question of its impartiality.


3.         (a)  The Committee discussed possible action to recommend to the Elections Commission that it recommend to the Board of Supervisors that it amend the Municipal Elections Code to make various technical and other change.  Commissioner Stowers MOVED to consider the various proposals individually. 


●          Commissioner Stowers then MOVED to recommend changes to conform the Code to recent changes in the Charter.  After a brief discussion, the motion PASSED.


●          Commissioner Stowers then MOVED to recommend changes to specify the public examination periods for each category of material submitted for publication in the Voter Information Pamphlet.  After a brief discussion, the motion PASSED.


●          Commissioner Stowers then MOVED to recommend changes to modify the deadlines for delivery of the Voter Information Pamphlet to the post office prior to each general and run-off election.  Public Comment:   Mary Hilton asked why “run-off” was included in the wording.  Provisional Director Arntz said that he would prefer the reference be removed. Following discussion, it was MOVED to eliminate the reference to “run-off election”.  The motion PASSED.


●          Commissioner Stowers then MOVED to recommend changes to specify language for inclusion in the Voter Information Pamphlet concerning ballot measures which concern the same subject matter and which may have conflicting provisions.  After a brief discussion, the motion PASSED.


●          Commissioner Stowers then MOVED to recommend changes to explicitly incorporate the State law that applies to local ballot designations.  After a brief discussion, the motion PASSED.


●          Commissioner Stowers then MOVED to recommend changes to explicitly state the rules concerning ballot printing following the death of a candidate.   After a brief discussion, the motion PASSED.


●          Commissioner Stowers then MOVED to recommend changes to authorize the Chancellor of the Community College District as well as the Superintendent of the San Francisco Unified School District to nominate a reading specialist for appointment to the Ballot Simplification Committee;   (POSTPONED TO NEXT MEETING)


●          Commissioner Stowers then MOVED to recommend changes to eliminate the requirement that the League of Women Voters nominate one appointee to the Ballot Simplification Committee;   (POSTPONED TO NEXT MEETING)


●          Commissioner Stowers then MOVED to recommend changes to correct outdated code references.  After a brief discussion, the motion PASSED.


●          Commissioner Stowers then MOVED to recommend changes to clarify ambiguous language and codify departmental practice. After a brief discussion, the motion PASSED.


●          Commissioner Stowers then MOVED to recommend changes to eliminate redundancy.   After a brief discussion, the motion PASSED.


●          Commissioner Stowers then MOVED to recommend changes to add subheadings for subsections.  After a brief discussion, the motion PASSED.



The Committee voted to take a brief recess:  6:26 pm.


The Committee returned from break: 6:39 pm.



(b)  The Committee discussed the possible recommendation to the Elections Commission that it recommend to the Board of Supervisors that it amend the Administrative Code to change the deadline for the Board  to adopt an ordinance to call a bond election and submit a bond measure to the voters, from 99 to 102 days before an election.  This change would make the Administrative Code consistent with Municipal Elections Code section 300(a) (providing the general rule that the Board must submit bond measures no later than 102 days before an election).   Commissioner Stowers MOVED to recommend this change.  After a brief discussion, the motion PASSED.



4.         Public Comment - None





ADJOURNMENT at 6:42 pm



The next meeting of the Budget and Policy Committee will be Tuesday, March 18, 2003 at 6:00 pm in Room 400.